
Custom Made Eldritch Creature

A traveler wearing a black cloak limps around a ruined world. Being the last of his kind on the planet, he once called Earth, now called the endless footsteps. Eventually, he finds what he’s looking for: a crimson tome. This book had a weird look to it, and opening it, he saw a lot of names. “Sin of Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth.” They all had names under their sin title, but that wasn’t what he was there for. He turned to the last but most significant page… “The Crimson Prince.” Was what that entire page was dedicated to, with ways of summoning him and everything. “CRIMSON PRINCE GET OUT HERE!” The man screamed and suddenly fell due to a change in positioning. He was on gray sand with a massive neon crimson tree in front of him, and right in front of that tree was him… The Crimson Prince! ————————————————- Extra Tags: World Destruction, Death, Jumping, R18(?), SCP, Mindless Slaughter, Omniverse, Overpowered to Disgustingly Overpowered, Crimson, YANDERE!

HopOffMe · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 26 - The Idiot Who Got Her Kiss




With the final ritual ready, she slowly read aloud the words. As soon as she was done, I felt a shift in reality as I could see my real body had descended, and I was now seeing through the vision of both my avatar and real body.

"It's done the last ritual," I said with a small amount of sadness, which confused me a bit. I turned to the girl who was now in front of me and leaned a bit so we were at a similar height.

"You did wonderfully. I'm afraid it's time for your reality and our fun to end. That look on your face… Love, I had a wonderful time, and that's because of you. I'll miss you dearly… But don't think I forgot about my promise to you. Come here, love, you've earned it." I told her I could see the stars and excitement in her eyes from what she was about to receive.

I made two abilities quickly and named them "Song to the Universe and To Someone Special." Song to the Universe allows me to play music to everyone in this reality all at once, while To Someone Special allows me to save someone's soul in the system and keep them alive even though they may not have their soul in their body.

I began playing "The Amazing Digital Circus - Orchestral Ending" to every single being in this reality as I went up to kiss her. The kiss started chaste but fired up as I stuck my tongue in her mouth and began to take over the "fight."

After a few moments, she started shaking due to the pleasure, so I removed her gravity and kept kissing her. I pushed her body against the wall as I interlocked hands with hers, allowing my fingers in between hers as I brought out my tendrils and wrapped them around her four limbs. My body was pressed against hers as she was squeezed against the wall and me. I feel her try and wrap her legs around my waist, and I let her, even though my tendrils are holding her limbs. She was grinding against me even though she only asked for a kiss.

All the while I'm doing this, I feel a few presences watching this. The kiss continued as I saw her eyes slowly start to roll up into what looked to be the start of a face she couldn't make due to me kissing her. She couldn't breathe, but I kept going as my tongue continued to explore her mouth while staring deep into her eyes.

I made one more ability that would allow me to take a picture in a 3-D perspective and named it "Heavenly Dream" as an acknowledgment of this moment. My real body is outside the window at a monstrous height, the kiss of me and this human, the heavenly light that flows into this room, and the fact that a human took my first kiss.

Finally, I finished kissing her as she almost passed out with her tongue barely even moving anymore. "How did you like the kiss, love?" I said with a smile, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"I-I should give up realities to you more often…" she said with a satisfied yet unsatisfied look on her face with a joking tone. Reality was about to shatter any second as the song was finishing in a few seconds. I quickly stored her soul with my ability and watched as reality broke with the last bit of the song ending.

"Till we meet again, love," I said quietly to no one. Due to my Outer God soul, all the humans and creatures have now been turned into "Spawn of Crimson" and shall follow my beck and call. I stored all of the ones on earth with a big enough soul in my system before leaving that reality as all the souls there have been crushed to mush.

'The Crimson Prince losing his first kiss to a human who would believe it?' I thought with a chuckle. They say to take a picture because it'll last longer, but I took a video because the feelings will last forever…


"So? Do you want to talk about it?" I spoke to the being in front of me with a teasing tone. She had been nagging me for the past hour about this. "That is preposterous. I am not jealous." The woman across the table from me said with a defiant tone.

The lady before me was around double my height with greenish-blue fur and cat ears. She had a tail connected to the back of her hair… I mean, an actual cat tail attached to her hair. She was dressed in Egyptian attire with a silky white dress that made her legs seeable through the clothing. She was wearing golden high heels and a bracelet, and she even had a bell on the end of her tail.

Her face was a black void with a singular orange eye. Honestly, despite being mostly cat, she had curves in all the right places. But right now, she was angry with me for something I supposedly did.

