
Crystal's Desire

Take a journey into an alternate universe, follow with Crystal and learn how a half-demon with no heart goes on an adventure to earn herself one! Meet all her friends and enjoy the ride! Will her wish be fulfilled or will she turn into a monster?

Dashprincess11 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 8

"Yeesss..." The snake spoke in a hiss, "She is experiencing the toxins of my venom as we speak and it won't be long until the half-demon succumbs to the darkness."

"Good work, this should make you more than happy, my wife." Aimitsu's new husband licked her neck, making her tremble in disgust.

"Of course it does..." Aimitsu said, forcing a smile, "But I would like to know if she ends up dead. Please continue watching her."

"Of course..." The demon snake hissed before turning his head around and slithering out of the throne room.

"How about we celebrate, my wife?" The demons word's hissed in her ear as he continued to lick her neck, "I say I take you to my private quarters and we'll go from there."

"Y-Yes... My Lord." Aimitsu managed to get out, before he lifted her and took her off to his private quarters. All she could do was regret her decision in coming to this demon for help.


Rayth sighs as he puts medicine on the bite wound on Crystal's leg, he was sure she would be okay since it appeared as if her entire body cut off her leg from circulation, it now having turned almost black in color.

"Will she lose the leg?" Rayth wonders out loud as he looks around at the burnt temple, Crystal had come this way specifically, was this where she was born? 

Getting up he walks towards the woods and starts grabbing sticks, hoping to start a fire. A rustle of leaves catches his attention, and as he peers up from the ground, a white rabbit hops out of the bush, its red eyes looking at him for a moment before darting away. Sighing he walks back to the temple with sticks in hand and stomps out an area in the ground, kicking away the grass.

Setting up a small fire, he sits down and opens one of his satchels, pulling a stick of deer jerky out to chew on. He looks back at the temple.

Despite the temple being burned down, the garden around it was still stunning. The Spider Lilies and white Orchids flowed in the wind softly. It looked as if someone still regularly comes to do work on the garden.

"Whoever it is, I hope that they don't come by today. Or tomorrow." He sighed as he watched Crystal sleep. Besides the night with the spider, this was the first time he properly seen her asleep. 

"Why do I care? Why am I even fighting to save her life?" He grumbled quietly before turning to get out some berries he picked earlier.

"It is quite peculiar, isn't it?" A hissing voice asked, making Rayth jump and look towards the voice. A large Rattlesnake demon was slithering into the garden.

"What is?" Rayth asked curiously, but was tense from how close the snake was getting. He didn't feel threatened, so he was sure the demon wasn't initially going to attack.

"A former Demon Slayer Lord, accompanying a Half Demon known to have killed people." The snake hissed, staring right into Rayth's eyes, "You're supposed to slay demons, yet you accompany one."

"I am simply observing her behavior. If I determine that she's dangerous I'll kill her in an instant."

"So you wish for her to live until then?" The snake hissed, inching closer.

"I'm not sure.."

"Then let me eat her!" The snake roared as he opened his mouth and headed in to eat Crystal. Rayth's instincts kicked in and he picked up his Polearm. Barely able to get close enough, he sliced up the side of the snake, making him hiss and back away.

"No. It is my duty to kill her if and when needed." Rayth said, his eyes piercing through the Snake's.

"I see..." The snake hissed, "Although it's very likely she's already on her way to the afterlife. My duty will have been done, but I must collect her head for my Lord."

"Your Lord?"

"The great Snake Demon, Mirkou, has been given the task to kill your Half-demon. I must bring back her head for him."

"Who's head?" Crystal's voice boomed from behind Rayth, making him jump slightly, "You know what I hate the most about Snakes?"

"Hmm?" The snake said, unable to hide the shock in his eyes.

"They're all vermin." Crystal growled, pulling her sword and aiming it at the Snake, "But, I'm curious. Your Lord has a name, what's yours?"

"You really want to know? Why?" The snake hissed.

"So I can call you by your name when your Lord meets his end by the blade of my Tatsuka."

"How dare you, you half breed!" The snake slithered quickly towards her, and Crystal slashed her sword down.

A burst of glowing red came from her blade, it sliced right through the snake's body. Crystal huffed softly.

"To think that a demon such as him would ever dream of killing me."

"H-How are you alive?" Rayth asked curiously, even though he gave her the medicine, there was no way that she could be up and moving.

