
Chapter 35: The Anticipated Surprise Day

"It's ok Damie, some days are like that, but you still have to come to school tomorrow. Right?"

She advised. She now noticed that her plan will yield her great profit because of the way I reacted knowing that I won't be participating in the swimming competition, little did she know that I was only pretending. Well, one of my areas of competence is pretense. Hahaha, don't mind me, it's only my protection mechanism.

"Well... I'll come, I just feel bad about how great I have lost out for missing school today, I promise I'll never miss school no matter how unhealthy I might feel."

So I said.

"You ehn, how can you just be at home without the television on?" Please where is the remote control?" 

She asked as she searched for the remote. Poor Cynthia, she never knew that I was watching a horror movie before she knocked at the door, I only switched off the television set so that she will not think that I chose to not go to school because just to watch movies.

           ***The Anticipated Surprise Day***

The next day, it was a beautiful Wednesday, I remembered that day vividly, it's a day that I just can't forget, the day that exposed me to my true personality, the day I thought would be my last. Well, it happened that we got to school very early that day. As a matter of fact, Cynthia came to my house very early to wait for me so we could go to school together, I wondered when she actually woke up that day for her to have been done with her preparation and even came to my side to wait by that time of the day. My Mom always love it when she sees me and Cynthia together, little did she know that I even love it more than she did. Well, Cynthia could not wait for us to go to school so she could break the surprise to me, she felt she had done me a very great favor. But think of it on the brighter side, she actually did me a favor, for if not for her act of kindness I won't have known who I truly am, Mom would have hidden it till I probably die, and dad won't have even known of my existence. Mom had lied to me that I have a rare allergy, that whenever I swim in any water I will die, for that I had always made sure I dont have any contact with water until today and it was because of Cynthia.

So when we got to school, we realized that we were extremely early, there are only but a few students in the school, so, we had to look for a place to and wait for the assembly session. I was still thinking why Cynthia would want us to come to school that early, I notice she was very eager for us to get to school and fast, but, why? That is what I don't know.