
Crown of Sorrow

1_moon_light · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

Jasper awoke to sweat running down his chest as he gasped for air. He rubbed his head running his hands through his brown curls. He looked around to see where he was, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The room was relatively small to what the young prince was use to. The old room swayed and creaked as a gust of wind blew over the tavern. The air inside was hot, thick with dust and soot. Dark floorboards laid crooked as gray curtains hung ripped on each side of a small window. Frost had swirled over the window, and above it, Jasper could see snowflakes falling.

As if coming back to his senses, Jasper hastily stood up. "The same dream over and over again!" He muttered to himself angry.

"Your no good!" He picked up a small vial of dark liquid by his nightstand and angrily threw it into the fireplace. A burst of flames blazed up the chimney.

Pacing the small room, Jasper examined his face in a broken piece of mirror on the nightstand by his bed.

"Ah, I gotta shave." He said annoyingly as he ran his hand over his stubbly chin and cheeks. A dark shadow now appeared where once his smooth sharp jaw was clean shaven.

"On second thought, I look rather dashing." He grinneded at himself pleased.

"What do you think Dragon?" He said peering underneath his bed.

There underneath the bed, in a pile of dust, a small black dog was fast asleep.

"Come on now! Wake up!" Jasper said indignantly.

Dragon gave a small whimper, turned away, and continued to sleep.

Jasper ignored the dog and pulled his boots on nearly falling over.

"Gotta stop trying to outdrink Bathos." He mumbled under his breath, still uneasy from the night before.

Jasper, although a bit unsteady, found all his belongings right where they were. He examined the pockets of his cloak, pleased to find that he had won a considerable amount of money the night before. Immediately uplifting his mood.

Downstairs the sound of people's voices, shuffling boxes, and women laughing could be heard. As the smell of bacon wafted into his room.

Jasper opened the door of his room, but before stepping out, glanced down at the bed.

"All right, Dragon, guess I'll have to eat all the bacon myself." At those words the tiny black ball of fur dashed past Jasper's feet, tumbling down the tavern steps. Landing straight at the feet of a massive, feral-looking man.

At first glance, one might say that the man was in the prime of his youth. His large body moved with such ease and magnitude. However, looking closer at the man's eyes, one could see wrinkles running through his skin.

"Look-en for bacon, Dragon?" The man said in a raspy accented voice.

The small dog circled the man eagerly, anticipating a treat.

The man let out a heavy chuckle and threw down two greasy slabs of bacon on the floor.

"You spoil my dog too much." Jasper said, taking a seat at the bar.

"Maybe if I spoil him enough, he'll be my dog?" Bathos said with a grin.

"Not a chance." Jasper smiled slyly. As Bathos placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him.


The first time Jasper walked by the tavern, he saw Bathos throw a man clean out onto the street. The movement was so fluid that the man seemed light as a feather. Jasper eminently made his way into the tavern. He was only fifteen but convinced a pretty waitress he was a man in his thirties who accidentally drank too much of a youth potion. Slipping a few gold coins into her hand, the waitress poured him all the ale he desired. As soon as Jasper felt the liquid warm his body, he stood up, walked straight up to the giant man.

Then with a one huge swing of his fist, Jasper punched the man straight in the jaw. Infact, the man was so massive Jasper had to jump for his fist to land I'm the man's face.

At that moment, the whole tavern fell silent. Jasper stood watching both in awe that his punch had not moved the man and in anticipation for his beating in return.

The large man stood confused, with a look of annoyance as if a mosquito had bit him. But then, noticing the boy below, he let out a roaring laugh, and as he did, the rest of the tavern also fell in stride with his laughter.

Just as Jasper thought that was the end. A voice rang through the tavern.

"He dares assault the Beast of the North!?" One man shouted out angrily

Murmurs went through the people of the tavern as another man shouted, "Death to the man who touched the Beast!"

A roar of approving cheers broke out as the crowed began to shout, "Kill him!"

Jasper felt his heart drop. What had he done! Cold sweat ran down his back, and he could feel his legs begin to give way. He looked around for an escape, but men began to crowd in, eyeing him as they pulled their knives out. A particularly ugly man smiled and said, "Let me kill him Bathos; it would be an honor."

Bathos grabbed the boy by the ear and dragged him out of the tavern, parting the sea of men as they let out disapproving shouts. Pulling Jasper into an alleyway, Bathos pinned the boy against a stone wall and spat in his face.

"A man should only fight when he has something worth fighting for!" Bathos said as his voice echoed down the empty alley. Seeing that the boy had gone white, he set him down and turned to leave.

Jasper slid down onto his knees, breathless, fear burning through his body.

"I want something worth fighting for." A small voice came out of him.

Bathos turned to see the boy pulling himself back onto his feet with tears running down his cheeks.

He couldn't help see something of himself in the boy. He, too, had been yearning for a fight. Sick of the endless days spent running an old tavern and reminiscing his days as the Beast of the North.

"When the times right, you will boy. There's no honor in making trouble." Bathos smiled and, to Jasper's surprise, pulled the boy into his arms with a tight squeeze.

The gesture was so unexpected, for a second, Jasper thought Bathos was aiming to squeeze him to death. But then, realizing the gesture was a kind one, Jasper could not help but unleash a wave of tears that spilled down his face as he cried into Bathos's stomach.

Once the boy finished his crying and pulled away, Bathos examined the boy. Something stirred inside Bathos at that moment. Who was this child, he thought, and why was he here?

"Who are you, boy?" Bathos said to Jasper carefully seeing now that the boy was wearing a coat not of standard cloth. Even though Jasper had been pressed against a wall and sank to the ground in the wet dirt, the material had no wear or stains. At this realization Bathos grabbed Jaspers's arm before he could answer. Pulling back his sleeve, he examined the sigil carved into his forearm. It was just as Bathos had suspected, a royal.

