
Judge the Dystopia X (The World of Fate)

About 50 feet outside of Solomon's castle located in Kyushu stood the rebellion seeking to end this war. Kimiko had gathered up everyone scattered throughout Fuyuki City and transported them here inside a vector cloud transport, like how she and Raizo traversed space. Lucy, Nightingale, Artoria, Mordred, Scathach, and Jeanne stood with the red-eyed female waiting for the rest of the party to gather. Nightingale treated the injured, being the former Queen of the Land of Shadows, the Maiden of Orleans, and the Knight of Treachery, so that everyone would be in peak fighting condition when the battle started.

In the next moment, a rift opened from the Astral Realm and out from it emerged the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Simultaneously, a bolt of lightning streaked through the skies and landed just behind the group revealing the armored Stormbringer.

"Thanks for all the help, Nirvana," Raizo communicated mentally with the spirit of his scythe that helped him bring everyone together.

"Don't mention it my master, it was way too easy. Kaka," the quirky female voice replied.

"Take a rest for now, I'll call on you soon enough."

As he dusted himself off from the landing, a magical circle appeared off to his right side. Semiramis, Altera, and Raikou had appeared to meet up with the rest of the crew.

"I was not expecting to have the entirety of my fortress move all at once," Semiramis nodded in agreement.

"Senpai never ceases to amaze me," Altera sighed in relief over a quick, yet efficient journey.

"Raizo-sama is the best after all," Raikou blushed.

"Well, well, looks like mah kiddo has a bit of a fan club goin' on here," Lucy teased.

"Mom….please," Raizo sighed through the mask but the girl just giggled and pointed out the elephant in the room.

"Oi, where's Akaro and the gang?"

"He'll return soon enough. It'll be just when we need him most. For now, we're more than enough for this stage of the battle to come," Kimiko analyzed with a casual tone.

"You know what Aniki is up to, Onee-sama?" the Stormbringer asked.

"Of course, you'll find out in due time."

As Raizo stood next to Kimiko for a moment, he turned around and looked over the faces that were gathered. Beneath his mask, his eyes narrowed when he locked his sights on Scathach. He could feel that vibe being exuded from her that she changed. However, he couldn't help but hold certain uneasiness about her.

"You sure we can trust her?" he mumbled to Kimiko.

"She understands her position. Jeanne drilled it into her with her power," the One-Cut Killer remarked.

Sensing that she was being talked about, the Celtic warrior elected to speak up.

"It's been a while since I last laid my eyes on you, Raizo Mercer. Though we may not have faced one another on the field of battle during that Second Primordial War, I know of your strength. You've changed," the seductive-looking Lancer commented.

"Yeah, you could say that. I never thought we'd be standing on the same side of the spectrum given your speech when you raided the arena almost a week ago."

"War can change people's opinions. We share a common enemy. The Holy Maiden opened my eyes to that fact."

"I see…"

Raizo turned to face Jeanne whom was fully armored and ready to fight again.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing well enough, Raizo-kun. I appreciate your asking," the Ruler hybrid smiled gently.

"You really are a vastly different image than that counterpart. Outside of resemblance and origins, you two are nothing alike."

"Yes I was hoping to meet my 'other' self, but it would seem fate will not allow it for now."

"You'll meet her eventually."

On the other side of the group, Mordred leaned over towards Artoria.

"Who is that guy in the black armor, Father? Is he some new hero recorded in the Throne of Heroes that I haven't met? I mean…he did kinda appear outta nowhere from a burst of lightning."

"That would be the Red Knight's little brother. He's not a Heroic Spirit; however it is hard to consider him a normal human being. He's an outlier with feats that could be deemed worthy of record in the Throne of Heroes someday. Until then, he is just a being that is free from the constraints of the Arcana Grail or any other Grail War," Artoria explained.

"Eh?! You mean that guy is just a mortal? H-How the hell?"

Mordred just looked over at the figure in black out of amazement and bewilderment. She wasn't sure what to think of him. Part of her wanted to discredit his ability to help. Given the entrance he made, she knew instinctively that such a notion would be foolish.

"So how should we tackle this? I could bombard the gates using mana artillery from the Hanging Gardens," Semiramis proposed.

"Or I could use my Noble Phantasm and obliterate the gates," Altera added.

"I like the enthusiasm goin' on here," Lucy nodded in approval, "My son has excellent taste."

"Wait, you're Raizo-san's mother?" Semiramis inquired in a gasp.

"Raizo-sama's mother?! Oh my, I feel so unprepared," Raikou suddenly added.

"Oof, ladies try not to get your panties in a knot. Did my boy just look yer way and you fell out? Damn, the Mercer genes are at work!"

"MOM!" Raizo yelled out in embarrassment.

"I see…so I've been fighting against a side that has the mother of the child I admired on the battlefield at one point. Most impressive," Scathach analyzed.

"Onee-sama…please stop them…" the Stormbringer pleaded.

"Looks like I activated something…oops," Kimiko smirked slyly.


In that next instant slicing the positivity vibe in the air, a dense magical pressure came from the gate in the short distance before them. Gradually, the stone walls protecting the inner sanctuary of the grand estate opened up. From the entrance emerged two silhouettes boasting the source of the incredible energy. Overhead, the crisp, blue skies became shrouded by golden clouds as a crimson hue had overtaken the area like a mist of blood. As they stepped further becoming illuminated, their identities were revealed to be Enkidu and Gilgamesh. However, the King of Heroes appeared differently than the last time anyone laid their eyes on him.

His normally slicked back, spikey hair, was now straightened out as his golden hair now flowed downward like a bowl-cut. His armor was stripped from the waist up off of his body thus exposing his torso. A crimson pattern zig-zagged across his skin, and a gold and silver chain coiled around his right arm, this being known as Enkidu—the weapon namesake of his closest friend. In his right hand he carried the fabled Sword of Rupture, Ea, like it was an everyday blade to be toting around.

"I only care about the one in black armor. You can have the others, Enkidu," the King of Heroes declared as he and his companion stood at the threshold.

"Are you sure you can take him on?" the creation of clay inquired.

"Don't insult me, old friend."

"Riiight, you can have your way then."

Across the short distance, the other Heroic Spirits held expressions of anxiety. Each one of them knew just how powerful these two legends of Babylon were. Taking on any of them alone was foolish; Scathach knew that from experience but dared it anyway. As a collective group, the heroes felt like they had a chance; however, Gilgamesh was a special being that was completely unburdened by classes. At full power in this war, he was on par with a Grand class servant. Kimiko and Lucy were indifferent. As for the Stormbringer, he was already calculating how to defeat the man.

"You and I have unfinished business to attend to, Raizo Mercer," Gilgamesh declared openly.

"So you know my name?" Raizo shouted back, "I guess that King of Mages was actually prudent to give you a warning of someone who intends to kill you."

