
Chapter 245: My Spot

Well, it appeared that he knew what he was saying because those people definitely had a connection with Bermuda, but we do not know whether or not they are hunters like he had said.

"Hmm... It is quite obvious that you know about him already, but how did you know about this? Who told you?"

Aunty Paula asked.

"I don't believe you have the right to ask me that, after all, you and my girl ganged up to hide such a treasure from me."

He said.

"My dear Juliet, I know you planned to keep his identity a secret, it's a very good one, please person my behavior, I am so excited, I have been making research on his kind for a very long time, during my days in school. And since then, he had been the first I am meeting in person, I am so glad that I can stand before him in person, it is a very great privileged for me to stand before him. And please don worry about who told me, that is not the problem, the issue is that he will have to be more conscious of where and when he uses his powered, although is true that he must use his powers else they will not develop and evolve, but even though he must use his powers often, he must choose where, when, how and what type of power that chooses to display. In a public place, he must not use his power, and he must never use his powers for any form of Showoff. The truth is just what I have told you earlier. There are these strong groups whose main goals are to capture his kind and sail them to Bermuda, the place where they take them to is yet to be determined. And the group is illegal, so they work underground. But mind you, although they are illegal, they still control a lot of power in the world's legal sector."

So Mr. Bright said, this that he said sent a massive which to everyone in the house, everyone seems calm and quiet, especially aunty Paula. She knew first hand how this could be very imperative to her husband, yet she kept it from him. Of a fact, no one expected that to be a person's first-time reaction about my kind.

"I told him, no need to play the hide games, I told him, I never knew that he don't know, I felt like everyone in it the whole game together, he told me how the water king, or is it the Aquaking caught the whole of these things for you and your son, so I thought that he already knows so I told home little that I knew and he added two together know all that he knows now. So, I told him."

Fake dad said making that facial expression of someone expecting any form of attack, but no one seemed to be interested in attacking him. The fact was that we had to keep it from him because we believed that he might not take it easy, especially knowing that I and his daughter are friends, but the nice man who will not cease to amaze me took the news rather the other way around. 

Now, what Mr. Bright said is really quite scary, what do we mean by there is an organization called centers that are after my kind? So those that mean that I will spend my whole life hiding? And if the Hunters are the same as the ones that came after mom and me before dad said that he had settled the case, then I really think that I have no problem, yes, though I must commend their resilience, they still are no match for me. Is it dad or Poseidon, whoever it was that gave me these abilities really made sure that I was fortified enough before being born to earth, in other words, I will say that I was born ready. Yeah, I was born ready, no wonder mom said that I never cried at birth.

Well, it seemed like the whole celebration and treat that we were supposed to have had somehow been ruined by the speech of Mr. Bright. But the man who knows his way with words still found a way to revive all the dead moods in the house. 

"What is going on here? It's not like we are morning here. We are celebrating, let's eat, let's drink and merry, for we have with us a Damian! The Prince of the Atlantis..."

So he said as he opened a bottle of red wine which sat gallantly on the table.

"Yeah! I have been salivating since I came into this room. Please let's get the party started, and please, can someone change this station to a better music station? Tune in to HIP TV or MTV BASE. I trust their songs."

So fake dad said as he also turned the wine in his glass and then turned for everyone. Now aunty Paula made a sign to Cynthia and she stood up and started dishing the food in the plates of everyone. Well, in a very short time, everywhere began to boom, the aura returned to what it was supposed to look like, but it never was how it was supposed to be, but at least, it was a near-perfect experience.

That day, we all were at our house till sunset, it was more like the day started at our place and ended at our place. It was a very nice time we had that day everyone had fun to the fullest, our fun cup was almost full to the brim. So, that evening after everyone had gone, that it is, Mr. Bright and his family which consisted of him, aunty Paula and Cynthia my love. So, after they had all gone, fake dad stayed back, he was with us till almost dark, mom had to remind him of the time before he left for his mansion.

