
Cursed: Earth's defenders

Earth a world with few living beings on it with just four cities on the whole planet and only one hundred and fifty people in each. There lives a boy from the race known as Raw zeons, his name Shirogane, his origins unknown from everyone who surrounds him. His only family is the one that found him when he arrived on Earth some Humans each with their own unique fighting styles and one master Torino, now they must seek aid and answers while also trying to survive the many other beings with different interests but this does not mean they are evil no, it just means they are on a different path, evil is just a point of view of one person from another person. Truly there is no such thing as either good people or evil people just people who either share your interests or have their own. Who's interests will reach their finally only the future knows... Cursed: Earth's defenders will have seven sagas, with four being in part one and the remaining three being in part two Once the ending of Cursed: Earth's defenders has been published the sequel known as Cursed: Apocalypse will be published Cursed: Earth's defenders is apart of a six part series each covering the curse mark story. I will publish two chapters a week at 6pm BST, on Wednesday and Sunday I am planning on releasing chapters detailing all the little things such as the many curses and races but this will be something that is done alongside the larger stories, I will release these during the end of each saga. This series is also being published on Wattpad I am also starting to publish the curse mark story on RoyalRoad.com https://www.royalroad.com/profile/469061 Please comment suggestions and any feedback you have on how to improve for the next chapters.

HELLFIRE656 · Võ hiệp
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59 Chs

Chapter18: The guardian of the future generation

A few days have passed and while most have left Torino is left alone to maintain the temple.

But more importantly Shirogane and Hikaru have not left Earth just yet, they find themselves at Shirogane's family home.

But they are not alone...

Kibar and Kenta also find themselves there.

Khira brought herself out her eyes already filled with tears, with a few escaping down her face, it was clear to all that she already knew what was about to happen.

And while Tenso did not understand he held his mothers hand, with an unrelenting grip.

And soon Kibar questioned and for once again he felt as if he almost wasn't a beast, "so is he my nephew?".

Kenta ready to answer was put to a halt as Shirogane spoke first "yes brother..., Tenso is my child and your nephew which brings me to why I brought you here".

All eyes sat upon Shirogane awaiting for him to release them of their confusion.

The winds whistled through the forest as Shirogane brought his gaze to the beast.

"Brother I once disowned you but I see that I made a mistake thanks to Hikaru and your own efforts you have shown me that you can be more then just a beast..., so while I am gone I ask you to look after my no our family".

Everyone stunned, Khira pleaded and begged for Shirogane to change his mind.

But instead Shirogane placed his hands upon her shoulders and slowly placed her onto the grassland beneath them.

Speaking with demand Shirogane asked once more "so brother what is your answer, will you protect our family while I'm away?".

Kibar without doubt shouted out his answer "I will brother I'll make sure no harm comes to either of them even if it costs me my own life".

Khira cried out in despair as she did not share the same trust Shirogane did.

Kenta reassured Khira as he gave his opinion "I will be guarding Earth from all spies sent by Uzunami so in between that I'll come down and help you all".

And without giving a response Shirogane and Hikaru disappeared from Earth.

Tenso still holding into his mother's hand cried out "where's dad going mum?".

In which all he heard was "he has to go away for a while", although no one knew if he would return they just had to believe in Shirogane's new made strength.