
Chapter 133: The Way Home

That day as we drove home, mom seem so happy, she left the shrine at Ushafa happy, but after we met with the mad-looking prophet, her mood was elated. I caught her several time smiling to herself.

"Cynthia, what do you think about this man? Tell me, do you think he is fake or real? I sincerely think he is real, did you see how he stopped us? And did you notice that he never asked us for money, and he was the one telling us of all our problems, and you know what? There is this thing that he said that Is just similar to that of the blind prophet, the blind prophet said that I must never allow him to swim, and since he never swam, none of this happened, I was safe, it was only after he swam that these started, and this man also said that I must not let him swim any river, and that crazy ugly cripple of a native doctor said I should always let him swim. Evil people, they just want me to lose my son, the only thing I have in this world. Well, thank God, He sent this man to us. So tell me, what do you think?"

Mom asked in so many words.

"Hmm... I really do not know o, im just not comfortable with this urgent journey to Lagos, Lagos is not just Kaduna or Nassarawa, Lagos is far, it is not a place someone just decides to go without planning."

Aunty Paula said.

"Hmm... You made a point there, but you heard what both said, we don't have time, we have very little time. And we won't be going to Lagos by road, I also know of the danger of traveling on road these days, if not for anything, the bandits and terrorists alone are enough reason not to travel on land. So don't worry, I had that in mind before, that was why I told the man that we will travel through the air."

Mom responded to aunty Paula. She was so happy, at least gave me a little hope, I knew she was going to find a way out of the problem. But the truth was that the revelation I just got about myself at that moment really got me feeling down as I started asking myself questions again, questions like; What is really happening I just can't believe that I am not a human, how could mom do this to me? How could she even bring me to earth? Why didn't she abort me then and go get a real human to be my father? So what can I call myself? A hybrid? Or a crossbreed? How could she even keep such a piece of information from me, and she claims to love me, what if this never work? Then I'll just turn into a fish and probably dehydrate and die, or probably run toea and swim off, swim off like a brainless fish. But why fish? Why not any other animal, im even allergic to fishes, why not wolves so I can be a werewolf, why must it be a fish? why fish?

There were the crazy questions that ran through my confused mind, as at then, I never knew what it was to be me, I never knew that being a Merman will be the best that can happen to anyone.

Well we still kept on with the silent treatment, I and mom never spoke to each other till we got home, I have just been stacking these questions for her, she has to give me answers to these questions, yeah, she has to, she owe that to me, this was no longer time for "I don't want to hurt mom's feelings", she got to tell me everything and it must be today, I know we already made promise that I will wait till the problem is solved she will tell me everything, but I know I couldn't wait. The thought of waiting alone send goosebumps to my skin, as I kept nursing these thoughts in my head, " what if this problem is never solved? what if I die? Of what if I turned into a brainless fish, how will she explain things to a fish, do fishes even understand things?" So I concluded in my mind that that day was the day the mama will tell me everything, there is no time for procrastination. And so it was, when we got home, mom Dropped aunty Paula outside their gate and drove us home. We actually got home late, we left pretty early, but returned late, it wasn't like it was late "late", we got home around a few munites to six, and we left pretty early, it was the time we spent searching for that Alfa who sent us to that delinquent of a native doctor. We spent more time in these two places before we finally met or should say before the prophet in a dirty white attire met us, yes, he met us, we weren't the ones who found him. 

Now when we got home, mom who knows full well that I got loads of questions for her quickly rushed into the kitchen trying to prepare something for us to eat, I knew that she was trying to help so we can eat, yet I felt like she was doing that just to run from my question, so I kept it to myself waiting for her to get done so I can hip the questions on her during dinner. Normal mom will ask me to join her in the kitchen, bet she never did, she just quietly strolled into the kitchen and started doing her things, well, I would have also liked to help her out, but I just can't stand being too close with her for now, I might blurt and say things I will later wish I never said. So I just had to wait until dinner, so I can unleash my heart on her