
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Tranh châm biếm
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42 Chs

Chapter 25 - The Idiot Who Wanted A Kiss




As I was thinking about upgrading Karasu's and Anos's stats, I felt something. The feeling of someone calling my name, yet no one was around me. I opened the paths to check if one of them had called me, and it turned out I was right.

This person had somehow gotten my blood after I brought every shifter into my system, and because of that, he didn't get taken, but he had survived the rumbling. He called my name with rage and betrayal, but it didn't matter to me.

I pulled him into the paths all the same. He fell due to his positioning being changed so suddenly, as he was probably not expecting to be taken like that. He stared at me with wide eyes like he couldn't believe I existed. "You called?" I said to him while giving him an uncaring look.

He stood up quickly and had an angry look on his face. "Why?! Why did you destroy our world?! What did we do to deserve it?" As he spoke, tears slowly came out, and eventually, he fell onto his knees. I didn't care for his feelings, though, as I had no reason to answer his question, but I did anyway.

"Your world had no god, and it was either join me or have your world destroyed. The deaths were caused by people wanting to use me to heal themselves without joining me fully. Frankly, you were lucky it was me, as any other creature of my caliber would have destroyed your world and left no survivors." I spoke calmly while he listened with more and more disbelief at what he was hearing.

"Killing everyone not in your fold was generosity?! Do you not hear yourself?! But you've given me power! I'll erase you from this world!" He lashed out wildly at me before bringing his hand up to his mouth and biting down. I could permanently disable his power and wipe him away with a thought, but it would be fun to beat him at his own game.

Crimson-yellowish lightning grew around his body before a bolt struck him. When the smoke cleared, it revealed an armored titan that was futuristic in its look. Futuristic lines ran down the armor with his blonde hair and split mask that could cover his entire face. When moved, he looked to be a force to be reckoned with.

I bit my hand and activated my transformation. The look of my Attack Titan was overall the same as my Founder, just without the lips, as I had no lips or cheeks. I had the abilities of every Titan, while he only had the armored. He looked at me, and his visor split before he rushed at me.

I wasn't one to be idle and charged him too. The second we got close enough, he tried to hit me with a right jab, but I saw it coming. Dodging it with my better perception, I tried to slash at his eyes, only for his visor to close up and protect them.

I was a mixed Titan as I had Attack, Warhammer, Jaw, and Beast all in this one Titan. The scratch cut into the armored visor but didn't hit the eyes. I applied pressure by trying to slash at him again, but he now knew I could cut his armor.

He brought up his arm only to have the armor on it scratched deep enough that I could actually cut flesh. He knew he couldn't stay on the defense, so he did the one thing every armored Titan user does when they start losing… He charged me and broke the plates on his back legs, allowing for more speed, and tackled me to the ground.

His fist came straight for my face, but I dodged by tilting my head to the left and counter-attacked with a claw straight to his visor, making him recoil. That was all I needed as I grabbed onto him and wrapped my legs around his head and arm before getting his arm in a lock.

I started bending the arm in the opposite direction as he tried to move. The movement from him wouldn't do anything as I tore his arm off from the elbow. The arm flew from the force I was trying to pull it off with, and steam escaped his mouth, yet he didn't scream. With his arm gone, he began trying to stand up from the lock, but I wouldn't have it.

The second his right arm grabbed my leg, I switched the lock by stabbing my claw into his hand and holding onto it, only to move my leg back and stab straight through the visor with my clawed toes. He couldn't pull back due to me holding him, and with free reign, I got him in the exact lock I did before and ripped his other arm off.

Being unable to see and not having both arms, I ripped open his visor and grabbed the bottom and top part of his mouth, only to start pulling it apart. I added one thing to this Titan that none other would have, and I was going to use it here. Slowly, the spines on my back started glowing crimson as, one by one, they started glowing.

