
Chapter 147: I am Going

As she took the bra, she quickly wore it and cover her boobs, then went for her pants and she wore it so quickly like never wanted me to see her nakedness, this was an act I found very funny, this is the girl I just had sex with, now she is covering her private parts for me not to see. But as funny as it was, it was still annoying, but I tried my best to keep my annoyance from becoming visible. 

That day, I just stood watching her do her things I couldn't even sit, all I did was ask he:

"Will you not like to bath first? I mean wash yourself from all the semen and wetness."

So I said as I was her wear her clothes despite all that conspired earlier. 

"Me? Bath in your house? It's like you got plans, don't worry, I have water in my house."

So she said. Hmm... You know what, amid all Cynthia's recent madness, I still saw some huge lump of sweetness and cuteness in her, her funny way of speaking is actually cute. Well, before long, she was already done with the dressing, and now she just stood there looking at my restlessness and concussion, I could have sworn that I caught her smiling. But when I looked well, she was frowning again. So I just stood there watching her do her things which seemed to be nothing other than watch me with a probing eye, like a look given to a suspected thief during interrogation.

"I'm going".

So she said and I responded saying "Ok", but she still stood there staring at me with an immobile eye, her riddled looks seem too difficult to understand, especially now that I can't hear thoughts anymore.

"I said I am going, Damian! Are you just going to stand there and watch me? Will you not escort me? I said I am going and you stand there looking at me, If it's to take virginity you will rush."

She said. Like seriously, is she taunting me or something? Now I noticed that she has started talking loud, her mood was not as it was before, she now let words out of her most very effortlessly.

No I stood up and walked to the front, I thought the sweet but annoying Cynthia will come after me, but she didn't, instead, she stood there looking at me.

"So you won't hold my hand."

So she said in a very sweet tone, she almost sounded like she was going to cry, like when she asked me to be slow before the commencement of the sex.

Now I walked to her and grabbed her by the hand, her soft and silky palm, almost as soft as her lips, hmm her gracious lips. So we walked out of the door hand in hand, when we got to the sitting room, I remembered how Cynthia came into the house and walked directly into my room, common, she needed the sex, so I thought, it became apparent to me that she needed it, if not, she won't go to my room and direct to my bed, she would have sat at the sitting room as usual and we will watch TV. and probably kiss and romance, but no, she went to the room, now she is blaming me.

I walked her tongue door and I thought that she will leave to her house like that, but no, she held my hand tight and asked me to still walk her forward which I did, now as we got close her house in our boring way of no speech, I thought that she will now let go of me with a curse, but no, she turns and gave me a hug, now my eyes were open in shock, I thought she was mad at me, she hugged me very tightly in the street, though the street is often scanty, but it is still a street.

As she hugged and gripped me right, she whispered in my ear saying.

"I love you, Damian."

This statement from her really gave me a strong shock. Now I tried to break the group so I can see her face, but she made it impossible for me, she held me so right, it was only now that I understood why she was holding me that right, I think she doesn't want me to see her face 

"I love you too baby. And I am so sorry about earlier I thought..."


She quickly cut me short as I seem to start my normal routine of pleading again. 

"Don't start dear, do not pay much mind at the things I said in your house, I just...I...I just wanted to bully you a bit."