

a man from our world is reincarnated in ancient Greece where gods are all too real

freakofntur · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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After becoming Aphrodite's champion, I regularly got quests from her. the usual Demi-god hero stuff. kill a monster here, rescue a damsel there. though my main duty as champion of Aphrodite remained to be by her bedside, to scratch that itch only I can after our 6 month fuck fest.

As rewards for my quests I've mostly stuck to asking things that would make life easier for Demi Gods in general. she is the goddess of love, beauty,passion, procreation and childbirth. the last one weirdly makes her one of the gods of children, considering how tightly Hera keeps her domain though, this is not that well known or documented. but most Demi-gods are often born out of wedlock. they are mostly results of passion and lust alone, sometimes love, but almost never marriage. this puts them squarely in her domain.

and she has not been shy about touting how helpful she has been to demigods by making their lives in sanctuaries much easier through me as her champion. she visits her children in dreams and tell them stories of my deeds and how they benifit the Demi-gods through it. the children then make Epic tales and paintings of me fighting monsters and protecting others, creating the sanctuaries for Demi Gods and leading them there. through Aphrodite, I've been able to charm a few monsters to protect the sanctuaries and Demi-gods in them rather than hunt them. The fact that All of these gaurd monsters are females should showcase how I charmed them.

I've tamed many Empusa , Siren and Harpies by charming them with Aphrodite's help as reward for my quest and then fucking them into submission. I've had literal goddess of love stuck to my penis for 6 months straight, these monsters were barely a challenge. they now gaurd sanctuaries that best suit their environment and have even find a place in demigods society.

I've already requested Aphrodite to help me with the Gorgon sisters but she is hesitant to insult Athena at such a scale. I've been whispering sweet nothing's in her ears ever since to see Athena's virginity as an insult to herself to push my plans but they are slow going at best.

my other progress has been in mysteries of magic. with a daughter of Hecate now dating my mother, it was easy to get her to teach me some magic. she was already sufficiently motivated as she belived in my cause of making life for the forgotten Demi gods easier, having felt forgotten herself at one point.

with help of magic, I was able to improve my system to include it as well. it actually uses my own Devine energy to perform any magic. that actually explains my affinity in illusions, enchantment and nature magic. nature magic can help control plants or even includes healing, probably due to my father being good of vine/ grapes and grandfather as good of healing. enchantment magic is mostly due to me being champion of Aphrodite and it allows me to charm ladies to bed and intimidate enemys to death. illusion magic is due to my control over my own mind and hellucionaton as well as being son of God of madness and grandson of God of light.

I can still perform magic to achive other things but these things will always be easier than others. I can still throw a killer fireball, but it will be more powerful and energy efficient if I think of the fireball as a small Sun rather than your everyday campfire condensed in a ball shape.

even the Demi-gods in the sanctuaries were always getting better. they didn't have anyone to teach them anything specific but they already had a lot of skills deep in their blood, only needing resources and practice to bring their talent out. this was actually the major way I was able to help them with Aphrodite's help apart from the monster protection service.

the Sky-Haven sanctuary, atop a mountain Cliff, that was protected by Harpies ,mostly held children of sky, wind and cloud deities. these children could often learn to glide and most powerful of them may even be able to fly small distances.

the Delta sanctuary was actually an island at mouth of a river where it meets the sea. it held mostly children of water(river/sea/Lake) deities. they were protected by Sirens and could breadth underwater and help get resources from the deep that no mortal could.

similarly each sanctuary had some skills they could pratice and be actually useful with little bit of fighting lessons from yours truly.

when focusing on Sun as my heritage and using magic, I can even meet and help Hephestus's children who have made a sanctuary inside a volcano. they actually employ the Empusa to help find martial to help them better their craft while they forge and craft equipment for all other sanctuaries. I've even started to visit them to learn from them rather than just teaching them fighting.

I was having a great time improving and helping others improve their skills and stats that I almost missed the start of the Trojan war. the Demi-gods in my sanctuary were mostly left out of it because gods have not yet started intervening directly. I only know that it is coming because after our orgy, in my dream in her palace, Aphrodite bragged to me about how she won this contest for a golden Apple against Hera and Athena. I laugh as she narrated the story of how she offered Paris, the adjudicator for their beauty contest, the most beautiful mortal woman on earth if he chose her to win.