"You are Acacia's child." He said with a slight tremble in his voice, stepping back.

"You know my mother?"

Jasper looked at the Bathos, confused. No one ever used the queens name so casually.

"She saved my life long ago, and I owe her a debt." Bathos said now pacing the around in deep thought.

"I won't tell her what happened today if that's what you're afraid of!" Jasper said frantically, seeing the man's concerned face.

Bathos looked up at the boy and smirked. "You can't hide much from a Black Witch." Bathos chuckled, I suppose it's true what they say, sell your soul to a Witch and she holds your fate."

Jasper looked at Bathos concerned. What did he mean? When had his mother been around this ruffian?

"You think my mother knows where I am?" Jasper asked with alarm. He was sure he would never be able to leave his room again if she knew the mess he had caused.

"No, but she knows of our time ahead." Bathos said now making his way down the alley.

"What time ahead!" Jasper said, running after Bathos.

Before reaching the steps of the tavern, Bathos turned around and faced Jasper looking him in the eyes, still lost in thought somewhere in his mind.

"You will come here tomorrow and ever other morning after that, at the break of dawn. You will tell no one where you are going or what you are doing." Bathos said in a hushed voice looking around.

"Why!" Jasper said, confused and indignantly.

"You want to fight? I'm going to teach you." Bathos replied sternly.

" I already know how to …."

"You're going to learn how to fight like you have something worth fighting for!" Bathos cried out into Jaspers's face. Once more turning Jasper white.

Bathos left Jasper stunned and proceeded to walk up the steps of the tavern when he stopped.

"Tell your mother I'm paying off my debt." He grunted then disappeared into the building. Leaving Jasper dazed and confused for what lies ahead.


The morning air was fresh and cool. Light snow had powdered the fields outside of the town. Abandoned hay barrels sat still covered with snow. Out in an old abandoned pasture littered with planks and old farm tools. The sound of clashing steel could be heard.

"Your getting old, my friend," Jasper shouted as his sword clashed against Bathos's ax.

"The beast of the North never get old!" Bathos shouted with a grin as he swung for Jasper's feet.

Avoiding the blow, Jasper hurdled out of the way as his sword swung down towards Bathos's chest. Just in time, Bathos pulled out a second ax and blocked the blow.

"Another ax, Bathos! Can't fight me with one anymore? Maybe it's time you let me win, old man." Jasper said in a taunting voice.

Jasper pressed his sword down on Bathos.

"Watch out for the ice!" Bathos exclaimed.

Jasper quickly turned his to look behind him. Only to find there was no ice! Before he could even look back Jasper felt Bathos's foot kick into the back of his knee. Jasper fell to the ground, face plummeting into the dirt.

"For someone so skilled with a sword, you're easily distracted." Bathos stood over Jasper laughing, the sound enveloping the empty field.

"You cheated!" Jasper, pulled himself back up in frustration.

"Ha- No such thing as cheating when your trying to stay alive." Bathos put his axes away.

"If you didn't distract me, I'm sure I would have finally beat you." Jasper kicked some snow as he wiped the dirt off his face.

"I am still the best swordsman in the kingdom." Jasper smiled at Bathos, pleased with the title he had acquired several years ago in a tournament.

"You will be the best swordsman when you can beat the Beast of the North. Right now your just the biggest ass in the kingdom." Bathos chuckled.

"That very funny. Laugh all you want but one of these days; it'll be you on the ground!" Jasper said, turning away from Bathos.

Bathos looked at the tall, muscular young man that stood in front of him. He had grown so fast and indeed was an excellent swordsman. He never imagined the scraggly boy that fell into his tavern could turn strong. Pride burned inside Bathos, and he placed his arm on Jasper's shoulder.

"You did good." Bathos smiled warmly at Jasper.

Jasper chuckled, and they began to walk towards the town when in the distance, a sharp howl broke through the air.

"It's Dragon!" Jasper exclaimed as another howl broke through the air.

"Two howls." Jasper said, concerned. "Someone is looking for me."

When Jasper and Bathos entered the tavern, they were greeted by two royal guards.

"Prince Jasper!" One of the guards called out.

Jasper cringed, "Just Jasper, please, I'd prefer not to draw attention with titles." He said, whispering moving the men into a more secluded tavern area.

"Apologies my …. "

"Don't say prince." Jasper cut in.

The guards, embarrassed, didn't sit.

"The queen sends word." One of the guards drew out a rolled piece of parchment and handed it to Jasper.

Bathos walked off and left Jasper to his business.

Jasper unrolled the parchment and read it to himself.


To my son

Jasper Athanasios of Kreo,

Prepare a horse and a wineskin. I am sending you on a short journey. Bring only what is necessary. Tell no one of your plans. I will meet you at White Woods at sundown. You must not be followed. When you have received my instructions, burn this parchment. I believe I now know the meaning of your dream.

Your Mother,

Acacia Kedar Athanasios Queen of Kreo


Jasper immediately threw the parchment into the closest fireplace.

"Thank you; you can go back and tell the queen I have received her letter." Jasper said to the guards.

As the men left, Jasper sat near the fire and poked the parchment that had turned to ash. The dream flooded back into his mind. Where was she sending him, and why the secrecy. Jasper looked towards the bar where Bathos was wiping down tables.

I'll have to leave now so he won't ask questions, Jasper thought. Then slipping into Bathos's room, Jasper wrote him a note.

Going on a journey, I'll be back soon.

- Jasper

Then placing the coins he won from Bathos the night before on the note, Jasper slipped out of the tavern and prepared for his journey ahead.