
Chapter 132: The Mad Prophet

                   ***The Mad Prophet***

We hurriedly walked out neglecting the man who kept shouting at the top of his voice saying;

"My Queen, please don't do what you will regret, and my prince, please do not forget me in your paradise. Tell The King that I am his loyal servant, please do not forget."

Aunty Paula could not believe her eyes, she kept stealing looks at me, she could not even look at me in the eyes, even mom couldn't look at me in the eyes, but her reason was not because of fear but guilt, she had been keeping a piece of vital information from me, and we promised not to keep secrets from each other, that was why she was feeling that way, well presently I do not blame her, but as at then, I was very mad at her through as we walked to the place where we packed our car till we got inside the car and even till we met the strange man on the road we never spoke to each other.

So, when we left the man's house, we never minded what he was saying, we walked a short while before we got to the car, all the while, I kept noticing Aunty Paula walking in a way that I won't be close to her, even when we got to the car, she quickly sat at the from with mom, and I noticed that she was scared of me, so I didn't even try to sit behind her, I sat directly behind mom, even though I didn't want to stay close to her. All the while as we drove, it was more like a silent competition, as we all sat waiting for who will air the first word. Well, as for aunty Paula she was just not ready to air no word, so I think it was just mom and me that were in the competition together. Aunty Paula was so down and confused about everything, she kept looking at me through the mirror in her front, she kept stealing looks, when I try to see her, she will bring down her eyes. 

Now something happened as we left Uhsafa, we drove down to Dutse axis, trying to drive to the bus stop when we the strange thing happened, a man ran in front  of mom's car, he was so lucky, mom almost hit him, just that mom wasn't on her usual speed because of how busy the place was. The man was in a white garment, mom quickly stopped, she showered the man with insults.

"Wait... You want to... Do you want to die? What Is your problem, how dare you run into my car? what was your plan? What do you want to do?

So mom said. 

"I need to talk to you madam, you have to come down of that car and listen to me, I know your problem, I know you have a problem, and I have the solution. Now I will like you to follow me if you want your son's situation cured. Hahaha, yes..."

He said as he just left crossing the road 

"Did you hear him, Paula heard him right? He said we should follow him."

Mom said as she quickly turned the steering of the car just to follow the man, she followed him swiftly without even thinking. Mom followed the man who was walking like a mad man. We drove to a place where there was a little house built of planks and zink, the man made a hand gesture to us asking them to come down which we did, the man all this while from the road walked barefoot. He was not wearing slippers, his white garment was almost brown due to the dirt that stuck to it aggressively.

Now we were Out of the car, and gradually we walked to the man's place, but aunty Pauls was obviously not happy about all this, all she wanted was to go home and rest for the day. Now when we got there, the man asked us to take off our shoes before entering inside, but he never allowed aunty Paula to go in, the man only granted mom and me access into the church. Immediately we go in there, the mand started telling us things that I'm probably not happy with, he started making prophecies and turning around like he was going to fall, according to mom, the man was only under the influence of anointing. Before we knew it the man started talking, he said them begore me.

"Hmm, my daughter, the spirit of god ministered to me, asking me to go help you here."

The man said.

"This is a matter of urgency, this man will die only a matter of days If nothing is done about this and soon, you know that the problem is? You will have to go to Elegushi beach, yes the same place where it all began."

The man added, he kept a very long goatee beard which made him look like a real mad person.

"Elegushi? We will go, sir, we will go, when shall we go? Any time, just tell me sir, and what are we going to do there sir."

Mom said so quick looking so curious.

"You won't do anything, we will go together. All we need with us is only a bottle of Fanta which he must buy by himself, a new ten naira note, and a day-old eg of a native fowl. Then we will need a calabash, a razor blade. So if you will make it possible, I will like us to leave as soon as possible, tomorrow very early in the morning I will like us to leave so that we can get to the place by night and do all the things that we need to do, and we can start coming back that very day."

The man said.

"Sir, tomorrow it is, I will like us to go on a flight if you don't mind."

"Ok, so shall it be, so how do I join you, I will come and pick you up to the airport."

Mom said. All the while, the man kept staring at me, he even called me just to see my body.

"How long have the scales been? Because as I am seeing this thing, the young man is actually on his way to the land of death, and I'm sure you know of this, and if anything happens to this boy, just know that we all are in trouble, yes, his death is a problem to us, so we must do all that we could to keep him out of danger. You must not ever allow him to swim and we will have to scape some of the scales and use them for a little ritual. We must save your son madam."

The man said. It was only after he had finished telling us about going to Lagos that he remembered that we haven't been introduced to. Actually to me, I have come to believe that all these people are all frauds. I just don't know how we kept meeting with their evil people, but mom believes in this one,

"I have had this convincing believe that this man is different."

Mom said. She never told him anything, whatever he was saying or what he was predicting, he said them on his own. These were the things that made mom trust him that more.

After everything, the man asked us to go home and said that he will the there waiting for us, which mom never delayed. So we drove home with mom taking the man's phone number so they can always communicate. After all the prophecy and discussion, mom and I came out to meet aunty Paula who just sat looking like a lost lamb