
Chapter 130: Godrichson


"Usman, you may go, my regards to the Alfa. Now you three, follow me."

So he said. His voice aa so deep and rough, everything about this man commanded fear. Immediately after he had said this, Usman left us without even a bye-bye, Mr. Usman clearly and conspicuously left us to this deadly-looking creature. The man crawled with his butt on the grown into the roofless hut and we followed him courteously. When we got inside, we noticed the statues that were in the place, there were many horrific statues which sat on the ground, many of which had been stained with blood, the hut was so unkempt and stinking, it reeks of death, on the left corner where a statue with a long mammal organ sat was a dead owl, the owl looked like something that had been dead for weeks, maggots crawled out of it. And the entire place itself was infested with spider webs. No wonder mom always says that spider webs are evil. No, I truly see, spider webs are evil, no wonder the evil-looking doctor left It to thrive in his little workshop. As were stood there, the native doctor asked us to sit, but there was no chair there, it was just a mat on the ground, we kind of hesitated but he shouted again insisting that we sit, well, we wouldn't want to hear me repeat that for the third time, this is because we truly were scared of him, his face which almost looked like that of an imp was already scary enough when he was not angry, you can only imagine how it will be if he gets angry.

"He is you son, yet he isn't. That is your fear I perceive."

The man said to my mom.

"Yea, Baba, he is my son, and..."

"No need to explain anything to me, I can see everything, nothing is hidden to the spiritual eyes... Hahahah... I can see his long gold-colored hair."

The man said, cutting my mom's word.

"Well you are on time, this boy would have died in the next week If you had not come here, he would have transformed to what he truly is and died out of driedness, yea, because I know that you will not allow him access to the sea."

The man said.

"Please sir help me, the transformation is already starting, please Baba help us."

My mom cried. As I heard the man say the word die, the real fear engulfed me.  It was only but at that moment that I really knew how it felt to know that you might die.

"Stop staring, plead with him, join me to plead."

So mom said as she dragged my hand, now both of us lay on the ground begging

"Please Baba help us, I don't want to lose him, I'll give anything to save him for me."

My mom cried. Now everything became clear, I was about to die.

"Sit up, and no tears are allowed here, you don't have a problem, all we need to do is to find out which level this gold-haired man operates on, then we will know the one to go through. You know all these marine people have ranks, there are some of the higher and lesser hierarchy, so we will have to detect the level of this one, so we can go through his superior."

So the man said. Since the man said that no tears are allowed here, mom quickly stopped crying, we sat back on the mat where we sat earlier. Now the man picked some cowries from a calabash and started some incantations he chanted a song which we apparently have never heard before, he sang and sang, saying some things which made no human meaning. After the incantations he threw the cowries on the ground and slowly observed the cowries, after a little time of observations he raised his head up and looked at me, he looked at me for almost a minute. After all this, he brought out a calabash of water, and started the incantation and chanting all over again, he changed and sang after which he stopped and started observing the water again, this time, after the observation, he stared at me very clearly, and he turned to mom and asked her;

"This man, did he say that his name was Goldrich?"

The man asked.

"Yes! His name is Goldrich, long gold-colored hair just like me."

I quickly answered, my quick response disrupted the response of mom which was supposed to be a "no". Mom was so shocked as to how I knew this man, I even described him. This broke her heart as she held me by the hand saying.

"Damie, what are you saying? How do you know, you don't even know him, and how did you know about his hair?"

Mom asked.

"Mom, I saw him in my dream, I saw him disappear into the sea."

I said to mom.

"No, no, no... Do you know the level of this marine man? Do you even know who he is?"

The man asked again.

"Yes, I do, he is the sea king, an Aqua-king. All sea creatures fear him, he is the fastest swimmer, I took after him in swimming."

I responded, all these responses from me only broke mom's heart the more, even me, I couldn't understand why I was always so quick to respond. 

"So you know all of this, and you came to me? Who do you want me to call on, which spirit should I call to help us in this?

Madam, your husband is the highest of all sea spirits in the Atlantic ocean, his clan is the ones fighting against the evil spirits of the Bermuda triangle. Even the power I call upon is a very low power to compare with your husband."

The man said. Now, mom became very angry.

"Stop calling him my husband, he is not even a human."

Mom said.

"Don't be angry my queen, please."

The man said. The one's scary monstrous-looking man all of a sudden became so humble before us, leaving aunty Paula shocked to her marrow.