I finished opening his mouth as wide as I could as I finished charging. I opened my mouth, and a beam of pure crimson radiation blasted out into his Titan's body. The body quickly broke apart, leaving only a steaming head as I slowly closed my mouth, ending my attack. His human body was gone due to the beam as well, and so with a steaming head in my claw, I roared to the heavens at my victory.

"ROOOOOAAAARRRR!" The whole roar lasted 12 seconds as I let go of the now-dead enemy head. 'This was fun.' I thought with a smile on my face and satisfaction lying under that.

Exiting my Titan and leaving the paths, I sat down on the couch while controlling my avatar that was now at Nyarla's house. But I felt something again, and this time, it wasn't someone calling my name. Someone was calling me as in my real body and soul to their universe.

Even if they did summon me, it wouldn't be enough, as the repulsive forces of the world would immediately push me out unless they sacrificed their world to me. I answered the call with my avatar either way and had Anos guard Nyarla once again.

I opened my eyes to a room that had a bunch of occult things in it but was also covered in pink. I saw a woman with blonde hair before me and knew she must have been the one trying to summon me. "For what purpose have you summoned me to this reality?" I spoke with the utmost confidence and noticed that I was in my half-eldritch half-human form.

The woman before me trembled while looking down but managed to speak up. "D-Dark one, I ask that you grant my wish…" She asked for a wish to be granted, but I don't see how her bringing my now Outer God soul into this reality would help with that.

"You wish to be the first to die so that you'll be saved from what I'll do to this reality?" Speaking to her, I could only cringe internally as someone summoned an eldritch creature without an offering and thought it would go well.

"No, I wanna smooch ya." She said with confidence and a bit of obsession in her tone. I felt dumbfounded at this woman's answer, as who would throw away their entire universe for a kiss?

"What?" I said out loud, completely dumbfounded at her answer. "I wanna smoo-." I didn't let her finish that sentence. "I heard you the first time, weirdo." Even more disgust and annoyance appeared in my tone upon hearing her trying to repeat it.

"Are you insane?" It was a rhetorical question that wasn't supposed to be answered. "Yeah, I am insane, insane with LUST." But she answered anyway and in the most "down bad" answer she could have said. "Send me back," I told her, as I didn't want her pulling me back here using whatever method she used in the first place.

"Huh? But you just got here! What about destroying reality?" She sounded confused, but something about her just rubbed me the wrong way. "I'll do it next time, maybe in a hundred years or two." Yet she didn't take the hint and kept talking to me. "But I'll be long dead by then…" She said with a quieter tone than before.

"Exactly!" I almost screamed out as talking to someone who is so single-minded was like talking to a brick wall. "Hey! I went through all this trouble of finding this damn book, the least you can do is-" I looked at the book in her hand and couldn't believe my eyes.

"Where did you find that?" I had leaned in because of the height difference and saw the book she was holding was my tome. "What this? I bought it online. I know, I know, funny-looking Necronomicon, right?" She said with a joking tone as I assumed she was probably hiding the fact she actually spent most of her money on things like this.

"That is not a Necronomicon," I said to her with a disappointed tone. "It's not?" She looked confused as she asked the question, but I spoke again. "What Necronomicon is fully crimson in color?" I sighed after finishing that sentence.

"Erm, well, if it's not a Necronomicon, then what is it?" She looked at the book with confusion, lacing her words. "It's a tome. One that shows you different eldritch creatures and how to summon them." I gave her the answer she was looking for, but I still didn't get the one I was looking for.

"Anyways, why did you summon me?" I had leaned in even closer to the point our noses were almost touching and stared into her eyes. "All the eldritch creatures in this tome were girls, and so I kept going to each page till I got to the last one! That was you, the only male eldritch creature I could summon." She said excitedly while staring into my eyes with a smile.

"Fine, you want that kiss, right? You'll need to complete the rituals in that book to bring me to your reality, and at the end of that, you'll get your kiss." I pulled back and explained to her how she could get what she wanted. "Make sure to protect your sanity, too~," I said with a devious smile on my face.