"You can surely try. Come, our battlefield awaits," the King of Heroes invited suggesting that the Stormbringer walk inside the castle walls.

"Senpai, you can't go in there alone. It's clearly a trap," Altera swiftly expressed in a concerned tone of voice.

"He's using that sword. I warned you of it before…"

"I agree Raizo-san. Though I may have only witnessed a small taste of your power firsthand, fighting against that man alone on enemy territory would be foolhardy," Semiramis suggested.

"Raizo-san, I do not wish to see the man who freed me from darkness die a dishonorable death. Please do not fall for this," Artoria expressed with dismay.

"Raizo-sama…" Raikou muttered in a disheartened tone.

"Raizo-kun, please listen to all of us," Jeanne remarked.

"There are some injuries even I cannot mend," Nightingale nodded.

"Hey, hey, y'all need to chill. This is mah kid y'all are doubtin'. That's a bit of an insult to me, his momma," Lucy sighed heavily.

"Indeed, I've seen what the members of Team AKARA are capable of. Raizo is a miracle worker in his own right," Scathach praised in her own unique way.

Kimiko kept quiet, yet she gazed at Raizo's face peering straight through his mask. She was communicating something to him that only he could pick up on.

It is your time. Don't let limits define you. Remember what I taught you. You can beat this guy…no, you will beat him. There is no doubt about it. Now you just have to believe in it yourself.

Raizo took a deep sigh. He removed his mask and crushed it in his hand. The helmet deactivated allowing his head to breathe again. Then he took off the hooded cloak and tossed it to the wind before it dissipated into nothingness. He turned towards the group and yielded a confident smile.

"I hear you all loud and clear, and I appreciate your concern. However…I only have this to say. Don't insult me; just who the hell do you think I am?"

Those words caused the entire group to go silent. Kimiko and Lucy nodded approvingly off to his side.

"Now then…my battle awaits me. I'll be back soon enough."

"Don't worry I'll be recording this for GodTube back home," Lucy grinned.

"Be sure to get a good shot so that everyone here can watch," the Stormbringer chuckled.

It was then that the Crimson Harbinger walked forward towards the entrance of the gate. Looks of concern and worry passed across the faces of the Heroic Spirits who came to trust the young man. While others like Mordred and Scathach were just curious to see what would happen next.

"Tch, this guy…he can't be serious right?" the Knight of Treachery spoke in disbelief.

It was here that the golden clouds summoned by the radiance of the King of Heroes had been pushed back. Black Nimbus clouds rolled in as harrowing claps of thunder pierced the atmosphere. Flashes of light then ensued arcing through the clouds like cracks in the surface of glass. An amethyst aura began to gather around the youth signifying a shift in his power level. The bolts of electricity began to drop down from the sky and strike the body of the warrior as he reached over and pulled Vajra from its sheath. He dragged the tip of the blade along the ground whilst more bolts of lightning assaulted his body. In a massive, blinding shot, Raizo's body became consumed before he emerged engulfed in his Mastered Heart transformation. The blade of the weapon then became endowed with Crimson Thunder as the youth's eyes became dyed in the garnet shade.

"What….What kind of power?" Mordred stammered over her words watching Raizo walk along ever so casually.

"This man….held this kind of power back?" Semiramis remarked in disbelief.

"Senpai…" Altera murmured worriedly.

"We'll just have to trust in you, Raizo-kun," Jeanne spoke clasping her hands like she was about to pray.

"That boy…he's truly grown," Scathach gasped in disbelief.

"Ho…this may be interesting after all," the King of Heroes said towards his advancing foe.

"Yeah…I'm not going to hold back against you at all. Then that bastard you're working with is next," Raizo responded.

Gilgamesh retreated back inside the gates of the castle. The Stormbringer then followed suit completely ignoring the existence of Enkidu. Once inside, the gates closed behind them and the green-haired individual was left to contend with the other Heroic Spirits.

"Now then, for the rest of you," Enkidu declared as his aura intensified.

"Oi dude, relax. You wanna see this fight too right? Then check this out," Lucy said thus projecting a screen that showed the two combatants entering the arena.

"Well then…I suppose this is also fine," the Homunculus spoke in surprise before resolving to just stand by the closed gates.


The courtyard that was once filled with plant life and flowers from the massive garden decorated by the great fountain in the middle had been scorched to ruin. The stench of blood and death littered the area given the summoning incident that took place only days ago. This decaying area that held at least enough space for outdoor sporting events would serve as the arena for the showdown between the Crimson Harbinger and the King of Heroes.

Both men took respective positions across the bloody garden separated by about 50 feet or more of empty space. The sky above was divided between two distinct hues as the colors of gold and black collided against one another. The intense auras of the two individuals shook the landscape as the crimson eyes of the Golden King stared intensely at the garnet eyes of the Stormbringer. Two individuals that have never met glared at each other like hated foes. The tension in the air around them built up like water contained in a geyser, ready to burst at any given notice.

"So it would seem that you do possess a striking resemblance to the Red Knight," Gilgamesh called out tightening the grip of Ea in his hand.

"I've gotten that a lot in recent times. I mean…I guess we do kinda share something in common here and there, but I can't help myself from laughing a bit. Heh, Aniki is on an entirely different level than me. Guessing you know him, I heard he kicked your ass before," Raizo smirked in spite.

The golden blonde haired man only turned his head away in a sharp turn before looking back at his foe.

"It seems that fate can indeed be cruel with her jokes. However, I cannot deny the fact that I have been waiting for this encounter. Ever since that day when you dared to speak against me, the defiant look I could tell that you had beneath that mask. Honestly, you should consider yourself fortunately. Mongrels normally do not harbor my attention, let alone be worthy of my full power."

"Am I supposed to be humbled by that? You must really like the sound of your own voice. I don't give a damn about how powerful you are you're just another obstacle in my way. And I'm just ready to overcome."

"Careful boy, you may not live long enough to regret those words."

"Then do us both a favor and shut up so I can politely shut you down like the bitch you are…"

"I'll allow you the courtesy of silencing that wretched tongue of yours! Open, Gate of Babylon!"

In that moment, the air space behind Gilgamesh had distorted before turning into pale, golden vortexes. Emerging from those spaces were countless numbers of swords, spears, axes, and the like as the treasures took aim at their target. As the infamous Archer unleashed his opening salvo, the weapons were thrust at the target faster than light could travel.

Raizo spun Vajra around in his grasp as his enhanced sight scanned the King's first move. He remembered this attack from watching the fight against Ozymandias. Though it was an intimidating and nigh inescapable attack for any other Heroic Spirit, the Stormbringer only relinquished a slight sigh of disappointment holding one thought in his mind:

This is hilariously slow.

The youth lunged forward setting the projected paths of all of the weapons coming at him. He effortlessly weaved between them like time just slowed down around him. He occasionally batted one or two of the weapons out of the way causing them to turn to dust upon contacting the crimson blade. Closer and closer, he inched towards Gilgamesh's position about to deliver his opening strike. However just before he got too close within striking distance of his sword's range, something unexpected happened.

