
Chapter 213: Catch Me If You Can

"Damian, here I am, catch me if you can, if you can't catch me, then it only means you are a loser" 

I heard Cynthia's voice echoing in the deeps of the woods, then was when I realized the whole ordeal, I have so lost In hearing her voice to the extent I didn't try to realize where I was, I remembered coming home from the pack with mom and fake dad, and I can also recall mom permitting to drink alcoholic drinks to my satisfaction last night after a long persuasion from fake dad tell her that it was Christmas and that a day drink won't mean that I am a drunk, but I guess that I was really wasted that night because I can't remember where and when I doze off, but I sure know that it was in the house, so, how did I come here is the bugging question, that was yet to be answered.

  "Cynthia... Cynthia is that you?"

 I asked, I then saw her coming out of her place of hiding, she was wearing a blue floral dress, cascading down to her toes, her long braids Cascade down to her back, she wore that simple makeup, she was actually incongruous and surreal, yet real at the same time, I couldn't help but wonder if she was truly the one, she looks so breathtakingly beautiful, I didn't know when my feet lost her function, as I stared at her in a daze, she has managed to capture the better part of me, even the trees, the grasses and the rocks in the woods were dazzled by her beauty. despite that I still used my feet to Walk towards her I still couldn't feel them anymore, the confidence of my feet was not felt at that instance. But as soon as I touched her light skin which appeared to seem chocolate at the moment because of the poor quality of light in the woods at that moment, as I felt her skin on my palm, I realized how soft, silky, and smooth it was, once again I felt intoxicated by her beauty to the extent that I almost Lost track of time.

  "Cynthia... are you really the One that I am staring at Right now? "

 I asked, which earned a nod from her, she came closer to me, before cupping my cheeks, she was just so beautiful, her hands felt so soft, on my cheeks, to the extent I had to close my eyes just to savor, her breathtaking physique.

  "Can I kiss you?" 

I asked, I don't know where I got that boldness knowing fully well that we are still not on talking times, but maybe it's because I am needy and desperate to feel her soft and plump lips against mine once again. I was even more surprised when she raised her head to look at me deep in the eyes to say;

  "yes please, yes Damian, you can kiss me, just come closer, I have missed you a whole lot."

So she said, I immediately moved my lips closer to hers, I quickly without any form of hesitation punched her lips with my lips, feeling her soft lips against mine was heavenly, she closed her eyes as I dove deeper into the kiss, I was so Lost into her heavenly soft lips, her rose petalled lips, the sweet juice from her lips could be likened to honey nectar, I felt all of my vital organs Illuminating with the light of passion.

  "Damian... Damian... Damian, wake up, for how long Will you continue kissing the pillow?" 

I heard the angry voice of my Mother, calling out to me, she had done it again, once again my mom entered my room without knocking, I just don't understand how to explain to her how privacy works. I squint my eyes, only to find my lips pressed to the pillow, I immediately pushed it out roughly, wondering why I was even kissing the pillow in the first place, I thought I was kissing Cynthia's soft, heavenly lips.

 "why were you kissing the pillow, when did you start fantasizing about women? You almost ate up the pillow with your tongues all rolling out, yeah, like you were seriously having a passionate kiss"

 I heard my mother's subtle voice, clouding the entire room, I couldn't come to the resolution why my mom, Miss Juliet Chibuzor, yes my mother, a well educated and wise woman will not understand that I am old enough to have attained the right of privacy, now imagine, she had to wake me up from my slumber, Just because she wanted to ask me why I was kissing the pillow.

  "good morning mum" 

I greeted nonchalantly, this is my behavior, whenever am frustrated with her actions, she stared at me, More in a scrutinizing gaze.

  "Damian, why did you greet me in such a manner? I know you very well, whenever you give me such a greeting, it could only mean one thing, and that is that you are mad at me for something, so tell me, what is the matter? Or is it because I had to stop you from committing a mind sin?"

Ahe asked hilariously, I kept quiet without saying a word, how can she tell me that she does not know why I was angry, for goodness sake, we had been on this matter for quite a long time now, how do I have to keep telling her to Always knock and wait for a response before entering my room, it already sounds like an old blues. Well, I guess that from my action and quietness she will have to comprehend what was in my mind, yes, she has to understand me. I have come to realize that mom understands the seriousness of my anger more when I go on speech strike, there are times when I was really frustrated with her actions, I tried to make her see my side of feelings, but no matter how I did it, mom just kept her stand on what she did, It was only when I decided to go on a speech strike that she eventually understood my plight, the reason I was unhappy and why I found her action unacceptable.