
5000 Years Later.

Hmm. I've finished meditating and I did as much cultivation as I wanted to for now.

I'm at 2nd Divine Origin Realm. I have exactly 4981 years of life left. Seems Decent enough to relax with.

I've also Gotten My Water Dao To 10th Tier. My Life Dao Is at 3rd Tier And My Death Dao Is At 3rd Tier. I haven't upgraded my Water Dao Yet because I don't want to freeze the ocean around me and suffocate my followers. I still need to amass a ton of faith energy to get passed Divine Extinction Realm.

I guess I should start going to see Koncchi.

*Crack* x8


"Man That was annoying ,having all that rock and moss on me."

"The Goddess has Awoken!"

"Hello ,I'm the Pope of the church. We have been waiting for you to awaken ,Our Goddess."

"Yes good to see you too. I haven't visited the land in a long time. I would like to go visit Koncchi."

"I'm sorry ,but we can't let you leave. We need you to overpower the king and queen!!!"

"YOU IMPUDENT SCUM!!! I'M NOT JUST SOME TOOL WHO WILL BEND TO YOUR WILL!!! I'M THE PROUD GODDESS OF THE PLANET ,SHIRO. NOT SOME TOOL! You Are to greedy! To think my own followers would try to chain me ,Their Goddess! I think we have a need to replace you!"

"You think you can hurt me ,your just some goddess who hasn't used any powers in a while! You probably would have a hard time using your powers at all! Also ,based on what I've concluded ,your need to get stronger is probably because you are some weak goddess!" *Hmph!*

"You Idiot. You think your smart just because you thought up all this bullshit. You think you can challenge a goddess anyways! Even If I haven't showed my powers in a long time ,doesn't mean you should forget who is following who!! I'll show you why I'm A Goddess!"


"I command thee! Water! Bend to my will and Beseech Thy Wrath ,Show These Scum That They Art Unworthy To Command Thy Power!"

I use my Tier 10 Water Dao and Crush The Admirabilis that tried to rebel to death. After That's done with I use my Tier 3 Death Dao To Absorb His Remains.


Oh ,My Death Dao Finally Broke through the bottleneck. I guess I needed to absorb a corpse.

Oh. It seems he was corrupted by this 'Prime Cardinal' Fellow.

"I've also seen through this 'Popes' Memories. It seems this Prime Cardinal is responsible for corrupting the Pope! I shall Punish Your Crimes By Death!"

I use my Tier 3 Life Dao To Absorb his life. I then use my Tier 10 Water Dao to get rid of his corpse. I want my Life And Death Dao's to be on the exact same level.

"I hope no one else will have to suffer punishment. I shall be on my way then."


I now have Tier 4 Life And Death Dao's.


"I've created water proof paper and writing materials. I hope you choose someone following these instructions. Also weed out the corrupted people using this."


1 hour later


That was a long jog. I took the scenic route though. I could've made it in about half a minute.

I've made it to the crescent island.

"Whew! That Was A Boring trip! I'm glad I finally found the crescent island ,I better call Koncchi!"

*Ring ,Ring ,Ring*


"Shiro! You're finally up."

"Yeah I'm up Koncchi! I'm also on the crescent island! I'm going to sneak into your school and check out my little sisters!"

"Heh. Sure Go Ahead. Just Don't Get Caught Until I Introduce you."

"Nah. I'm gonna scare them. Where's the youngest one and who are they."

"Oh. She's at the pond and her name is Phosphophyllite."

"That's A Hell Of A Long Name. I'm gonna scare the crap out of here. Expect here to come crying to you in a few minutes."

"You're a pain in the ass Shiro ,You know that?"

"Yep! Gotta Go!!"


I'm using my Tier 10 Water Dao to Hide in the pond. I'm gonna materialize only my head and scare Phoscchi


"Phos~~ ,I'm here to take you to the depths of the pond where you'll never return~..."

"Eh? EEK!!! NO~~~!!!"


I manipulate the water to drag Phoscchi into the pond.

"NO~~~ ,LET ME GO."

She struggles cutely ,so cute that I get entranced and accidentally let her go to early.

"UGH! I'm Free!"

"I'm Gonna Get'cha!!! Get Back Here!!!!"



"I'm Out!!!!"

*TapTapTapTapTapTapTap*(Running Sound)

"Sensei~~!!!! Save Me~~!!!!!!"

*UuuuuuHuuuuuuHuuuuu*(Crying Sounds)

Heheheh ,Phoscchi is so cute scared. Well ,I've already materialized my whole body back into water.

It was very scary because I used my 1st skill called Fear Aura from my Dao Of Death to make her feel Fear.

Huh. Overkill? Nah.

She Wouldn't have been truly scared otherwise.

I also Worked On My Light Dao so that I could go invisible and walk around without being disturbed.

I have a Tier 7 Light Dao. I couldn't max it out because I was in a building and at the bottom of the ocean.

I Materialize my whole body then turn my self invisible in the pond. This way ,I can see my body. If I was still in water form ,then Koncchi would be able to tell the difference. I've mixed my water and light Dao's to make myself completely undetectable ,but I'll stay here and wait for Koncchi.