Giant golden discs had randomly appeared over Raizo's head. They spun rapidly generating energy before striking the youth. As the rays beamed down upon the male, Raizo thought he would be stunned. To his surprise, that was not the case. The energy blasts didn't stun him at all; in fact, they had been composed of electricity so they only served to boost his energy output.

"Really Gilgamesh? Attacking a lightning user with a lightning-based defense?" Raizo chuckled.

Upon witnessing his Auto-Defensors be shrugged off, the King immediately dashed away from the man's location before the boy had a chance to strike him. The discs that spawned all around him would normally fry a Heroic Spirit if they got too close. It was a lapse in judgment on his part to count on their aid here.

"You managed to evade me cutting you in half? I'm shocked to see you have that kind of speed. After all, you come off as the type who stands there and does nothing while his cheap tricks does all the work," Raizo taunted with a smug grin.

"Do not get too full of yourself. That was merely an opening act. Now that I know where you stand amongst my expectations, I can dispose of you with ease," Gilgamesh regarded dismissively.

"You're welcome to try."

Raizo moved his body in a guarded stance focusing his sights on the foe before him. Despite of his confidence levels in this fight, the level of fear and concern that weighed in the voices of the Heroic Spirits testified on behalf of maintaining a certain element of caution. He did not want a repeat of what happened with his last two encounters involving Arjuna and Edmond Dantés.

The air distorted around Gilgamesh once more. Another wave of weaponry from the Gate of Babylon was launched towards the Stormbringer. Like before, they were vast in number; however, this time they were hurled towards the target at a much faster speed. There was hardly any time to differentiate how to traverse between the waves of weapons at this point. Therefore, he'd have to decide where to move and fast.

Damn, he's got me against the wall so I can't just dodge out of the way. Very well…I'll just negate them all in one go!


Pointing his blade towards the sky, the darkness above spiraled about as hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts descended. In the following instant, the arcs of energy struck down every treasure that came rushing at him thus giving him an opening. The Stormbringer lunged forward to make his move but…

"Now look who's the one dropping their guard! You're too predictable, boy!"

Gilgamesh's maniacal laughter echoed out as the distortions then opened up over the general field that Raizo was traversing. Without a hair breadth's moment later, an increased amount of treasures flooded the immediate area. This time, the King of Heroes increased the number of projectiles launched from the extra-dimensional vault mixing in a certain number of special armaments. Among these treasures was a particular draining scythe that did not deal physical damage, but could pass through armor and the flesh of the body thus draining magical energy.

The innumerable items bombarded the Stormbringer, thus halting his advance. His armor allowed him to tank much of these items and absorb the damage taken. Unfortunately, a special sickle weapon was also thrown his way and attacked him directly. Like a noose being tied around his neck and being thrown off a tree limb, the youth felt a strong jerk within himself as if something was stealing the very air he breathed. Forced to his knees, the attack led to the boy coughing up blood and a feeling of restriction.

"You are finally getting the hint on knowing your place before me. You should grovel and beg for your miserable life. Though the only mercy I have is granting you a swift death compared to what Solomon has planned for you," Gilgamesh boasted.

The bombardment had ceased during that time allowing Raizo time to recover. As the Stormbringer tried to raise his body up, the pain that he felt only intensified for a brief period of time. The youth's chest plate had a few hairline fractures, but nothing broke through.

He bypassed my armor with some cheap shot. Tch…this bastard…

The Janus Armor relinquished a small crimson glow as the markings from the damage had disappeared. In addition, it analyzed the nature of magical energy contained within those special weapons that assaulted him thus evolving to counteract them. The Gemini sheath radiated a pale green aura and washed over the boy one time instantly healing his soul of the damage it just received causing his body to quickly adapt a resistance to it.

"You…really love the idea of people submitting before you, don't you?" Raizo shook his head standing upright flipping Vajra around in his hand once more.

"Of course, as a king of my stature I invoke that very right. As someone of inferior heritage you should prostrate yourself before me. In fact, you should be worshipping the very ground I walk on since I am gracing you with my existence."

Nirvana, shut this guy up please.

"With pleasure, my master," the scythe spirit responded before waves of Astral Energy were discharged from Raizo's body. The idea was to catch the oratorical man off guard with an attack he couldn't see.

"That won't work against me."

A mysterious golden light appeared before the man who boasted about his kingship. The assault from the Astral Plane was negated instantly. This was due to a Dimensional Refraction Artifact that the arrogant being possessed. It allowed him to block any and all attacks that come from parallel universes or dimensions thus rendering the stealth attack useless.

"You must adore futile efforts. When will you learn? Know your place before the strongest legend in history for I am the Ruler of Babylon, the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh!"

Following that declaration, the man of pride opened the Gate of Babylon once more from behind himself and from above his opponent's location. He would unleash hell in such a way that the boy would be unable to escape. Mixing in more of his treasures with special properties, the King of Heroes snapped his fingers and began his onslaught.

Just before this phenomenon took place, Raizo dispelled the crimson aura hugging the blade of Vajra and sheathed his sword. Instead, he reached behind him and drew the dull blade from the amber sheath on his opposite side.

"Morana…awaken," he uttered in a low voice.

The unimpressive weapon immediately transformed emitting a monstrous, miasmic aura thus shifting into the giant scythe forged by Primordial Blacksmith, Alexis.

"Siphoning Fate!"

As the barrage of armaments began once again, Raizo used the might of the great scythe to guard against the assault. As the projectiles hit, he spun the weapon around in a circle thus deflecting the hailstorm away from him. In addition, the aura emitted from his Primordial Armament had nullified the special abilities of the unconventional weaponry hurled from the vault. This power was then absorbed into the Stormbringer. As a result, he would slowly become immune to most of the weapons contained in the vast treasury.

The onslaught ceased, dust kicked up from the entire exchange. As the cloud disperses, the sight of the youth imbued with the Amethyst aura holding the weapon that could instill fear into the hearts of the weak-willed filled Gilgamesh's sight.

"Before you open that damn arrogant mouth of yours, I feel like I need to straighten out a few things for you. I don't give a damn who you are or where you come from. There's no way in Hell I'd ever give you the satisfaction of bowing down just to feed your overinflated ego. You call yourself the 'King of Heroes', but do you even know what such a title means? Do you understand the definition of what it is to be a hero? Do you even comprehend the depth of it? Tch…I doubt it. You're just a sad soul that likes to put on a show to feed into his god complex."