"I am, however, angry with you for romantically involving yourself with a human of all things! We, as Outer Gods, are better than that!" She began reprimanding me. In this version of reality, eldritch gods dream realities, and in the end, once they wake up, that reality is deleted. Romanticly involving myself with a human was like trying to marry a girl in your dream, and of course, people would think you are stupid for that.

"Is what I'm saying even getting through your thick skull?" She seemed to have finished her rant with an angry look. "No, it's not. You're just jealous." I said with a smirk, and boy, did that tick her off. She looked about, ready to strangle me, but before she could say anything, I spoke up. "I know you're jealous because you're dreaming up your brother right now." As I finished my sentence, she went silent. A smirk appeared on my face as she looked at me with disbelief.

"Normally, dreaming of another Outer God like this isn't possible, so how did you do it? Well, it's quite obvious! You are dreaming of my avatar, which doesn't hold my soul." I continued speaking, the smirk on my face getting wider as she started grabbing her head with an even more anxiety-filled look.

"I-I didn't mean to… I c-can't be… No, that's impossible." She was muttering to herself at this point in disbelief. There was only one way to dream someone up by themselves… You have to be obsessed with them to the point where you think about them even while awake and right as you go to bed.

"Look at you, dreaming of your younger brother. It's not like you dreamt of me, along with other people, being here either. It's just you and me… In your room… Alone with no one to bother us." As I kept speaking, I hammered home all the oddities I spotted, making her cringe and feel more ashamed of herself.

"We could name this "The Coffin of Adz and Nya: Nya's Sexual Escape!" wouldn't that be a good title?" I spoke in a mocking tone while her despair kept growing. But that wasn't enough as I wasn't my real body and didn't have the system, so that's how I knew. 'I may just be a devil of temptation… Well, we don't know unless we try.' I thought to myself with a smile.

"Oh, you are a terrible older sister, but the thing is… I'm not real. Anything you want can happen, and nobody will know. Your darkest emotions could come out, and not a single soul would be able to witness it." I told her with a tempting tone of what she could do. As they say, "Temptation isn't about doing it, but it's about if you can do it."

She looked down at her hands and then back up to me, and I could see the temptation seeping into her body as her one eye seemed to dilate. "You're quiet there. But it must have been you. The one snooping on me while the human girl was trying to get her kiss." I said aloud with a devilish grin. We both knew that she was spying a little too long.

"Which route are you going to take on this adventure? The family route where we continue onward like ordinary people or… The route most humans playing games would take? To explore the deepest depths of depravity, all where no one is there to see you as you make this decision." Finishing my sentence, I knew exactly what route any gamer would take. No matter the occasion, they always choose the path to ruin.

Nyan sat there staring at me as I could see the thoughts in her mind split between the depraved and the authority. She stood up, and it seemed authority had won… until she came around the table and kneeled to me before staring me in the eyes with an unblinking gaze.

She slowly and gently pushed me down till I was lying on the floor. 'Authority didn't win… It joined depravity.' With that thought, Nyan kissed me. It wasn't chaste at all and was full of obsessed depravity that had been waiting to be unleashed. She was so strict regarding rules, but when it came to heart, she was so easily moveable.

I had barely done anything, yet she was shivering on top of me like she had just taken the best drug in the universe. 'This is going to be a long dream… a long wet dream that she hopes she never wakes up from.' I thought with an internal smile as I felt her kissing grow more ravenous.

As she kissed me, I grabbed her large breasts as, due to her size, I couldn't reach anywhere else, and I heard her moan. Even with the fur, they were softer than anything I've felt before. Suddenly, she pulled back, and even though she was on her knees, she still was way taller than me.

"All mine… I'll make him all mine, and he'll never have to leave me again. We'll be together forever." Nyan muttered while putting her hands on her face. It seemed she had lost a bit of sanity while gaining her desire. The weird thing was I never met this version of Nyarlathotep, so I don't know where the "never leave me again" part comes from.

"Well, I don't think we can have children even if you do have me for eternity." I don't think I should have said that out loud as she looked at me with even more desire. It was like I added jet fuel to a fire that was already burning as high as it could. She quite literally pounced on me and grabbed the sides of my head with her hands.

The kiss she gave me was the sloppiest kiss I've ever received. I was in my half-human form, and she began ripping off my clothes.

'Yeah, this is going to be a long dream…' I thought as she started taking off her own clothes.


