
Chapter 129: The Crippled Native Doctor

               ***THE CRIPPLED NATIVE DOCTOR***

At this moment, I started thinking to myself again even as the car moved. Why Is everything seemingly making sense now? Why do I feel like mom is serious about me being related to the sea, no wonder she had always said these words "you are not a fish, you are a human, no wonder she had always stopped me from going into any waterside and even seeing any sea it the television, this explains why I often see those dreams, no wonder I could breathe underwater, yes, I remember those creatures I saw in the pool say something about me being the son of a sea-king, could that be true?

These were all the thoughts that ran through my restless mind. I then recollected some thoughts, I remember that the sirens in the pool, Electra and her cliques said something about me being a son of a deal king named Goldrich, the same name that I heard that man call in the dream, no wonder I felt like I have heard the name before, no wonder I was redirected to the pool again, could the man who looked like me really be my father? Could he be Goldrich? 

Soon we got to Oshafa, the place was not all that far from Dutse, but as we got to the town, Usman or Uthman as the Alfa may call him still kept directing us into the town, till we were out of the town, we started driving into the woods, it was really scary, the man and mom sat at the front while aunty Paula sat at the back seat with aunty Paula sitting directly behind mom. In my mind, I thought in my heart, that if the man tried anything funny, I'll just hold him by the neck and strangle him. But throughout the drive, Mr. Usman coordinated himself, he never gave me any reason to confirm my suspicions about him. But as we drove even deeper into the woods we got to a path where our car can apparently not maneuver, so we had to come down and continue the journey on foot.

"Madam, we have to walk, we are almost there, but we can't continue with a car, no vehicle can pass through this wood."

So he said. He spoke like that Bright friend, he had this housa accent, I thought he was Yoruba because the Alfa was a Yoruba man, but the way Usman or Uthman spoke, it is obvious that he was Housa. And yes, he doesn't need to say it, it is very obvious that mom's car can't advance any further, she had even driven a little bit too far from a car's safe zone. So, at this juncture, we stepped down from the car, the four of us, mom took a little time to lock the doors of the car, I knew she was only buying a little time to Usman will be at the front while we followed.

We walked for a little distance before we saw a little hut with another roofless hut that was designed and decorated with white and red cloth, as we came closer, we saw drops of blood on the ground, the place was really creepy, it gave me a real scare, the whole place was just like a Nollywood movie scene. At the moment I started wondering once again, why mom acceded to your coming here, this was really scary. 

"Stop here, this is where the old man will meet us, that is if he is interested in our case, if he is not interested, he will send us out with his voice, and we won't see him."

This was what Usman said, the fact I didn't understand what he was saying, maybe because I was too scared to understand anything, the only thing that I heard was that we should stop here and that he will attend to us. So we all stood waiting for the man, seeing mom's face, one can tell that she ao much believed that the man will do that which brought us there. 

"Hmm... So a place like this exists in this life."

Mom said to aunty Paula who was even more scared than I was. Aunty Paula was the kind of person that easily feel fears, just like her daughter. Seeing how scared aunty Paula is, made me to remember when Cynthia saw my hard junk in the morning, the thought of that made me smile, the moment I smiled, I got back to my senses, I began to question my intelligence, how I could possibly be thinking of things like this at this current situation that we were.

"Hmm... My dear, im still in shock oo, all these things are scary to me oo."

Aunty Paula responded to mom's comment. As for me, a new suspicion grew up in my head, I started looking at Usman, thinking if he had brought us here to be killed. I just kept my eyes stuck to the man, I watched him with a sphinx riddled eyes. But we never waited for too long when the mind-blowing incident happened. An old man appeared before us, almost like he fell from the sky, because, as he appeared to the ground out of nowhere, the ground shook. The man was very old, he could be in his early eighties, the man was a cripple, he sat on the ground with his red wrapper and a white rope made out of cloth that he used to tie on his head. Aunty Paula almost ran out of her body, we were all terrified when we saw this man, but we easily realized that the man was the native doctor we cane to see, the Alfa had earlier described him as a cripple. He sat there staring at us in this scary manner.