"Ho? So, the mongrel thinks he has the right to speak to me in such a manner? I must applaud you for your audacity, it certainly is amusing. However, you know nothing of what it means to bear the weight of all that I have. The trials I have had to overcome, the sacrifices that I had to make to cement my legacy, you know none of it! To be betrayed by those closest to you and overcome the foolishness all while being suffocated and lauded over by the gods above, what would you know? I clawed my way to the top; therefore I have every right to scoff at those who dared to hold me down. My individual worth is simply greater because I made myself who I am, a King among Kings…one that not even the King of Pharaohs, the King of Conquerors, the King of Knights, or the Great King of Destruction could contend with. I am the very concept of a legend personified and made flesh! HAHAHAHA!"

Gilgamesh raised his arms to the sky and stared at the heavens above him, the intensity of his aura increasing as his laughter permeated throughout the area. Raizo only cast his gaze towards the ground sighing heavily whilst venturing into his thoughts.

Being betrayed…lauded over by both man and gods, yeah those are problems I can relate to. Heh never thought I'd find some common ground with this guy; however, this man…he's…why do I feel so much disgust right now? I feel so revolted by him that it legitimately pisses me off with every passing second I have to deal with him.

"You're pathetic…" Raizo openly declared.

Gilgamesh ceased his laughter as he adjusted his gaze towards the youth, his face filling with irritation.

"What did you just say?"

"I said that you're pathetic. Someone who supposedly struggled in his life to get all that he has turned out like this? That's gotta be some form of a sick joke, right? You obviously accomplished a lot, I won't deny that; however, where did this ridiculous vanity come from? So you struggled and had to fight your way to the top, okay and? We all have our hardships, that shit is just life. Have you ever considered being humble for just a single second and using your influence to become a symbol of hope for generations to come? Obviously not, instead you just got drunk on your own power. I wonder how your empire fell when the afterlife claimed you. I bet it was some dramatic irony, not that I give a damn that is."

"You…you really enjoy striking my nerves, do you not? Just because you bare some relation to Akaro and Kimiko does not make you worthy of speaking in that way to me. You are not even one who has been recorded by the Throne of Heroes, so what gives you the right?"

"You're right, I'm not…hell, I doubt I'll even make it in there whenever my time comes. I mean, what have I done? Everything 'heroic' about me ain't worth shit without the support of my family. The power I've gained, the people I've met, the battles I've overcome, none of the experiences in my life so far would have been possible if not for the ones I cherish most. Especially my brother and sister that you seem so inclined on bringing up, those two…they laid the foundation of everything that I am. And they help me build upon each and every day.

I gotta admit, Gilgamesh. You and I are alike in some ways…we've both had people betray us and gods oppress our livelihood; but we're worlds apart otherwise. You let your accomplishments rule you and place you on a high pedestal that you can't get off of. As for me, they're just stepping stones on the path of a greater journey. I may be learning to focus on the future, but I damn sure won't be forgetting my past."

"You continue to insult me with every breath you take, mongrel. Now you dare to compare yourself to someone like me? Such an insult can never be forgiven, especially since I have yet to acknowledge your worth. If you were Ozymandias then perhaps I would let it slide; you are not even worthy of that even as a casual compliment. Raizo Mercer, your death shall bring me great satisfaction. Your corpse will serve as the perfect stepping stone to my new throne in this world when I return it to glory under my rule."

"Just because you wear a crown and bear a title, doesn't make you a true king. Remember that in whatever Hell awaits you when I do this world a favor and save it from suffering under your heel, Gilgamesh!"

Raizo channeled the absorbed power he gathered from the scythe and prepared to channel it back into the massive hook-blade he held onto.

"I'll end this in one strike!" Raizo declared whilst charging up his energy. In that next moment, the Stormbringer vanished.

An amethyst streak of lightning sored through the heavens to the farthest edge of the universe. Looping around in a fraction of a second, the arc of lightning circled back. The Crimson Harbinger built up the momentum from his rapid traversal of the stars including the energy he absorbed from his opponent's attack and channeled it into the blade of his scythe.

"Kamui – Sundering Strike!"

Raizo descended towards his target like death coming for the soul of the fallen. His attack would surely erase his foe where he stood but…

"Rho Aias!" the Golden King openly shouted out.

The technique came from a shield used by Aias the Great to stop Durindana—the spear of the Trojan Hero, Hector—tearing through six of its seven layers of cowhide as the weapon was halted by the final layer. The Noble Phantasm also bore the subtitle of 'The Seven Rings That Cover the Fiery Heavens' because the mighty shield was sublimed as a virtually absolute conceptual defense against thrown and launched weaponry.

A hexagonal shield decorated in a myriad of colors with seven layers appeared to block the strong attack. The Kamui maneuver pushed through shattering layer after layer before being stopped upon the seventh.

"What?! But…how?!" Raizo gasped in shocked.

"You see? I told you that it was foolish to fight against me. I knew you would do something like this. Nothing you can do can escape my sight. You're not the only one with special eyes," Gilgamesh stated.

The Stormbringer examined his enemy observing how a particular flow of energy was being transferred into the chain coiled around his arm


Raizo attempted to dash away from his foe and use his superior speed to put some distance between them.

"I told you it was useless! I know you're every move, boy! Now trap him, Enkidu: Chains of Heaven!"

The most trusted Noble Phantasm that the man possessed was finally activated. Named after his closest friend, it was constructed to bind all things, even the gods themselves. It was one of the few Anti-Divine Noble Phantasms in existence and it grew stronger when used against opponents of divine blood, such as Heracles, thus making them more effective the higher their Divinity rank.

The metallic serpent bound around the arm of the maniacal king unraveled itself and chased after the male. The Stormbringer dashed around trying to escape it but it followed him around the entire space. Thinking of nothing else, he tried to trick the chain by going straight for its master in hopes of it binding the assailant. Just as he tried to approach, the Gate of Babylon opened around like a net and more the chains sprung forth thus ensnaring the boy.

Raizo found his entire body caught up in the net cast by the King of Heroes. IT was much like his predicament when he fought against Semiramis, except worse. The chains completely destroyed his maneuverability as they completely wrapped around his arms, legs, torso and neck. In addition, it felt as if he was being crushed by all sides with mysterious weights which forced him to drop his scythe on the ground.

"Did you really think I was not prepared to fight you? That I was truly going to take it easy on you until you annoyed me enough thus forcing my hand? You foolish child, this battle was over the moment it began and I cast my sight upon you. As I said before, you are not the only one with special eyes," Gilgamesh declared.

"You son of-…" Raizo was about to say.

"At least prepare yourself to die with dignity. No need to soil your last moments in this world with vile language."

"How did you…see through my speed like that? You hardly moved this entire time!"

"I didn't have to…especially with my clairvoyance."

The King of Heroes was referring to a passive Noble Phantasm that was continuously active; therefore it did not need its true name revealed to invoke usage of it. Its very existence was a testament to the man's mentality and intelligence. This ability was known as Sha Naqba Imuru ("He Who Saw the Deep"): The Omniscient Omnipotent Star. Though Gilgamesh usually keeps it restricted due to its constant activity, it granted him high-level clairvoyance thus enabling him to discern great truths with a glance; identifying the names of servants and their Noble Phantasms with ease being one of them. Not only does it show him advanced predictions and possibilities, but it also allows him to look down over all the possibilities and discern the correct move to make. Even when this 'eye' is used to its fullest, the arrogance of the man can lead him to reject certain world lines as impossible.

