

a man from our world is reincarnated in ancient Greece where gods are all too real

freakofntur · Book&Literature
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As I recite the ritual, still starting at Aphrodite in all her beauty, I greet her as part of the ritual and tell her my request is sanctifying the art house. now technically art is my grandfather Apollo's domain, but her domain is beauty and passion so she is not compleatly disregarded from it. she perticularlly doesn't mind if her children are raised in a brothel if we really want to mask their smell. I understand where she is coming from though as brothel is where her smell is most easily masked. but I wouldn't let innocent children be exposed to all that goes around in brothel if I can help it.

she tells me that if we really want to mask her children's smell, the art room will have to be turned into a brothel or only a similar act of lust and passion could allow her to sanctify it. Smiling, having figured out what she wants I offer myself as a willing lamb. I tell her that I'll offer my virginity to her in exchange for sanctifying the art house. she gives a predatory laugh as she conjures a bed for us in the middle of art house.

the art house is like a colosseum, it is cylindrical in shape and hollow in the middle such that sunlight can light up all the art while still protecting it from the rain and wind. So when she conjures a bed in broad sunlight I ask a request of her. I ask that she does not leave my side until I have climaxed once we start our tryst and also that she doesn't use any supernatural means to bring my climax about.

once she agrees I strip down like a male stripper to give her a show as I make my way to the bed. she licks her lips and joins me in the bed. we roleplay a bit with me starting by licking her pussy and using her juices to lubricate my dick, which I unceremoniously inserted inside her. I knew from stories in my past life that Aphrodite would take any form I find the most attractive and it was at least partially proven correct when I first saw her. now to compleatly test my theory, I use my control over my emotions to conjure up my image of ideal fuck buddy.

I imagine her to be easy to please so that I can bring about her orgasms every few minutes. I imagine her to lactate as I start sucking on her boobs. soon my imagination is rewarded as I feel her new cum re- lubricating my dick. as soon as she came, I also felt my mouth, still sucking on her breast while playing with them, get filled with milk. my orgasm itself was on its way so I used my control over my own mind to suppress it while i use diagnostics spell to see how I could delay it.

as soon as her milk in my mouth enters my stomach, I get a great boost in all my stats as well as my Devine energy. her milk also had an intoxicating effect like alcohol but I could suppress it. still holding back my orgasm,I put more force in each thrust, treating the whole ordeal like an exercise for my core,butt and thighs. when my thighs get too tired,I switch the weight to my arms to exercise my shoulders.

due to presence of Sun and me constantly drinking her milk, in able to set up a perpetual cycle of energy spending and gaining to continue fucking for indefinable amount of time. the milk also worked as nutrition so I didn't even have to worry about that. i went at it for 6 days until Aphrodite requested that I climax as although she is having the time of her life cumming every 5 minutes and lactating in my mouth, if she is gone for too long, other gods will find excuses to interrupt is as she has duties to attend to.

I don't stop, but slow down enough for her to be able to think more clearly again. I tell her that I have her until I climax, and I'm not letting my love or lust for her go, so if she really wants to attend to her duties, she best make a clone/Avatar/incarnation of herself to see to those duties as I remember from my last life that his could be at multiple places at once.i could be wrong but i soon see another Aphrodite manifest herself near us as the new Aphrodite looks at her other form in jealousy.i request her to come closer and as she does I steal her lips in a kiss.

throughout the 6 days of fucking, this is the first time I've kissed her so she is a little taken aback, but soon leans into the kiss. as I break the kiss,I tell her that I hope my work here will cheer her up from any of her boring duties and she is invited to join her other form whenever she has the time to do so. she laughs at my gall but it turns to smile as the Aphrodite under me squirts out another climax as I increase my speed again. my body is killing me with pain but i disassociate it just as I've done to pleasure to delay my climax.

we continue this for 6 months, often joined by on duty Aphrodite, although I've never taken my dick out of orignal since we started, I'm still able to use my hands and mouth to entertain the new one. my mind at this point is at edge to breaking point for to immense pain and pleasure. I'm only alive because of Aphrodite's milk and passive healing from the sun. I couldn't even heal actively due to concentrating my Devine energy towards not cumming and for detaching myself from the increasing amounts of pain and pleasure.

the scene around us had changed as well. the land around the bed, turned into bed of roses that added to the feel of art house. the place was already sacrificed,I was just overdoing it for my own sake. Aphrodite reached her 50,000th orgasm, I warned her that I'm climaxing . she begged me to cum inside of her and I oblige. I cling on to her boobs, pressing them with my chest as I kiss her and climax inside her while she experienced her 50,000th orgasm. as soon as I came, I passed out.

