
Crown of Sorrow

1_moon_light · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 A New Start

The morning was dull and rain poured down tapping on the large windows of a castle.

"Up you go now, it's almost noon your majesty." A plump woman called to the figure lying comfortably on a large bed fitted with delicate pillows.

"Please, don't call me that!" Eva called horsly from under the covers.

"It raining let me sleep."

The plump woman proceeded to open the large curtains surrounding the room.

"Can't do that miss. I'm sorry to say but you've been summoned." The woman spoke with a motherly concern in her voice.

Eva promptly sat up in bed. Her face was tense.

"Now don't look so worried! You'll be alright. I'm sure his majesty is just curious to know how his daughter has been getting by."

The words did not comfort the young woman and she sprang from the bed and began to get dressed.

Eva was a fair-skinned girl with big eyes the color of violets. She was taller than most women in the kingdom. Making it difficult to blend in with others. Anywhere she went it was easy to tell that she was not Meridian. It didn't help that she also had thick long black hair. While most of the Meridian people had hair white as snow. Everything about the girl stood out.

The people of Meridian where simple folks who kept to themselves, often fearing anything unique and strange. They new of the existence of magic, but feared it greatly. The first King had done everything in his power to drive out all form of magic from the kingdom. Ironically, he did that by using a powerful relic stolen from an ancient Witch.

Once all magic was banished only the one relic remained. It was passed down from generation to generation only to be used by royals to ensure no magic returned. However, stories of the witch remained and many feared that one day the witch would return seeking vengeance on the kingdom.

"Marg, you know as well as I do he never summons me unless there is something that needs to be taken care of," Eva spoke disapprovingly.

The plump woman rolled her eyes.

"Oh! Don't speak like that I'm sure your father loves you. He took you In didn't he? Gave you a fine life living here. My God your a princess; how many orphans can say that!" Marg fixed the bed and began to pull out dresses for the girl.

Thunder boomed rattaling the windows and a hard downpour showered over the castle. Mesmerized, Eva walked to the french doors of her room that lead out to a balcony. Opening the doors she stepped into the rain.

"What are you doing! Get back inside, you'll catch cold!" Marg yelled after her.

But Eva did not hear her, nor did she care. She breathed in the stormy air fresh with the smell of grass. Her long black hair soaked in the cold rain. A bolt of lighting flashed across the sky. Her finger tips tingled with electricity, as she stretched her hands to the sky. She could feel the power of the storm above her. Closing her eyes she felt the droplets run down her face like tears. She wished she could cry. She wished she could be anywhere but here.

On a window ledge, just a few levels above Eva's balcony, sat prince Rhye. He was tall and broad-shouldered. He wore a smug look on his face as his long legs hung off the edge of the window sill. His hair white as snow was long and followed down his shoulders.

Sprawled out casually eating an apple, he observed the girl below. How strange, he thought to himself. There was a look of disdain in his face, however he could not take his eyes off the her. What a strange creature you are, he thought to himself. A strange witch, he corrected himself.

Eva came inside dripping pools of water on the floor.

"There, there, enough with the dramatics." Marg rolled her eyes at the wet girl infront of her.

"It hasn't rained in weeks." She said justifying her strange behavior. Truthfully she didn't care for the rain. She cared to be away from the castle, she cared to taste freedom. Feeling the storm had felt powerful. It gave her the little extra boost of energy she needed to face the day ahead.

Eva slipped off her wet clothes and slid into a steaming hot bath that Marg drew for her.

"Thank you Marg!" she yelled out to the servant.

Marg mumbled something and continued her housekeeping. Scrubbing her pale skin, Eva thought of Marg. She loved that plumb, stubborn woman.

Marg had started serving in the castle as a wet nurse the very day Eva was taken in as one of the kings own children. She watched Eva grow along side the kings children. Although it was her job to see that all the children grow healthy. Marg couldn't help but love Eva a little more than the rest.

Eva climbed out of the bath wrapping herself in a robe. From the bathroom, she opened a door that led to a large room filled with dresses. Each gown was beautifully crafted; however, all were the same shade of black.

