
Chapter 134: Questions

Even though mom's guilt won't allow her to look me in the eyes, she was still happy, as I heard her singing songs in the kitchen. But mom got guts, she was even singing gospel songs, she was singing gospel songs as a Christian when she knew that she just got home from where she went to visit a native doctor, yeah, we went together, but she made me go, left for me, I won't go anywhere, she was even the one who taught me never to visit a native doctor's place no matter the condition, yet she went, and she was even giving me the sermon of " desperate times calls for desperate measures." You see, swimming and native doctors, these were crossed by a big red line in my house, mom made me see them as extremely bad, at least for myself, so I truly do not need anyone to tell me about these things. As for the swimming, I have learned my lessons first hand, if I ever survive this situation, I will never try swimming again in my life. And as for the native doctor, after today, I have seen it that it is really not supposed for a reasonable person to patronize such a place. This native doctor, If that was how all native doctors behave, then no one should ever try to visit them, because he will torment that person with his evil stupidity.

So, not too long, mom was done with the dinner, she served it with a holandia yogurt pack. It was noodles, mom ord prepared an instant noodle, no wonder she finished on time, the noodles were not just ordinary noodles she used a lot of ingredients for it, she used carrot, egg, green pater and fresh red paper and other things which were not visible and obvious.

"My love, please eat up ok, you know we are going out again tomorrow, so eat ok. Look I know you have got questions for me, yes I know, but please leave it until after everything had been settled."

Mom said. This statement of hers awakened everything in my head.

"What? Wait till when? Mom, noo, I think I deserve to know, and I deserve to know now, not later, and not after, it is either now or... Hmm, it better be now, now tell me mom, who is my father?"

So I said with tears gushing down my eyes. One thing about me was that I was a very emotional person, yes, I said was, because many things had changed in me since after I came back. I know you all will be wondering where I went, yeah I later went to see dad, and yes beneath the sea, I stayed a little while there and I made a couple of friends, I also met Elektra. Well, that is a topic for another day, you know I promised to be detailed in my exposition, so I will rather take everything in a "step by step" manner.

"My love, pls do not cry, you know how much it breaks my heart seeing you cry."

Mom said.

"Then answer me my question, who is my Dad?"

I shouted I screamed at the top of my voice causing mom to shock. At the moment, my hands were shaking everything was vibrating on my body, the colour of my eyes started changing, I could feel me losing myself. Looking at this happening to me, mom started crying saying that she will tell me everything, begging me not to blackout. She was apparently scared that I was going to die If I blackout, little did she know that it was only my powers that will be awakened. And even me, when I realized that it was about to start again, I immediately started trying to control myself, I can't stand to hurt my mom, I just can't, God forbid, I just can't forgive myself know that I caused her any harm, physical harm or even mind. It is ok this way, at least I that we are just having issues, that is how it should be, I can't hurt my mama. So, I managed to control myself.

"Your Father is not a human, he is a Merman. Yes, he is a merman from the infamous Elegushi beach."

Mom said.

"And you as well, how comes you know already know him? What are you not telling me, so you are now hiding things from me."

Mom added.

"Really, so you also have to play the blame card... Ok, this is it, I have been him having dreams lately, and I kept seeing this man who looked like me, I only got to know about him in my dreams and I'm sure you know how bad to only see your fad in your dreams."

I said. 

"But mom, why a fish? Why not another animal, since it got to be an animal, why not even a dog, why a fish-man mom, what happens to werewolves? Why a fish-man, mom you know that fishes are senseless. Why must it be a fish, now I am going to become a fish with a brain, common mom, I need answers, and that is the only thing I must get."

I added.

"My love, it is not as you think, I was not myself."

Mom said.

"And when you realized that u were pregnant, why did you not seek drugs that will flush it? Why must you bring me to earth like this, why mom, how could you allow an abomination like me go dwell on Enuani."

I asked Mom, and with this, she started crying, that cry that often breaks my heart.

"So, you feel that I did wrong for having you as my child? Well?  No problem, you wish that I aborted you? Is this how much you now hate me? Baby, please, I promise that everything will be clear to you when all is done, please stop breaking my heart, I beg you."

Mom cried. Now I began to feel guilty, I think that I am taking it too far, yes it is true that she had done some evil things to me, yes, keeping thing of this great importance