
Chapter 81: A Beautiful Morning

Mom said as she stood up picking up her bag, Cynthia also did the same while I just stood there giving the man a look of u acceptance.

"Hey Soldier, take good care of your mom ok."

He said

"I've always done that."

So I responded, I just hate it when all these men make my mom feel uncomfortable. In no time we already left the place, we drove home in mom's car just as we came, we stopped by at aunty Paula's house to drop Cynthia, and when we got there, mom asked me to walk her to the door snd to not leave until she has entered the house, and I did just that, mom was at the car watching us while I walked Cynthia home, we walked hand in hand to their door. When we got there she knocked and waited, the period we waited there would have been useful if mom was not just staring at us directly.

"Take good care of yourself, baby, I love you."

So I said.

 "Thank you for inviting me out tonight, it is truly one of my best days, and I love you most, I really mean this, I love you bunch, and you too, you have to take good care of yourself, you know tomorrow day, take care of yourself, honey."

She said. Right now I felt like kissing her but I just can't I think it is rude to kiss a girl under mom's surveillance. When aunty Paula opened the door, Cynthia hugged me and she went inside and blew me a kiss from behind her mom.

"Greet your mom for me, tell her that ill call her tomorrow."

So did aunty Paula say and I went back to the car to meet mom. 

"Why didn't you kiss her? Hahahah."

Mom teased me.


I shouted and she laughed and ignited the car and drove us home.

                     ***A Beautiful Morning***

It was Monday morning, I woke up feeling happy, Sunday was also a beautiful day just like the Saturday outing was. The Saturday outing made it apparent that I and Cynthia were in a relationship because I remembered that aunty Paula came to the house after church service and she and my mom had a very lengthy symposium, they even discussed about me and Cynthia, aunty Paula even suggested that we both should go to the same school.

Now let me give you a detailed data about what happened on Sunday. Yesterday after church service, mom and I were home, we had just finished having our lunch, it was rice and Banga sauce and fried plantain that mom prepared, we had it with coke for mom and Hollandia yogurt for me. Mom is kind of addicted to coke, she could hardly eat any food without diluting it with a bottle of Coca-Cola. When mom was diagnosed with gastric ulcer, the doctor warned her against anything with excess gas, I remembered vividly that the doctor warned her against Coke and apple.