The black dresses were what the king had call a "precautionary measure". It reminded all who saw Eva that inside her body she carried power. Dark power and she was not to be tried or tested least she lose her temper.

Slipping into a black dress that spilled over the ground Marg came in behind Eva to help tighten the dress.

"Hold your breath," Marg warned, pulling in the sings of her dress.

Eva gasped but held her composure as through the door walked in Prince Rhye.

"Good morning ladies." Rhye grinned and walked in as if he were entitled to anything and everything he saw.

"Now! This isn't proper you can't burst into a lady's private quarters without being announced or invited." Marg said as a matter-of-factly.

"Oh, you don't mind, do you, Eva? Rhye said sweetly with a smirk.

Head held high, Eva ignored his presence and continued to prepare herself.

"Is that any way to treat a Prince?" He indignantly complained.

Eva turned and faced away from him, shunning him with her silence.

"Come on, Eva, I come here to help you, and you don't even acknowledge me?"

"Help me!? When have you ever helped me?" She said, offended.

Out of the four children that were legitimate heirs to the throne, Rhye was the oldest. Eva was only a year younger than Rhye, but as a child, she outshined him in many activities. This lead Rhye to sabotage her every accomplishment. Often getting her in trouble and celebrating in her downfalls.

"I bring word from the king." Rhye said seriously.

At these words, Marg quickly scrambled and made her way out of the room. Eva looked back at her longing for Marg to stay, but Marg knew better than to listen in on the information that was not meant for her ears.

Now alone, Rhye circled the room freely.

Eva could feel a thick uneasy in the air. She eyed him as he circled. With Rhye, one always had to be vigilant. He loved to take advantage of anyone who showed weakness.

"Enough, Rhye. I have no patience for your games. What word do you bring from the king?" Eva said coldly.

"It is Julia and Joanna's 18th birthday celebration tomorrow. Are you planning to attend?" Rhye replied slyly.

Julia and Joanna were twin sisters in line for the thrown after Rhye.

"Do not test my patience! What word do you bring?" Eva said harshly.

"Now, now, lets not quarrel. I'm curious if my sister was invited." He said sweetly.

"Im not your sister." Eva scowled.

Rhye let out a laugh. "Yes, by blood, I suppose your not. Now, don't waist my time Eva. Answer my questions and I will give you your answer."

"Everyone has been instructed to attend the celebration." she replied.

Rhye stepped closer to Eva.

"Im not asking about everyone." He pressed.

"I will attend." Eva gritted her teeth.

"Good, was that so hard?" Rhye smiled.

Eva could feel her blood begin to boil. She could tell Rhye was enjoying himself. He would bleed her dry to get what he wanted. She took a few steps back, but he continued to step forward till Eva could feel her body press into the wall behind her.

"Now, I want you to promise me one dance whenever I am unengaged."

"I don't make promises I can't keep," she replied.

Growing impatient, Rhye slammed his hand against the wall where Eva was pinne

Instinctually Eva grabbed Rhye's throat.

"Tell me what the king said." She spoke clearly digging her fingers into his throat.

A wide grin spread across the Princess face.

"Promise me." He choked out with a smile.

"No." Eva tightened her grip on his throat.

"I love our little games, but you really ought to be careful who's neck you wring. Someone might think your a monster." Rhye chocked out. A look of amusement washing over his face.

At those words she released her hold on him.

Rhye fell to the floor, gasping for air.

"You have a strong grip!" he smiled up at Eva.

Eva stood still as cold sweat dripped down her back. Hurting the prince was punishable by death.

"I think we both know you'll be having that dance with me Eva." Rhye stood up fixing himself.

"Dont tell father." She said unable to meet his gaze.

"As long as you can keep your promises." he scoffed.

"Now, back to business." Rhye straightened himself.

"Father is sending you away for the night. Dress appropriately for night riding and meet him in his study."

Then price Rhye turned on his heels and walked out the door. Leaving Eva dazzed and confused.

Eva slid down the wall onto the floor. He's insaine she told herself.

If I could, I would have held onto his throat longer. Maybe I am a monster. Eva's mind spun and her heart raced as she feared the day ahead.