"You were outclassed the moment you stepped foot in this domain; now, I shall be rid of you. And all of your friends watching right now will bear witness to your gruesome death."

"Tch…don't insult me, Gilgamesh…just-…"

"Who the hell do I think you are? That's what you were going to say to me right? I know you love to abuse that phrase when someone has underestimated you, but in this situation…well, I highly doubt you have the merits to say it," the Golden King smirked devilishly.

"I…won't lose here…I refuse!" Raizo gritted his teeth trying to move his body and escape from the bonds that held him.

"Those chains will not break…unless you go ahead and use that form you've been saving for a last-minute finisher."

"Tch…you bastard…you're going to regret this…"

"Oh please, you are more than welcome to change my mind."

The Stormbringer began to breathe erratically. He felt his frustration and fury trying to control of his instincts; however, this was not the time to fly off into a blind rage.

I'm pissed…but I can't aim all my rage at this man, no matter how much he's increasing my fury. No…I'm just so frustrated because I find myself in these positions over and over again. The only person I can be mad at is myself. I need to dig deep…I need that power once again…

The former assassin took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Remember that feeling…that sensation.

The sight of Vesta's Heart of Eternity entered his memory coupled with the experience of drawing out the latent potential that allowed him to reach his version of that ability. His aura around his body intensified, the amethyst color became layered with silver-white.

"Omen…of…ETERNITY!!!!" Raizo screamed out.

As the transformation took place, Enkidu began to snap in various places all over his body allowing him to regain control of himself. The King of Heroes who observed this phenomenon then saw a vision.

"I am the one destined to split the heavens…"

That line echoed within the mind of the clever king showing him what would occur. Using the Sha Naqba Imuru, Gilgamesh witnessed a World Line where his opponent would create a reality marble gaining infinite speed via the infinite blades embedded with crimson energy. Overwhelmed, that version of himself would be unable to cope with the pressure and suffer a series of fatal blows.

In real time, Raizo had shattered the bonds that held him back. He extended his hand outward thus reclaiming the scythe that lied on the ground. Instantly, the weapon was ignited with life oozing its dense aura.

"No matter, this power you have gained is futile compared to this," Gilgamesh declared as he began to ascend above the immediate area as Ea began to rotate.

"I won't let you use that!" Raizo declared, "Cosmic Foundry!"

Without having to recite his chant, the entire space became engulfed in a flux of infinite 5th dimensional multiverses composed of lightning blades. Raizo recalled what Altera warned him of when it came to that mysterious blade. He also remembered how the power of that weapon completely devastated the God-King, Ozymandias. Defeating the King of Heroes was a now or never situation.

Using the blades that spawned within this space, the Stormbringer pulled a card from Gilgamesh's notebook and hurled hundreds of thousands of blades crossing from the nexus of multiverses to assail the target. Each blade had enough power to split reality in two courtesy of the power boost given to him by Omen of Eternity. Just as the blades hit their mark, a cruel reality played out before the eyes of the Crimson Harbinger.

The blades shattered prior to impact.

Ea's immense power to destroy space-time started the instant it began to spin. With all the power that the King of Heroes possessed, the reality shattering projectiles proved to be ineffective. Thus the symbol of vanity continued to charge his attack unimpeded.

"BASTARD!!!" the Crimson Harbinger screamed aloud.

He elected to take a risk and try to close the distance, but the treasury from the Gate of Babylon combined with Enkidu continuously poured down on him thus preventing a clear path.

"I speak of Genesis. The elements amalgamate, coalesce, and bring forth the stars that weave all of creation…"


Meanwhile outside of the gates to the castle, Lucy and the other Heroic Spirits continued watching the monitor and bearing witness to the combat between Raizo and Gilgamesh. The battle was as intense as one could expect, however, the atmosphere turned sour when Ea charged up. The ground quaked; the atmosphere shifted as golden and black clouds spiraled against one another with crimson bolts of electricity surging through the sky.

"Senpai!" Altera yelled aloud before drawing her tri-colored sword, a dense magical aura gathering around her.

"Altera-san, what are you doing?!" Jeanne shouted out in concern.

"Doing whatever it takes to save Raizo-senpai, even if it means unleashing everything I have in one shot with my Noble Phantasm. He won't survive that!"

"Ara…for once, I find myself in agreement with the child of destruction. I too shall release my Noble Phantasm well. There is only one creature in my way that needs to be crushed in order to save Raizo-sama," Raikou uttered with a dark tone in her voice.

"I'll board the Hanging Gardens and begin my own bombardment then," Semiramis suggested concerned for Raizo's well-being.

"Oi, oi, you all can't be serious right? I mean wreckin' a party is fun and all, but takin' that guy down at the gate and tryin' to save that guy is a tall order," Mordred voiced in complaint albeit one filled with sound reasoning.

"Yes, we would have to coordinate a singular assault together in order to rid ourselves of the person obstructing our path," Artoria nodded in agreement.

"And needless to say, the amount of medical treatment I would have to carry out would be tiresome…" Nightingale chimed in.

"It wouldn't be a problem for my Noble Phantasm. My spear can fell a Divine Spirit with ease," Scathach noted casually.

"Yare yare, y'all really need to calm them titties down a few pegs. I'm gettin' kinda offended here. Stop doubtin' my kid," Lucy sighed lowering the visor of her cap.

"But…" Altera was about to voice in protest.

"Be still all of you, and watch," Kimiko calmly instructed whilst her eyes were closed.

"Yes, watch the demise of your comrade before the full power of Gil-kun. You all should have realized what would have been the outcome the moment their match up was decided," Enkidu declared openly without a care in the world.

Altera, Raikou, and Semiramis all glared at the spirit with anger as their magical auras seemed to amplify in that moment. Kimi merely turned to them thus shooting them a look from the corner of her eyes; instantly, they began to relax.

"Just watch…and have faith in him."

With the words of the Grand Ruler, all eyes turned back to the monitor to witness the conclusion to this terrifying clash of titans.


"ENUMA ELISH!" shouted the empowered King of Heroes.

In that instant a black and crimson beam of light cascaded from the drill-like Sword of Rupture, Ea. The treasures discharged from the Gate of Babylon had ceased and Enkidu had receded. Raizo watched as the blast approached closer and closer to him. Looking around, he saw that alternate dimensional space that he created was already cracking from the pressure of this blast. If Cosmic Foundry could not withstand it then how could he? He gazed at the scythe in his hands and took a deep breath.

I'm counting on you now more than ever. Forgive me for this, Morana.