I woke up to the sight of two Aphrodites playing with me hair as I slept in lap of one of them. seeing me awake, they both kissed me and declared me their champion. as they said that, one of the copies vanished. I ask her what this was all about and she tells me that for past 6 months, having an avatar of her stay with me was like Zeus giving up his lighting bolt for 6 months.

a huge part of her power was directed towards me so it only made sense to claim me as her champion. I already recived a lot of benifits from her milk. Hercules was said to be a normal Demi God until he drank Hera's milk which have him his super strength. similarly drinking Aphrodite's milk had given me supernatural beauty. I was more beautiful than even most of her children at this point, especially due to me constantly breaking my body apart during the process and then baptizing the whole body in Aphrodite's Devine energies.

being her champion further let me know of others lust, love, respect and other intentions towards me. this in turn allowed me to add a reputation/relationship system to my gamer system. I can actually track other people's relationship to me and check what acts increase it and decrease it. although most powerful of her children get charmspeak, the ability to charm people into doing your bidding at just asking for it. I don't have such a powerful ability as passive like some of her children but I could actively spend Devine energy to perform it.

I got two other things from her as well. one was a pleasure reflection ability which lets the pleasure among participants of the act be shared among all and reflected into the partners. I didn't know I had this for some weeks now, looking back at it, it must have been the non participating Aphrodite who must have given me this to experience her counterpart's and my own pleasure more directly when she joined us. it's extremely useful for the orgy's.

the other thing I got was a minor buff to my new supernatural beauty due to sacrificing my virginity in the ritual. the buff makes it so that unattached women would be more attracted to me, especially virgins women of appropriate age.

this in turn made the Aphrodite's art house into a orgy house as most female demigods at our house wanted a piece of me. some even offered to become priestess of Aphrodite to make our sessions more official due to me being her champion. I didn't know it before, but a lot of Apollo, Aphrodite , Athena and fellow Dionysus kids had made a lot of paintings of my time with Aphrodite in the art house, from every angle possible . these paintings have been touched by Aphrodite's grace and are religious and artistic masterpieces. we were able to sell these and the story of Aphrodite's champion who fucked her for ages at high price to my mom's old rich contracts.

when I finally gave into the female demand, I made sure that our sessions would be beneficial to all involved. every time I fucked a Demi-god on the bed I fucked Aphrodite, I would make sure that they get lasting buffs that would help them improve faster. it was easiest for children and priestess of Aphrodite as they could directly derive power from pleasure and the act itself. especially from their goddess's champion. for Apollo daughters, I would use the energy from Sun to empower them during sex as during it, I'm able to manipulate their energies inside them s if they were my own. similarly I could empower other Demi gods that joined in on our orgy.

I was even able to use the roses Aphrodite bloomed in the art house to make wines that has similar effect of a love potion and a blue pill. whenever I went to other sanctuaries of other Demi gods that we have set up, I would be offered a nightly service by unchained ladies of appropriate age.

my goal of not having 5-7 year olds not living in brothel way tainted now, since most of them saw me do those things to their mother and sisters. I still know that they practical worship me though because they understand what would have happened to them if I couldn't save them in time.

I've also abused my relationship/reputation system to win any social interaction and was able to use my active charmspeak to keep the demi god boys from being jealous of me. this is an up hill battle but I've been winning it for the time. I actually professed that I prefer strong women much more than weak, so most of the women who hope join my orgies have started training hard. those who do join my orgy's get buffs such that the training is even more effective, creating a reward loop.

my mother had to partner up with her friend, daughter of Hecate, due to me attracting unattached women. although she could be considered to be attached to my father, they have to meet since my birth, making that attachment much weaker.

in the nights, in my dreams, Aphrodite would invite me to her palace in olympus. there we would have an orgy with her hand-maidens. once we settle down from the orgy, we would cuddle up and she would often tell me about her life. she doesn't have to have sex with hephaestus, but she still hates being married to him, even if it's just in name. he is not perticularlly fond of her either, but breaking of a marriage, especially this one, would be spitting on Hera's face. neither of them would mind doing it, but pissing of the Queen of Olympus has its consequence.




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