"Protect my sanity?" She looked a little confused at the words that I had told her. "I am a being beyond human comprehension, and because of that, your mind could snap like a twig trying to interact with me during the rituals, so make sure to use protection," I added a little bit of fire to the end of that sentence. It seemed she noticed as she started blushing a bit.

"But, If you try to stop or chicken out of the rituals, I'll end reality right here," I said with an evil look, adding more of my eldritch voice to the sentence. "W-will you spare the world if I win that kiss?" She stuttered with a look of fear and dread.

"Of course not. You knew what you were getting into when you summoned me." I toyed with her feelings at the beginning of my sentence, making sure to drag out the "of course" just enough to give her hope before squashing it like a bug.

"Deal." She said to me with a neutral tone, but my smile couldn't be hidden. "Excellent; why don't we start with the first ritual, then." I sat down on the bed after finishing my sentence.

I watched her assemble the ritual, but something caught my eye. In the window was a little black cat that ran when I looked at it. "Hey, I saw a black cat in the window," I told her, knowing she would respond to my curiosity. "Oh yeah, that's my neighbor's cat. My neighbor is into occult stuff, too, I guess, and her cat is nice." She said to me, almost wholly fulfilling my curiosity, but I still had one more question.

"I see. What's the cat's name?" I turned to her with a questioning look, but the response I got from her wasn't what I wanted. "Let's change the subject…" She turned her head while talking to me. It seemed I wouldn't get an answer to that.

She finished preparing and read the ritual out loud, and it changed the way she looked. She was already gorgeous by human standards and was a bit too top-heavy with long blonde hair, but now she was different. Her hair color became black with a crimson color at the tips of her hair.

Her eyes had changed to a dark pink color. While before she was too heavy, now she had both a*s and breasts, making her an even more of a feast to the eyes. 'Great, while other entities give you tentacles, I just make you sexier…' I thought with a frown lacing my lips.

Because the first ritual had been done, reality would now feel the weight of my soul, and slowly, people would be turned into "Spawn of Crimson." As long as she was in this room and didn't open the blinds or go outside, she would be safe from them.

I saw her turn the page and knew what she was looking at. "What page are you on?" I appeared in front of her face as she was holding the book. She didn't respond, though, and so I kept pushing. "Nothing, huh? You were looking at nothing… Is that the truth? Hahaha. Did I scare you? Good, I know exactly what you were looking at, and before you could even speak it, I'd have destroyed this reality and saved you for last." I spoke with malice. I toyed with her emotions. The page she was looking at was an "out" as the book had almost everything I needed to find a new world. Still, it also generated things based on that world like "ways out."

She started the second ritual, and I decided to "step out" for a second. I went back to Nyarla and told her I would be back later than expected. She didn't like hearing that but didn't do anything about it either. When I returned, the woman looked pale, like she had seen an eldritch creature.

"What happened to you? Ah, you probably caught a glimpse of my soul or "real body." It seems you're not as sane as you think you might be. Reality is doomed, and as thanks for bringing me here, I could end you first or allow you to be last and have everything to yourself." By the time I finished speaking, I didn't think she could say anything in response. She was utterly silent.

She spoke from the book and did the second ritual. All that was left was the last one, and it was the easiest. All she had to do was read it out loud, and I would be fully summoned into this reality. Yet she looked at me with sadness. "What's wrong? With that look in your eye, you're probably asking, "Why destroy this reality?" Or maybe, "Why can't you just spare this reality," right? Don't be sad, as I've had fun with you even with our rocky beginning, and don't take it the wrong way, but I'm destroying this reality because it will happen eventually. We're at the final stretch, love, so don't give up on me now." Her eyes seemed to grow dimmer and dimmer until I called her "love," and it seemed I stroked a fire in her, and she was ready to do the final ritual.

'Now that I think about it. She truly wasn't that bad. Not that I'd let her know that…' I thought with an unknown expression on my face.


She, for real, gave up reality FOR A KISS?!

Well, it is what it is.



(Don't forget the R!)