
Chapter 212: Security Men

Fake dad gave all the required papers to the police officer, and even gave them that which they never needed, the officer was disappointed, so he asked fake dad to come down from the car and he refused, he tried making noise by asking fake dad to park well and come down from the car.

"Hey young man, I am not coming down from this car, so it's either that you call your boss over here or you leave my way before I hit you down with this car."

Fake dad said to the man with authority, this made the police officer shocked as he looked inside the car like he was in search of something, I think he was searching to see if fake dad was a military man, but there was no way he can be a military man, his beards were too thick to be that of military personnel.

"Who are you? I said who are you?"

The man questioned dad, but dad only ignited his engine and the man shouted saying.

"Oga, oga, oga."

So he said and other policemen ran to our car like they have caught a thief, even the man who seemed to be their superior came with them to see what was going on, funny enough, the superior recognized dad, as soon as he saw that it was Dad in the car, he quickly treated dad begging for his pardon, in turn, he insulted the policeman asking him why he had to obstruct the free passage of law-abiding citizens of Nigeria. It was quite funny how he knew that we were law-abiding, he never even asked about the problem, he just concluded that because it was fake dad, a very rich and influential entrepreneur in Abuja, even when we left, I heard one of the corps asking the sergeant who stopped us if he doesn't have a television at home.

"How can you say that you do not know this ma? Or, is it that you don't have a television in your house?"

So the man with the faint voice said. The delay cause a hold-up on the traffic, but as fake dad moved on, the whole road became free, and other vehicle owners continued with their drive.

It was quite a thing of shock it should I say fear when we got home that evening to find the house tightly secured by both the police and the military personnel. Fake dad had called and demanded a strong defense team as a response to the attacks that mon and I had been having. He had earlier said that he will employ a secret investigator to run some investigations concerning the attack and bring to book all this responsible for it. When he said this I thought it was just a mare word of a braggart, but this which he did made me know that he truly meant that which he had said. At first, I thought the house was under siege, the number of security men in and outside the gate was too much. If I do not know better I would have said that he knew about what was going to happen the next day.


One of the security men said as he walked up to him, fake dad extend his hand for a handshake and they both shook hands, the man gave him a tight grip, it was obvious that he felt it hard because his face said it all.

I am sure you and your boys did not find it difficult to locate here."

Dad said with a smile. Mom and I were surprised as to when fake dad organized these people without our notice, but if mom was was attentive, she would have noticed when dad was on the phone with one of the security men. I noticed it but my mind was just not there at all.

"No Sir, it wasn't difficult at all."

The man responded. Now, this man was the commander of the security team he was a serving soldier in the Nigerian army, fake dad had known him from before, so, when fake dad was seeking for the security team, he mentioned the name of the Lieutenant, that was why he was assigned to him again. Fake Dad is a very wealthy man, he is influential all over Abuja and more, I even wondered how that policeman could not recognize him, I bet he does not have a television as his colleague said.

"Ok, This is my son, and this is his mother, my wife."

He made the wife part so bold and audible, when he said this he looked at mom and gave her a wink.

"They are the ones that I was telling you about, please I want you to take good care of them, that is the only thing that you are going to be paid for, their protection, I already have Musa and Bruno on the underground investigation, so you will do the protection, you know what to do and how to do it, my own is to pay you for a job well done." 

Fake dad said to the man and pointed at us.

"My dear, you know I promised you that I will take care of you and my son, now this is it, he is the one in charge of this crew. He is Lieutenant Garba and these are his boys, they will make sure that those hoodlums don't come near the both of you."

So he made the introduction and we both went inside. Though mom was aback by what she saw she still love the fact that it will protect me.

That night when we got home, we still got the party going, the groove went on, the cooks were still around so we were served with many kinds of delicacies and wine, mom allowed me to take alcohol to my satisfaction after fake dad persuaded her on my behalf.