"Siphoning Fate!" he cried out activating the scythe's latent ability once again.

As he held the weapon close to his chest to protect himself, the beam made contact. The energy carried an indescribable depth. It was as if the youth was pushing against the concept of gravity, which reminded the youth of Hestia. This was yet another life or death moment. He recalled Kimiko's gaze before going off to fight against his foe. This was his time; his limits could not define him.

He dug his feet into the ground and held fast against the weight of the testament of the Golden King's Babylonian glory. The Primordial Armament held fast and drained the attack gradually. Even though he was too focused to tell, the siphon was working; however, Enuma Elish was still able to unilaterally shatter Cosmic Foundry around Raizo. Now the foundation of the Earth was under attack by this Noble Phantasm. The grounds of the magnificent castle wavered and began to break apart. Everything was at the risk of being devoured in the immediate area.

Just a little more…a little more and I can win!

"Fall Raizo Mercer and be ground into dust like the mongrel you are! History will not remember you, the gods have forsaken you, and all of your hope is for naught!" Gilgamesh boasted proudly.

"Y-You're wrong, Gilgamesh! I…I…I REFUSE TO LOSE TO YOU!"

The power being absorbed from Enuma Elish began to channel into his body causing the pressure of his aura to escalate. The Omen of Eternity form that he drew out gradually increased…no, it wasn't that. The power that he forced onto himself was evolving. His body was feeding on Enuma Elish causing something else to awaken.

The ray of light had dissipated. The entirety of the courtyard became engulfed in plumes of dust and smoke from the resonating attack. Gilgamesh continued levitating in his position above the battlefield. As he cast his eyes down below, he could not see the form of the Stormbringer anymore nor did he sense his energy. This brought a great sense of pleasure and satisfaction upon his face. He relinquished his arrogant laughter in celebration over what he just accomplished.

As for the Heroic Spirits who watched, each one of them held faces of anguish as they too lost the ability to sense Raizo's presence. Despair loomed over the faces of the three servants in particular that the Stormbringer had connected with unexpectedly. Altera, Raikou, and Semiramis were each rendered speechless unsure of what to think. As for Kimiko and Lucy, they maintained absolute serenity neither feeding into the saddened atmosphere.

Back on the field of battle, the Crimson Harbinger was caught in limbo within himself. He had no idea what happened to his body after the pressure of Enuma Elish disappeared. There was some form of a burning sensation welling up within him, but he lost touch with himself after that. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive. However, he was surrounded by some storm as the bellowing roars of thunder rang in his ears. Flashes of light blinded him from being able to comprehend what was happening. Then he felt his body assailed with bolts of electricity.

This feeling…what is this? It's…unlike anything I've ever felt before. It…dwarfs any sensation that I've felt when drawing on Indra's power…almost like a pale shadow of that form I took when I battled against Deus. What is this?

"Master, the power I absorbed is giving you something that you have not even begun to fathom," the voice of Morana reached out giving the youth some peace.

Morana, what's happening to me?

"You are ascending, but it will only be temporary. However once you take on this power, the experience will linger and your strength may not be the same."

If it will help me beat the King of Heroes then I'm ready…I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I don't lose to someone like him! His defeat is my responsibility…I won't bow to him. I gotta let out whatever this feeling is inside me…

"Then take hold of your fate and pull the trigger to the path that is opening up before you."


Suddenly, Raizo felt his body begin to change. His vessel was transforming under the guise of that dust cloud right under the enemy's nose. The aura surrounding him shifted to a pure mixture of silver and white, completely eliminating the amethyst shade that possessed him. His hair stretched all the way down his back to his rear shifting from the heterochromia mixture to an immaculate white that glowed like pure energy. His eyes changed from the garnet hue to a platinum color. The torso of his armor shattered like glass exposing his bare skin. The wings of the tattoo on his back suddenly became imbued with white electricity before they materialized into skeletal, lightning wings. The black mark of Akasha that turned into a wolf pulsed with silver coursing through it.

As the power took over his body, Raizo looked down at Morana and yielded a small smile. Then he stretched out his left hand and summoned Nirvana.

"Kaka Senpai, it seems our time has come," Nirvana chuckled.

"So it would seem, let us get along for Master's sake," Morana responded.

"These blades in my hand become like day and night…" Raizo began to chant.

"The one of hellfire shall capture the sun," Nirvana stated.

"The one of winter shall embrace the moon," Morana uttered.

"As these heavenly bodies give life to the Earth, become one in this moment and synchronize to bring me victory bathed in your totality," the Stormbringer followed.

"Celestial Fangs of Heaven, Blades of the Eclipse!" the unified voices of the two scythe spirits resonated together causing them to transform.

A swirl of vermillion and crimson enveloped the entirety of Nirvana while a spiral of indigo and amethyst seized Morana. The two massive scythes then began to shift into new weapons. Their staff-like grips shortened down into 8-inch handles while their large curved blades reformed into honed edges. They formed golden hilts above the handles as the steel of each armament became like swords. One blade was grafted with the mark of a crescent moon while the other was grafted with the shape of the sun. These blades maintained the colors of the auras that were bounded to each one tracing along the sharpness of the steel bodies with matching tassels on each respective pommel. This transformation was the result of Raizo taking Kimiko's advice when using both Morana and Nirvana at the same time. The action of dual-wielding scythes was something he did back in his old life; therefore, he needed to change things up.

Entranced under the might of his new Eternity of the Storm state and armed with his 'Eclipse Blades', Raizo coldly stared up at Gilgamesh with a firm resolve. However, something was not right.

The Stormbringer took a look around him and felt like something was off. Everything was silent and still. There should be some form of clamoring noises going on right now from the battle that was going on, but that was not the case. Time had ceased all function around him. The wind did not carry the dust away and the figure of his opponent did not even move a single inch. Yet, something else seemed off.

Raizo examined his enemy carefully then his surroundings once more. It was like looking at a drawing on a piece of paper. The world seemed…flat, like it was just the product of a child's illustration of their environment.

"Doesn't matter…I'm ending this…" the Stormbringer declared.

He spread his wings as the glowing auras of his swords escalated. His mind flashed back to when he was laid out in Chaldea watching his mother fight against the Avenger that almost ended his life. The might of her Noble Phantasm placed through his mind carefully allowing him to analyze it. Once he understood it, he dashed right towards his opponent.

He swung both blades at the body of his foe in a flurry of slashes at least 18 times. When he finished, he ended it with a bisecting X-shape formation before landing on the ground. The energy he exerted from that attack took away from his form as his body then reverted back to its base state. The blades he carried then reverted as well before Nirvana disappeared into her astral rift whilst Morana turned back to her sleeping state. Raizo tucked the latter in the amber sheath before taking a deep breath.

The sensation that felt like an eternity to the Crimson Harbinger translated into no passage of time at all in the real world. As time resumed, Gilgamesh found his laughter cut short as he dropped down to the ground behind the youth.