I don't perticularlly plan on joining the war but it will help create a bigger devide between Aphrodite and the other two goddesses. I also get her to promise that none of her children under my care are to be forced to war. I know a lot of Demi-gods from my sanctuaries will go to war, if only for the glory. most will offer their services to both sides as Mercenaries, hence they will probably have to fight other Demi Gods from different sanctuaries, but I don't perticularlly think they care as long as they are not fighting people from their own sanctuary or me.

the war began,I didn't interfere too much until one day I got a quest from Aphrodite. She was compleatly pissed at Athena and her champion 'Diomedes' who had managed to injure her arm. A lot of gods were directly participating in the war now and Athena even drove her champions chariot. she gave him the power to identify gods from when they are trying to be covert. this led to him injuring Aphrodite, at Athena's appeal , when he saw her trying to save her Demi-god son 'Aeneas'.

now my goddess wanted Revenge on both of them. I was of-course angry that someone dared to injure her and wanted Revenge on both of them as well. I made a plan and shared it with her. she will have to, either through trickery, sneaky or persuasion, get her husband's chains that he used to bind Hera once and give me ability to distinguish gods from mortals like the ability Diomedes got from his patron goddess.

neither was really hard for her. Although there was no love between Aphrodite and hephaestus, she still has sway over a lot of his non automata subordinates as the goddess of love, lust and passion. she could just charmspeak to get her way afterall. once she got me the chain, we spent that night using it as BDSM bindings and whip, just to check if they worked as advertised, being able to bind gods. they did.

I reached the battle field next day with help of my harpies. asked them to stay hidden and then throw me in the middle of the battle. I was gliding over the battle, dodging and parrying arrows from both sides when I recognised Diomedes from what Aphrodite showed me yesterday. I used my magic to directly land before him engage him in a fight, interrupting the slaughter he was committing of Trojan warriors.

we battled for half an hour before he asked me who I am and why am I interfering in the war now. I tell him that I am champion of Aphrodite and am here to avenge my lady. I tell him that he can already expect to not have any love in his life and never have children for the insult he has committed against my goddess. As I say this, as if to make my words more real, his penis literally falls off. he screams at me, feeling cheated and charges at me.

by now Odysseus and a few other Achaean hero's had already made their way to us and were looking for an opening to help Diomedes. seeing the fight starting to favour him, I stop my fun and make distance from Diomedes. he tries to charge again but I had already thrown my spear at him, which his helmet blacked but it still stunned him. I charged at him, grabbed his head by his helmet and twisted it to come apart while cartwheeling over him, beheading him as I reach his backside.

I show the head to his allies and tell them that my fight is not with them nor am I here to interfere in war. I'm only here for Diomedes's head as Revenge for my lady. I point to his rotten dick a few feet away and tell them that if they ever hope to love and procreate again, they would do well not to offend my lady. one of the warriors tried to charge me over Diomedes's dead body but I just throw a dagger underneath him, which Ricocheted from Diomedes's armour to hit him such that his balls fall out of their sack. all his allies wince at that and take a step back.

A wave of Devine light distracts me as I see a glorious chariot charging at me. this is exactly what I've been waiting for. I pick up Diomedes's shield and threw it at legs of the charging chariot. the horses collapse and the chariot tilts ahead, throwing it's driver, Athena, on the ground. I didn't waste any time and used the chain of Hephaestus like a cowboy lasso to capture Athena.

by now a lot of warriors from sanctuaries had recognised me and told each sides that they will back out if any harm came upon me. I'm the hero of Demi-gods, Son of Dionysus and champion of Aphrodite . everyone seems to have recognised me now due to my exploits reaching far and wide due to my paintings from Apollo's and Aphrodite's children based on my exploits.

The Achaeans were hesitant to give me safe passage due to mudder I just committed and holding one of their patrons hostage, but they had no choice. the warriors from my sanctuaries were the best of the best and if they offended ones of their side, the Trojans were sure to win.

my harpies easily picked me and with Aphrodite's help took me to Olympus. as I leave, the dick that has fallen from Diomedes's skirt vanishes revealing itself to be an illusion.

this was actually the first time I actually corporeally visited Olympus. prior to this I have only visited this place in my dreams and even then only Aphrodite's palace. the harpies won't go through the portal in Mount Olympus to the realm(pocket dimension) of Olympus due to being monsters. i had to walk into the portal and from there Aphrodite herself came to take me and my prisoner Athena to her palace. I still get to see the beautiful city and many palaces and mansions of major and minor gods on the way.

she displayed bound Athena from her room window such that Athena can look inside the room while also outside the palace with simple moving her head. it also made sure that Athena was visible for all of Olympus to see as bound. she hid me away in her palace as Zeus, Hera and other Gods came to assess the situation.