I was lying down when Nyarla suddenly woke up. She looked at me weirdly, only to stand up and walk away. She might have needed to go to the bathroom.

Title Upgraded! Nyarlathotep's Favorite -> Nyarlathotep's #@#% (???)

That was not a good sign. If anything, what she just did could be considered normal. I don't know if I should talk to her about it, but maybe I should be more expressive. Suddenly, she walked back into the room with another weird look on her face before she got into the bed and under the covers.

She seemed down in a way, so I decided to give her a hug. Apparently, that was the wrong thing to do as I felt her shiver from my touch. She quickly turned around and gave me what I could assume to be a death glare. With that, I decided never to hug her unless she decided to hug me.


Back in my main body, I decided to spend some souls on upgrading my subordinates. Karasu, Snitch, and Anos would all get an 80,000 total stat increase. It cost a total of 28,000,000 souls, but I wasn't done as I spent another 300,000,000 on upgrading Anos's abilities as he still needed more.

Number Of Souls In Possession: 372,312,517(Human)

I looked at their brand-new status numbers and was satisfied.

Name: Karasu (Zenin) Fushiguro

Strength: 24,000

Speed: 46,000

Magic Energy: 0

Activity: 25,000

Name: Snikch

Strength: 18,000

Speed: 37,000

Magic Energy: 19,000

Activity: 24,000

Name: Anos Necron Voldigord

Strength: 28,000

Speed: 19,000

Magic Energy: 60,000

Activity: 18,000

With these new stats, I should be able to have them explore different worlds finally. They were able to explore them before, but someone stronger than them could always be lurking.

Karasu countered Anos with his Inverted Spear of Heaven while Anos countered Sniktch with his magical abilities, and Sniktch countered Karasu by being a faster assassin. It was one big circle like rock, paper, and scissors. Well, Giratina was just a gun you pull out on your enemy when you can't take losing anymore.

I thought about raiding other dimensions but didn't think I needed to at this point. I need to make more copies of the tome so that more people would summon me. Sure, I could get an ability that sends me to random realities, but I don't want to open my eyes and see hundreds of Alien Xs all around me.

'Maybe a raid or two would get rid of this laziness in my body.' I thought with a frown. I put everyone in my dimension besides Karasu in the system. The only dimension I would be raiding would be the top of this tier, and because of that, I had to make sure I got someone strong.

I activated the device and walked through the hole in my dimension when it appeared. Karasu came with me, but I didn't think he needed to either way. This particular dimension was disgusting as it seemed even the trees had tentacles. The sky was dark, with not a single star in the sky, and I saw a bird land on a tentacle tree only to see that the bird also had tentacles on its face.

'Nothing is worse than an eldritch creature who gives everything it touches tentacles.' My frown deepened with that thought, and even as hundreds of thousands quickly surrounded me, I didn't care. "You got this bro?" Karasu said next to me as he tapped my shoulder.

"Of course, I have this after all… In this dimension, I'm the strongest." I turned to Karasu while speaking, and a smile grew on my face as I finished my sentence. Our conversation ended with a creature that I can only describe as a blob made of mouths and tentacles came out. It was an almost pitch-black color with tentacles that looked slimy while having mouths and eyes spread around like a child's creation.

It was absolutely disgusting in all aspects. I was going to grant them an easy death, but it seems I can't allow that to happen now that I've seen this hideous creature in front of me. "You dare invade my realm." It spoke and sounded as if a bunch of naked, wet mole rats had been dropped in a trash can and began thrashing around.

"I'm not here to invade your realm. I'm here to kill you and end that disgusting thing you call a life." I said with absolute confidence while the creature in front of me glared. "You think you can win against me?" The blob in front of me said with its eyes closing slightly like he heard the funniest joke.

"Of course, I'm going to win against you. After all… You're weak!" I said aloud with my hand raised toward the creature and a smile forming on my face. I began stretching, which only made the creature angrier, but I didn't pay it any mind. "Damn, you just going to let him talk to you like that?! Honestly, I don't mean to be rude, but that just couldn't be me, man. I mean it with zero disrespect, but that just couldn't be me." Karasu began instigating with a hand covering his mouth and him looking away.

I swear I could hear the blob grinding his teeth together in anger. This would end one way… me beating the absolute shit out of him.


(The last chapter as promised.)

The world was based on the game "Sucker for love first date," and I guess I should make this a mini-arc cause it's not over.

I was thinking of him taking a slow and pleasant walk through worlds while blasting anyone who talked "trash."



(Don't forget the R!)