
Cultivation Trip. Starting A Religion.

I wonder what I should spend my time doing in the ocean. I'll tour around the island a bit and try my best to control my profound energy to form an air bubble.


After Finishing My Tour


I Finished my air bubble practice and I cultivated a little to breakthrough to 7th Spirit Profound Realm.

I'm gonna head into the ocean and look for sentient life. If I find something ,then I'll probably do something fun.

I had read some manga in my first reincarnation and I could probably try out some of the techniques from those manga.


1 year later.

I'm 19 now. I've gotten to 9th Earth Profound Realm. Soon I'll be able to fly and use my air bubble to go to the moon.

I found some weird humanoid species called The Admirabilis. I used my power and my other things in my storage to make them worship me as a goddess. In which I made a religion among the sea and now they call me the Goddess Of The Planet. I ,of course have used my Profound Energy to push me around the ocean and I can do it without moving so they thing I can use my mind to move anything. That's when they turned it into rumors of being able to manipulate the ocean to move me and then it got even more ridiculous and turned into me being able to control the planet which I didn't deny and now I'm the Goddess Of The Planet.

*Ring ,Ring ,Ring*

Oh. I'm getting a call from Koncchi.


"Hey Koncchi ,What took you so long to call me! I was thinking you may have forgotten about me!"

"Sorry Shiro. I just was too busy integrating a new system and making sure things go right. I just now only got the time to call you."

"It's okay Koncchi. You just owe me a kiss when I get back!"

"Sure. Anyway ,What have you been up to Shiro."

"Nothing much. I just only found a sentient species in the ocean and found a way to make them call me a Goddess. I've started a religion where I'm The Goddess Of The Planet Now."

"Oh. Nothing Much huh. That's A Hell Of A Lot! How The Hell Did You Manage That!!!"

"I just used my powers to push myself around and helped mass spread rumors and they escalated into that and I made it seem like it was very important and a secret. They'll just go around saying that 'the goddess is with us' and stuff like that."

*Sigh*"I guess only you could make something like that happen."

"Anyways I'll get going now. I have something I need to do and won't answer you for a good 5000 years or so."

"I guess I'll talk to you in 5000 or so years then."

"Wait! Also ,my followers might try to go to the land sometime and try to 'Spread the teachings of the goddess' to you guys. I want you to tell them something for me when they do that. Tell them to not say my name and if they don't listen then use the bell."

"Okay. Goodbye then."

"Kay! Bye Koncchi!!"


"Time to go cultivate. I kinda like that altar that they built for me. I also want to research my Water Dao. Maybe I can also Get Some Insights On Life Dao from the Admirabilis. Since they are the Flesh Of The Humans ,I might get a bit of Death Dao Too."


*Gasp* "It's The Goddess Of The Planet ,Shiro!"

"Goddess Shiro Is Back!"

"Someone Go inform the Leader!"

Troublesome. I'm just gonna tell them my purpose and make up some good sounding story.


""Goddess Shiro!""

"Oh. Mr.King And Mrs.Queen. Hello There."

"Goddess Shiro ,What might you be doing here."

"Oh. You see I am part of a race called Divine's which is basically a God Or Goddess. What We Do To Advance Our Strength Among Our Race Is To Meditate In Quiet Places Or In Places Where A Lot Of Our Followers Reside. Since You Are The Only People I Have Met Since I Have Descended and You are All My Followers ,I decided to meditate in the church. Every time you guys pray to me ,I receive your faith energy which helps me grow stronger and gain a better reputation among my fellow Divine's. Meditation With A Lot Of Faith Energy or any at all is the best method to grow."

"Our Goddess! I didn't Expect there to be other's like you!"

"There is but I'm the only one in the area of this planet ,I need to grow stronger to protect this planet and that is why us Divine's descend to gain followers."

"Oh Goddess Shiro ,You're Spending your time with us just to help protect us!"

"Our Goddess Of The Planet Is Such A Kind And Caring Goddess!"

"Yes ,I would like to hurry up though to start my deep meditation."

"Yes Goddess! Follow Us To The Church!"


"We're Here!"

"Okay ,Please Tell Me Where I Can Meditate."

"You can meditate in front of your statue ,so more people can worship your Holiness!"

"Thank You ,I will start meditating! You're All Such Loyal Followers!"