"For one, you used medicine. My healing is different than humans and other half-demons. I heal quicker but I'm left with a scar that can tear and I can get injured again."

"Is it something you can control?"

"According to my father, I could learn to control it." Crystal shrugged, "But I haven't gotten any bad wounds yet that would warrant a fear of it happening."

"I see..."

"Thank you." Crystal said as she sat down and looked at her leg. It was still discolored, but the effects of the medicine were quick.

"You're welcome.." Rayth said cautiously.

Crystal looked around them, and sighed softly, "My father's temple. Surprised any of it survived the fire."

"This is your father's temple?!" Rayth said as he stared at the charred portion of the building that would have been the main room. 

"Yeah. It burned down when I was younger."

"Then are you the one who's been keeping up on the garden?" Rayth asked curiously, pointing at the the flowers.

"My father never taught me how to garden. It's probably my brother, his scent is still around here."

"Your brother?"

"Anyway. We can stay here for the night. Where are the horses?"

"The stables survived the fire so I put them in there." Rayth said, noting to himself of how she avoided his question. 

"I see." Crystal picked up some medicine and applied it to the area, but Rayth had one more question burning at the back of his throat.

"How long were you awake...?"

"Not sure. I heard a lot of the conversation though."

"How much..?"

"I know you plan to kill me." Crystal said flatly, staring up at him with her emotionless expression.

"Aren't you mad..?"

"I don't blame you. I'd want to kill me too." Crystal said with a shrug, "I don't mind."

"I see.." Rayth sat down next to her, wondering if she was being honest or if she'd kill him in his sleep.

Was she that kind of person?

Rayth wished he knew the answer, but he kept his mouth shut as Crystal worked on her leg. 

Why was he doubting his own words? Is it that his feelings about killing her have changed?


"My Lady, I have deployed some of my best warriors to track down your prey." A Furi walked in, his black Jaguar print coat shone in the sun that seeped in through the stained glass.

"Of course. Remember, they must bring me back her head. I want proof of her being dead." Omose smirked, all of the pawns were in place. Her pet Snake Mirkou and his friends have spoken of success, but Omose doubts it. 

"My daughter wouldn't fall to the hands of a snake." Omose thought to herself, huffing softly. She knew had Crystal been born a demon, she would be a formidable opponent. Even as a Half Demon, she poses a threat, "I must kill her before she can complete the Heart Sapphire. Who knows what she'll truly desire if she does complete it."

Omose stared up through the stained glass roof of hers, wondering exactly what her children were up to. When she caught the scent of her son arriving nearby, she straightened herself to get quite the show from her son who tried to always keep a middle ground on thin ice.

"Mother." Hajuka said as he walked into the throne room, "I've come to tell you that I will be returning the Family Heir to its rightful owner."

"I see, so Crystal will receive the only item that survived the fire I caused..." 

"She was the one to retrieve it from the fire, after all." Hajuka said calmly, "So, I heard rumors that the Heart Sapphire is back."

"Yes. I'm currently hunting down the fragments as we speak. Only the best of my warriors have been deployed in case these fragments have fallen into the hands of strong demons." Omose sighed, "Thiatra, The Lightning Demon. Horiri, The Lord Of Owl Demons. Azuli, the Water Demon. Sumia, the Fire Demon. Ikekira, The Ogre demon, and lastly, Kusa the Demon Ferret."

"I see. They are some of your best warriors. But who exactly are you planning to fight over them? Everyone?"

"Yes. Until it's completed I will kill every demon, human and half demon who has a fragment."

"I see. Well, I'm off to go find my sister." Hajuka called as he went to leave the throne room, "If she's dead when I find her, I'll be keeping the Kitsuna for myself."

Omose huffed as she watched her son walk out of the throne room. Wondering what she did so wrong that caused her only demon child to dislike her so much. She only offered love and guidance through his life, but he always returned it with hate and vengeance. Maybe it has something to do with the sister he treats as his beloved.

"Tsk. Having love for a creature who doesn't know the feeling of love is ridiculous. No matter how much Dotsu taught her."


Crystal walked around the temple, wondering why her brother had been keeping up on the garden work after all this time when she came across a large stone. Carved into it was "Lord Dotsu Shigorati", and Crystal walked up to it to examine it closer.

"I see. Hajuka, you still keep up on this place for him." Crystal sat down in front of the gravestone, "Hey Father. It's Crystallina, I've come to visit."

