
Chapter 208: Undying Passion

Every girl wants to experience it. Yes, they all want to experience that undying love the Romeo and Juliet kind of love, the 'you and me against the world' story, but no one seems to remember the fate of Romeo and Juliet, they only chose to remember the sweet part, forgetting they both died without enjoying their perfect love.

But do you think all of this kind of love exist? A perfect love story? A perfect guy or girl? A perfect love with no pain? If you do, then you really do believe in the existence of fairy love. Well, I don't believe in fairy tales, but I believe in love, I believe in love that burns like fire but leaves no scar but a bliss, I also believe in love that extorts from you but never leaves you empty but filled, yes, I believe in a lover whom you can't stand his or her presence but...but you will die without. Yes, I believe in love.

I think I am already digressing from my original story, but still, it wasn't a true digress, because I promised to tell you everything about me, I promised to keep nothing from you, so welcome to my diary.

Shortly after the ladies left, Evelyn came knocking at the door. Mom gave him this look of expectation making a hand gesture that almost looked like she was asking a question, and with this, he asked.

"Who is there?"

He asked with a little hostility.

"Sir, it's me, Evelyn, Joy and Bimbo said that you asked of me, sir."

She said from the other side of the door.

"Ikem, please help me go and get the door."

So he said and I quickly stood up from where I sat for the door. Seriously, mom and I had only spent a night in the house of Fake dad and we were already living as a family, well, dad was lucky to act fast enough, else, he would have lost me to fake dad.

'Kwick'... That was the sound of the door when I twisted it to open. Evelyn was just standing on the other side with her hands folded backward. 

"Happy Christmas young master" 

So she said in her classy tone, the lady was too classy to be a cook, more like I have already gotten a picture of how cooks look in Nigeria via the Nollywood movies mom often watches. This was one of the reasons I never liked watching the Nollywood, I feel like they don't represent Nigeria a hundred percent, almost like there is an intentional motive to undermine the integrity of the Nigerian culture.

"Please come inside? I called on you to have a rundown of what you are preparing, why It is taking this long, and when we are even going to have it all ready."

Mr. Matt said to the classy cook, she took a few steps to come inside still with her hands across her back like someone hiding something.

"Sir, we a baking cake, and meat pie, that is for the snacks, we made a milkshake, ice cream, and natural orange and pineapple juice. We are also making goat meat pepper soup, turkey and tomato stew, white soup, and Banga soup, these are for the sauce, for the solid food, we are making fried rice, Nigerian Jollof, white rice, and we are also going to make pando yam and semovita, we are done with many of the meals, few are almost done, but the pando yam and semo will only be done when it is needed, sir."

So she said in a very poised manner, I noticed that Mr. Matt also does not treat her like he did treat the other cooks who were obviously scared him, but this lady seemed like a professional, and she spoke like one who knew what she was doing. 

"Ok, you may now go."

So he said to her after she had given a comprehensive rundown of what she had done.

"And sir, the cake and meat pie is ready, should I bring it now? And which should I bring?"

She asked.

"Please get the cake and the iced cream for now, we have to celebrate."

Fake dad said to her and she turned again and matches to the door and slightly slammed the door which made a thud sound.

That day was very great, imagine all the food that was prepared for only that day, and mom still wanted us to go to an eatery, to do what? What could we possibly eat there that we can't eat here? We later ended up going to a park, Mellenium park, a very old park in Abuja but the most classic, so fake dad said, but before we went there, we had already had a taste of almost everything cooked in the house, just like the Spanish word 'gula' which simply means gluttony or greed in English, we ate little out of almost if not all of the food cooked that day before going to the park which turned out to be the definition of fun, I even bumped into Charity who was very executed to meetCharity came with a group of her female folks while I came toth dad and mom, she asked me of Cynthia, according to her, she called cynthia and informed her of the girls outing, both Cynthia and chioma, but they all turned down the outing, they said it was quite too prompt.