"I don't…feel….anything at all. What happened…to me?" the King of Heroes stammered.

"Heh…you mean you can't get it through your thick skull yet? You're already dead," Raizo responded.


It was then that the fabled legendary King of Babylon then disappeared into dust alongside all of his treasures that he carried with him. With that, Gilgamesh had been soundly defeated. Raizo took a series of deep breaths to calm his heart and still his mind. His body felt different for a moment, he wasn't sure how to describe it. That and something else concerned him.

"Well that was fun, kaka," Nirvana echoed within Raizo's mind from the Astral Plane.

"Indeed, you did well," Morana added in as well.

"Oh Senpai? You're giving me a compliment? I feel humbled."

"Master did instruct us to get along."

"Kaka, that is true. Oi Master, are you feeling well?" Nirvana asked with concern.

"Yeah, just…wondering why my armor hasn't regenerated yet," Raizo muttered looking down at his bare chest.

"Perhaps that power up changed something within you that the armor is unable to adapt to," Morana suggested.

"Besides, it's not all bad. At least those three Heroic Spirits will get some fanservice, kaka~"

"Tch…I'd rather not deal with one of those situations. I should be able to do something about this…"

Channeling some of his energy into the remaining bit of the artifact covering his body, the Janus Armor generated the hooded cloak he would normally wear around him. Raizo took this from his shoulders and measured out a particular area in the fibers of the cloth. He tore parallel holes into the threads before passing his arms through them. He had managed to create an improvised sleeveless haori.

"There, that's a bit better at least."

"Kaka, they'll still swoon over those abs of yours," Nirvana teased.

"I am inclined to agree, Master," Morana inclined.

"Both of you need to stop…jeez…" the youth blushed flipping his hood up, however he felt an uncomfortable pull on his head.

"What the…?"

Raizo reached behind his neck and grabbed his hair. When he pulled it up, he thought it would have cut off after a swift tug, yet there was more to come. After he managed to free all of his hair, he noticed that his locks had grown almost twice as long as it was before. Bringing it over his shoulder, it draped to at least the midway point of his chest.

"Eh? How the hell did this happen?"

"It seems like that is a side effect from the transformation. Your hair was actually longer than this," Morana explained.

"Hmm, you can probably cut it off in one go with your sword; or I could materialize and do it myself, my master," Nirvana suggested.

"No, don't worry about it. For now, I just want to reunite with the others."


During the final confrontation prior to Gilgamesh's defeat, Kimiko and Lucy were the only two parties that were able to bear witness to Raizo's transformation. They saw him ascend to greater heights with the temporary activation of Eternity of the Storm.

"Heh, that's my boy. He really is like his father," Lucy spoke approvingly whilst rubbing her finger across the bridge of her nose.

"Indeed, but this is only the beginning of what is to come," Kimiko responded in reference to what she already knew of the Stormbringer's growth.

"Kiddo's got one hell of a future ahead of him."

"And it's up to us to make sure he can reach it."

The King of Heroes fell and time resumed around the two women. The Heroic Spirits observed the monitor as an air of confusion came over each one of them.

"Wait…uh…am I the only one confused by what the hell just happened?" Mordred asked bluntly.

"S-Senpai…he…he won? But…what…what did he do?" Altera stammered in confusion.

"I only felt like I blinked for a moment, could something have happened that we were not able to witness?" Semiramis suggested.

"That does make sense. There are things that Akaro has done that I could not even fathom," Jeanne nodded in agreement.

"Regardless of the circumstances, Raizo-sama has claimed victory," Raikou smiled warmly.

"Impossible…simply impossible…" Enkidu uttered as the density of his aura increased.

"I refuse to accept that some nameless mortal killed him. I REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT!"

The creation of clay then busted through the gate to hunt down the youth who slayed his friend. Sensing that the next instant could take a turn for the worst, the entire team of Heroic Spirits quickly rushed in post-haste crossing the threshold into the courtyard.

"RAIZO MERCER!!!!" Enkidu screamed in fury as his eyes locked onto the Stormbringer.

"Oh great, now I have to fight you too?" Raizo sighed heavily as he reached for Vajra.

"Very well, I'll send you back to the Throne of Heroes alongside that pretentious king."

The homunculus then attempted to pour the Counter Force into itself in preparation to release his Noble Phantasm. He was then surrounded by all of the Heroic Spirits on Raizo's side along with Kimiko and Lucy.

"Don't even think about," Altera swiftly called out raising her blade up high above her head.

All of the other Heroic Spirits took up combat positions as well. Kimiko just folded her arms and held a deadpanned expression, while Lucy went to check on her son.

"You good kiddo?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine."

"You did a damn good job, son. I saw everything, so did yer Onee-sama over there. That form of yours was somethin' else. Ohhh look at that hair game. I love it!"

"M-Mom…come on…"

"Oi…what's up with the armor? Boy, Alexis is gonna be pissed ya know."

"Mou…it's not my fault that the thing won't regenerate!"

"Curse you, Raizo Mercer. You dare turn from me! These heroes mean nothing to me. I'll gladly kill them to get to you!" Enkidu declared trying to disrupt the moment between parent and child.

"Onee-sama…I can kill this guy too," Raizo called out.

"There's no need. His time is up already."

Just as Enkidu was preparing to unleash his offensive maneuvers, his body collapsed and his spirit was sucked from his shell. A glowing orb of pale golden light shot through the air headed towards the tallest tower of the castle. All eyes turned towards that location as a holy light with the six identifiable colors of the rainbow appeared. In the middle of this dazzling display was the fabled relic, the Arcana Grail.

Alongside of the shining prize, the silhouette of the final enemy appeared. The King of Mages had at last revealed himself as his blood red eyes shimmered with his malicious intent. The skies shifted once more turning completely black as night with a malevolent blend of crimson and midnight blue.

Just as the darkness overcame the heavens, Solomon's body began to swell up like a balloon. In addition to this, the density of his magical aura increased many times over. In that next instant, the human shell had burst into an array of blood and guts thus revealed the true form of the evil being within.

A golden, muscular body had hovered in the air with crimson and black patterns covering his body. His hands were as black as the darkness above while his legs were dyed in blotches of red. A pink eye-shaped core was located in the center of his chest while tree branch horns sprung out the sides of his head. These same branches held a vermillion pattern of flames radiating from the ends whilst the dark crimson spiraled around his body signifying his magical aura. The Arcana Grail was absorbed inside the creature. The faceless demon had revealed his true form as the King of the Demon Gods—Goetia.

"The Time of Crowning Has Come, He is the One Who Begins All – Ars Paulina!" bellowed the voice of the Demon King invoking the second Noble Phantasm of Solomon.

