
Chapter 82: The Sunday Visit

                     ***The Sunday Visit***

Banga sauce was one of my favorites, so I really enjoyed the meal, it was mouth-watering, after eating, we sat in the sitting room, both me and my mom seeing a movie on the African magic channel, her favorite movie actor was in the movie, it was Chiwetalu Agu. Mom loves that channel, she really enjoys the local movies while I only appreciate the foreign ones. So we were there seeing the movie when the doorbell rang.

"Go get the door."

Mom said to me, I was already on my way before mom even said it, I walked to the door without even asking for the person on the door, I opened the door to find aunty Paula and Cynthia at the door.

"My inlaw, how are you?"

Aunty Paula greeted me as she rolled into the house, Cynthia on the other hand was with a little cooler in her hand, she stood there at the door looking at me like a kid will look at an elder who had promised her candy.

"Come in bae,"

I said very silently. 

"Did you hear what mom called you? Inlaw, hahaha, this yesterday's outing has really turned into something else oo, mom has been teasing me since calling you my husband, hahaha."

Cynthia said

Aunty Paula walked directly to mom and sat at the place where I sat before. She and mom exchanged compliments and continued with the movie, thank God Cynthia was here, the movie eas already boring me to death, I rather watch cartoon than watch the kind of movies that mom watch. She preferred African magic, Iroko TV, and SeaWorld. These TV stations are stations I can never watch on my own, I only watch them when mom had it on, and that is only because I had no option.

"Mom, the meat."

Cynthia said. The little cooler that Cynthia had on her hand was fried beef and peppered gravy.

"Oh yeah, inlaw, take her to the kitchen, dish small for me and your mom, then you two can have the rest."

"Oh, you brought meat? You this lady."

Mom said, i and Cynthia went to the kitchen to get the plate, when we got there, I brought out mon's special plate, it was the fanciest plate in our house, so I used it to dish for her and aunty Paula. When we were done, we had to dish our own.

"I made it for you. I told mom to get it on our way back from church, since then she had been calling Damian's wife."

Cynthia said hilariously.

"Have it"

She said as she picked a slice of meat with her hand to feed me, as she brought those fingers to my mouth, I held her by the hand and gradually brought it to my mouth, I collected the meat and with my buried in her eyes I licked and sucked on her fingers, as my tongue touched her hands I could feel her slightly quake as she closed her eyes.