"What am I doing? He's dead. He wouldn't be able to hear me like this." Crystal huffed but turned her back towards the stone before slowly dozing off. It reminded her of a time when she was younger, when no matter how much energy she had, she would always instantly fall asleep in her father's arms.

"Crystal?" Rayth's voice called out, waking Crystal from her short slumber, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?" Crystal asked as she looked up at him.

"You took a while to come back. I thought maybe you left."

"Why would I leave? This is my childhood home, after all. If I wanted anyone to leave it would be you."

"I suppose you have a point. In the meantime, I think I should go hunting to get us some food."

"I'll go later. Just stay and look after the horses."

"Of course." Rayth sighed, but continued on his way. Leaving Crystal to watch him as he walked up the stairs to the flat platform where they were staying.

"I better go get some food then." Crystal pushed herself up, and looked back at the grave. Why had Hajuka made this for her father? It wasn't like Dotsu was Hajuka's real father.

After all, he was a full demon. That would be impossible for a human and a demon. But then again, he only ever seemed to hold resentment for their mother.

"I suppose." Crystal shrugged and started to walk towards the forest. She pushed past bushes and made a path that closed behind her.

She sniffed the air to see if she could find where any prey was. She could smell a family of rabbits, a couple of deer, and some wolves.

"Huh. I don't remember there being wolves in this area." Crystal shrugged it off to walk through more brush towards the rabbits. She could trap them in their den if that's where they are. 

Coming to a small hole in the ground, the strong smell of Rabbit came from the den. It was just as she predicted, they were in their den.

"Time to find something to block you in.." Crystal looked around before seeing a big branch. Using the branch, she covered the entrance before hearing the frightened pitter patter of rabbit feet hitting the dirt. One bravely tried to escape out the exit that was blocked, allowing Crystal to break it's neck in one swift move of her hand. Pulling out the large black tailed Rabbit she looked back down at the Den. 

She wouldn't need more than one. She moved the branch and began to walk off. Only momentarily looking back to see the cautious rabbit inch out of the den and 7 baby rabbits following after. All searching for the one in Crystal's hand.

"It's just the way life is." Crystal sighed and continued on. Looking away from the scene as it felt wrong to watch. 

Approaching the temple, she could see the smoke stack from the campfire Rayth put together as it attempted to cut the sky in half. It's dark smoke against the dusky blue, making Crystal feel odd.

Walking up to the fire she presented her kill to Rayth.

"Here's what I caught."

"Oh wow! That's a big Rabbit!"

"It is. We should be careful sleeping tonight. There are wolves in the area."

"I see." Rayth said as Crystal sat down and began to skin the rabbit. Using her dagger to cut the fur off it's stomach, and carving down it. Cutting a slit off it's knees to pull the rest of the skin off in one swift pull. Making the rabbit nothing more than meat. 

"Here." Rayth handed a sharp stick to stab through the rabbit for cooking. Crystal nodded and carefully stabbed the rabbit with the stick. Placing it over the fire, she turned it occasionally to make sure everything cooked well, "I don't know if I will end up killing you or not."

"Hm?" Crystal looked up at Rayth as he began to speak.

"I am just unsure of what to think about you. You burned down a village and killed bandits. But you also protected a village and put yourself at risk for them. I just want to make sure if I let you live, you won't just go killing every human you see."

Crystal looked at him, trying to think of a response. But how could she respond to that? She had no idea why he wouldn't just kill her, to begin with.

"I have no need to kill that many humans. But if the issue arrived, I would rather me die than many others." Crystal said calmly, before picking the cooked rabbit off the fire. Pulling out her dagger, she cut a slab of the meat off and handed it to Rayth.

"I suppose." Rayth took the meat and started to eat, soon followed by Crystal. As they ate in silence, Crystal often looked around them at the surrounding trees, keeping an eye out for any demons to approach the temple.

"My father's legacy died with this temple, but it appears that demons still refuse to touch it." Crystal said flatly, "From the fear of being killed by the Great Dotsu."

"Oh really? I have noticed quite the lack of demonic energy here, is that why?"

"Yes." Crystal looked up towards the sky as the sun began to set, "I have caught the scent of a pack of demon wolves nearby, but that is about it."

"Demon wolves? Is it dangerous?"

"Well, I had never seen them as a child. So it must be safe." 


"Well, it's time for us to get some rest." Crystal said softly, looking at Rayth as the glow of the fire illuminated his face.

"I'll sleep first." Rayth said, as he laid out a blanket before laying down.