Fake dad and mom started doing that which was meant for just mom and me. They were gossiping, I really fancied my position as mom's gossip mate, and so swiftly, fake dad took that position away from me, gradually and rather too quickly, I saw him take possession of that position. So they sat together discussing and gossiping with mom's legs on his body while he massages them for her. Poor me, I sat at the dining table like one invisible hollow man watching them do their disgusting talks. They started by discussing and apologizing for the past, then they switched to school talks then went back to apologies, and then back to good school days. Their discussion was just a back and forth thing, they never had any good thing to discuss.

"Look at them, he can't even gossip like me, I bet mom will soon get tired of his talks and come back to me begging to be her gossip mate again." So I thought in my crazy little head that night. Though their talk had been quite too boring but never boring enough as the last one they resulted to before I left them to my room. Among all the stories that they were supposed to gossip about, it was me that they chose to talk about. 

"Now that you know about him, you already know the kind of a person he is and who his biological father is, what do you think? Do you still think that you can take him as your own son? Because my dear, it is where he is that I will be."

Mom said, at that moment, out of jealousy that I have been sidelined by them and rendering me invisible, I felt even more assaulted and battered by mom to be seeking his acceptance of me, at that moment I was like "if he dont wants to accept me... So, what the fuck!" Hahaha, selfish, right? I know about that. I know how selfish I could be sometimes, the problem is that I have grown so attached to my mom and it made me often jealous to see her trying to have another male in her life, I feel like I might never be relevant anymore to her. But little did I know that my mom can never replace me with anyone, I will even say that it was my love for her that was weak.

"Mom! I am still here, and I can still hear you people even without any superpowers. Even though I have become invisible to you, I can still see and hear what you are saying."

So I said and got up and moved straight into my room, there was already a decider in there, so, no need to stay here and listen to their little unhealthy gossip, so I said in my head as I left them in the sitting room.

"Hahaha... You are not invisible honey, I just know that you can still hear us gather how much we whisper, so what is the need for whispering? You can never be invisible to me honey, you are Beverly visible to my eyes and mind honey."

So mom said, but I never paid attention, I just left them anyway to my room where I can lie on my bed and watch my television. That night when I got to my room I switched on the television set and also the decoder, after it was done with its scanning, I stunned to MTV BASE where I can listen to music and probably sleep in the process, so, with sleep in my mind, I quickly rushed to the bathroom for a quick night bath, after that I returned to the bed and reduce the volume of the song so that it will sound almost like a whisper, or a lullaby, then I picked up my phone and decided to chat Cynthia up, luckily for me, she was still online, she had already dropped an offline message for me.

"Hello love, Charity, and Chinwe just chatted with me, they are talking about partying together on the twenty-ninth, all friends, even some friends from school. But she said that they were still looking for a venue."

This was the message I met from Cynthia when I opened my WhatsApp to chat, luckily it was not long before she sent the message, so I chatted her up saying.

"Homey I am In, I will be participating, I have missed them a whole lot."

Just seconds after I had sent the message Cynthia came back online, she chatted me with a creating.

"How are you my love? Hope you are well."

And I responded and we went on with the talk concerning the party.

"Charity is the host of the party, but she is complaining about a shortage of resources, by resources I meant money"

She chatted. With this, I had a quick thought, 'what if we have the party at my house? With that, there will be not much money wasted' so I thought. Just as I thought it in my head, so did I transmit it into a chat to Cynthia, she actually bought the Idea, but the matter remains that I had to talk to mom about it, I don't know, but I had that strong conviction that mom was definitely going to permit me, after all, she will be going to work on the twenty-ninth since it was not going to be a holiday.

"Hold on, let me make a group chat for the four of us, so we can chat about it. It's going to be, you, me, Charity, and Chinwe."

So she said and I accede to the idea. I truly have missed talking with the Super Cee, and too bad of me, after the exams, I had not for once called any of them, I never even asked for their numbers, well, I guess they will understand, after all, one of them also asked for mine, so I guess we were all good.