Within that instant, the visible area began to change. All of the Heroes were transported into this space. The grounds of the castle began to crumble apart as the immediate area transformed into stone ruins with crumbling black columns all around. The landmass became a broken, rocky formation floating over an endless void as black branches with giant red eyeballs intertwined all around it. The main castles collapsed in on itself and turned into a white, throne-like alter with a circular formation at the head and wing-like appendages sprawling from it. Goetia floated above the top of this structure as the space continued to shift around everyone inside.

The sky shifted into a blended sky with smoky clouds and a radiance of red and blue mixed together around a black sun. The demonic roots sprouted from the main landmass and formed into six other landmasses.

This was the workshop of Solomon that existed outside of the universe and beyond the reach of time, thus being contained in the space of imaginary numbers. Powered by the magical circuits of the man, or the Demon King rather, death in this space does not "count" in reality. Therefore, anyone who falls inside of it may be revived in this space with enough energy.

"Ars Almadel Salomonis," Goetia voiced aloud invoking the activation of the third Noble Phantasm of Solomon.

With this ability active, a demonic eye lifted up and covered the black sun with a circular radiance. This belt of light represented the imminent demise of mankind. The heat contained within it was the kind of heat that would annihilate everything. The party present thought the attack was going to come down on them, but a brilliant beam of purple light was instead cast out into space.

From the nation of Egypt built upon the backs of Hebrew slaves to the plains of Japan torn asunder by endless war between the Samurai. From the mighty stand of the 300 against the Persian Empire at the Battle of Thermopylae, the rampaging of Alexander the Great, the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, to the legendary fall of Troy. From the Spanish Inquisition and the Age of Exploration to the discovery of the New World and the Age of Piracy that would spark the embers of a later revolution. From the enslavement of the people of Africa to the birth of the United States of America that would eventually be split in two by the Civil War nearly 100 years later. From the era of the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution which would change the shape of technology forever. From the innovations of invention by people like Thomas Edison, Nikolai Tesla, and scientists and astronomers like Galileo and Einstein to the tragedies that were the World Wars. The near apocalypse stirred by the Cold War to the modern day societal toils of the 21st century.

Enhanced by the added power of the Arcana Grail, all mortal life was eviscerated throughout all eras of history across multiple multiverses simultaneously. Men, women, and children across all walks of life regardless of race, color, or creed were erased on this grand spectrum.

The stars shattered, planets turned to dust, and solar systems were cast adrift as physics were inversed. Space collapsed on itself forming numerous black holes that just devoured one another before entire universes disappeared. Multiverses shrank in size while others expanded and imploded. It was as if creation and destruction were on an incessant loop.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Lucy relinquished a bloodcurdling scream in response.

Being the one who is the physical incarnation of time, the overwhelming nature of destruction afflicted her body. Thus, she lost the ability to stand on her own two feet and fell out on the ground. Instantly, Nightingale dropped down to her side and clutched her hand as her nurse instincts kicked in. The other Heroic Spirits gave her room, but still cast gazes of concern towards the girl.

"Mom?!" Raizo shouted out before sliding in the group and kneeling beside the woman.

"What's happening?!"

"I'm not sure; whatever Goetia has done led to a reaction inside of Lucy-san that I do not understand. Nevertheless, I will do all I can to aide her," the Berserker-class spirit explained checking the woman's pulse.

"Raizo…" Kimiko called in a soft tone.

"What is it, Onee-sama?" the boy asked with an exasperated look upon his face.

"Goetia has incinerated history throughout various multiverses causing the infinite space-time continuums to collapse into a series of paradoxes. Lucy's Primordial powers…"

"She's feeling the effects of it…"


"And…what about the others back home, Onee-sama?" Raizo added.

Kimiko maintained her silence at that point. Her face was impossible to read for the group. She neither confirmed nor denied their safety. She just went quiet.



The Stormbringer stood up and cast his gaze towards the demonic monster in the distance. He looked back at his mother whom passed out due to the pain, and then to the faces of the speechless Heroic Spirits. The youth eyed the Grand Ruler who didn't even turn to look at the boy. The faces of all his friends and family, even the people he met during this journey all flashed through his mind as the realization of their demise filled his heart. He gazed back at the Demon King once again. A dense aura wafted from his body shaking the vicinity. Slowly but surely, the youth stepped forward. The eyes of the group behind him observed quietly.

"No…" he muttered as the sting of tears seeped out from his eyes falling down his cheeks.

"No, just no…"

A terrible pain grasped the heart of the Son of Mercer as he felt the darkness of the reality sink in. Everyone that he left waiting back at home was gone. Everyone that he saved from the oppression of the Demon Gods and forged some form of bond with was gone. All that he loved and came to care for was gone. To make matters worse, the woman whom accepted him as her own was lying on the ground in what appeared as a death-like state. Everything precious to him was torn from his hands once again.

It was here that something deep within him tried to claw its way up. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. This sensation was like a beast hiding in the darkness feeding on every instance of anger that Raizo had felt, yet failed to release due to self-restraint. It was a demon within him that he thought he had suppressed for the longest of times.

The aura around his body escalated. Spiraling bolts of crimson, amethyst, cerulean, and white electricity mixed together binding his body. His irises turned garnet, but the whites of his eyeballs were fading to black. The insurmountable solution of rage and sorrow was beginning to manifest into a great and terrible power. The guise of 'Omen of Eternity' enveloped the boy but an ominous, black energy was trying to layer over top of him as well.

"GOETIAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Raizo hollered in a voice tainted with resentment.


The area shook once more. In that moment, black and purple columns of dark energy began to spawn, each one covered in hundreds of blood red eyes like the roots that occupied this space. They were Demon Pillars being summoned by Goetia's influence multiplying into the hundreds thus surrounding the heroes and preventing anyone from advancing to the throne.

Instantly in an untraceable blur of motion, Kimiko moved in front Raizo thus impeding the boy's path.

"Onee-…?" the angered youth spoke before he felt his breath cut short.

Looking down, he found that one of her daggers was lunged into his side. Kimiko had stabbed him without warning as hard as she could without killing him to wake him up. In a flash, the nigh possession of Calamity of the Storm was banished from the child's aura causing him to collapse backwards. Without delay, the One-Cut Killer was straddling the male whilst holding the grip of her knife and staring coldly into his eyes.

"I'll say this only once: shut up and control yourself. If you slip back into the abyss and forget everything you stand for when confronted by overwhelming emotion, I'll personally end your life. Now stand up. You're not a lonesome avenger here, we're doing this as a team," the stern woman lectured.

Raizo was unable to say a single word, but he quickly nodded in agreement. His aura had calmed down as the lingering storm had dissipated. The girl removed her knife before standing up, thus allowing that pain to settle in the child's mind so the experience wouldn't be lost. The Stormbringer wanted to cry out, yet his vocal chords did not respond to his brain's commands. Though, he did feel that pain to the very depths of his soul.

"Sorry…Onee-sama," the youth remarked casting his head down in shame.

"Don't let it happen again. Now hold your head up high, we've got work to do."