Zeus was not happy seeing his daughter bound while Ares was openly laughing at his half sister for her misfortune. when an angry Zeus asked Aphrodite for explaination , Aphrodite upped her charm and gave a smile I could only call political. wierd.

she showed her injured hand she had refused to heal until I took her Revenge to show that she was wounded. she told Zeus that if he thinks that it is funny for one god to reveal other gods weaknesses as Athena had, leading to herself and Ares getting injured. Zeus asked that why didn't she come to him to complain

Aphrodite responded that what good would that do. Ares, his son, was also similarly injured by Athena's scheme and Zeus just laughed it off, even blaming Ares for his weakness. Aphrodite suggested him to treat all his children fairly and now that Athena had gotten herself into this situation, to let her dig herself out of this herself.

she then told him, loudly enough of all the gods to hear that if he finds it funny how Athena revealed weaknesses of fellow gods, that she, being the playful God that she is, would love to reveal weaknesses of other gods to her champion as well, if it meant Zeus getting a good laugh at the end .

Zeus bites down is own anger and says whatever may be, if Athena had committed any crimes, she will be judged by the council and the king, not just a singular God. Aphrodite smiles at this and says that Zeus may be a competent king, but he has shown he is a father first by letting it go once before when Ares came to him. now that she is forced to take things into her own hands, she will be the one to punish.

she is usually weak enough to not play this game with the king of the gods, but right now she is mighty pissed and at her home ground. Zeus recognises the righteous furry in her eyes and knows that this either ends with him giving her consolation or he will have a civil war at his hands, as he can see some gods supporting her.

he tells her that a god's punishment is still something to be decided by council and not individual gods, if it were not so than every little fight between gods would lead to all out fight, which could end the world. he said that this might not happen in this particular case, but this will set a precedent for other gods to bypass the council's trial before acting against each other.

Aphrodite offers a concession in that the only punishment she wants is for Athena to stay where she has been kept for exactly as long as she kept her own injury before she was avenged, one and a half days till now. she also says that enough council members are present to put it to vote because she is not healing herself until she gets justice, the longer they take to make a decision, the longer she will have to keep Athena.

All gods present voted yes except Zeus and Hera. even the gods not part of the council were in agreement with Aphrodite. Athena had not made many friends in this war, even Zeus was against her in the war but he was still her father and didn't want to punish her with such humiliation. when he voted no but the punishment still came to pass, Aphrodite told him that his vote is clear example of how he chooses his emotions as father over his duty as king and even his duty as father correct his children.

she repeated that if he thinks plotting to injure gods is no offence than she is willing to let Athena free, but all Gods should be wary then, she will not hold back anyone's weaknesses from mortals.

once everyone is dispersed after the drama, hephaestus then corners her and asks how she got his chains. Aphrodite admits her wrong and asks how she can make up to him.

he knows that council may not find this truly offensive as she has already proven her point and moral high ground. she can even claim it as hers by right as his wife. he says that she owes him one and that he expects the chains back after the day and a half limit they have set up for Athena's incarceration.

all things considered, with arguments Aphrodite made, Athena could have gotten a much worse punishment. but those would not include her personally holding her prisoner for sure, even for a little while, let alone the day. we had a plan to corrupt a virgin goddess after all. She had taken my words to heart that Athena's virginity was an insult to her. she never planned to act on it like she still never plans to act against Hestia or Artemis, specially after the orion debacle. but when Athena got her injured, the gloves came off.

we had already prepared a brew that would make everyone who smells it extremely horny, be it Gods or mortal. we had filled Aphrodite's palace with the smell and had started an orgy in the same room as Athena. people from outside could see the bind Athena struggling but could not see the orgy. only non participant that could witness it was Athena.

with mental torture and literal goddess of love on my side, it only took a day for Athena to lose her uppity bitch attitude and adopt a bitch in heat attitude. the first day was all it took to have her grovell at my dick as I released her from her chains after making sure she won't retaliate. we immediately send the chains to hephaestus, half a day early.

I already know that Gods can easily break their oaths on river Styx. it hurts them a lot and reduces their power for a while but no permanent repercussions. so when I finally took Athena's virginity, breaking her oath, she made a painful scream that would have made me deaf and probably killed a lesser being if not for Aphrodite predicting this before. speaking of, she is happy to show Athena pleasures of a women while I pound her virgin pussy.

If Zeus ever find out that this is how his precious daughter lost her virginity and broke her oath, both Aphrodite and me are probably dead. we will have to come up with a more PG love story for public.


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