
Crimson murderds

Being able to see things no one has ever, is not great. Izuku is cursed to see things he doesn't want to have anything to do with. He never asked to be Champion of Death, but he's stuck with the title. So he's cursed, quirkless, the main target of a murderer, and going to become a hero no matter what. Wait, a target? Well that's nice to know. Let's just add villains into the fray.

Mr_copy_your_story · Tranh châm biếm
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38 Chs

Chapter 25

Continuing from their last battle, Bakugou and All Might are fighting once again. It pisses him off that Katsuki doesn't seem to learn. Izuku just needs to pass the gate and everything will end. He continues to struggle underneath the railing, agitating his hip. He finally gets it off. Full Cowl:

10%! He lets the light crackle off his body and he runs. Faster than before, stronger than before. He hits the alleyways and scales the walls to get onto a roof. This gives him a vantage point. He can watch for All Might and be able to search for the gate. Five seconds. There! He roof jumps, avoiding the ground attacks from All Might who is now preoccupied by the explosive teen. He doesn't care what Bakugou thinks, he just doesn't care. He needs to pass. Attacking blindly will only waste time. He doesn't mean that All Might is stronger-he just needs a plan and he'll be set, but no! His ego won't stop him enough to think clearly!

Midoriya's train of thought is disrupted when he slips off the roof after dodging an attack, but it doesn't matter, he's able to catch himself with the tip of the scythe; he cries out from jostling his shoulder. The ground seems to be too far, swaying and his vision tilting from the jolt of pain. Nausea rises but it's pushed back down, swinging himself to safety.

He'll have to run on the ground then. He can't take another fall like that. He'll have to scale another buMing soon to make sure he's going in the right direction. If he keeps to this side of the buildings, he should be fine.

Bakugou clicks his tongue when he saw him run.

That coward! He better not do what I think he will!

Or I'll kill him! The blond uses his gauntlets, creating a large blast. With the blast, he destroys a part of a building.

"I never thought heroes were cowards," he taunts, laughing that booming laugh to which echos and travels. "Nor did I think, heroes risk hurting civilians. You'll never be a hero." He pauses, knowing exactly what is wrong. "This is about Midoriya's progress, isn't it? You don't like that he's progressing more than you."

Bakugou scowls deeply. He is not going to to let him get in his head. The blond is really not taking this anymore-his throat is burning from the acid that had be basically forced out after a harsh punch to the stomach. He is not going to lose. He forces himself to get up, ignoring the screams of his arms. The world tilted, but he focuses on his anger instead of exhaustion. In frustration, he watches as All Might turns his back on him and moves to go after to where Midoriya is, but before he can, a robotic voice cuts through the air:

"Bakugou and Midoriya: Pass!"

"No! That bastard!" He rasps out, growling lowly.

He won't take this in stride. That bastard ruined his chance to beat All Might. "I will kill him! I'm going to kill him! He ruined everything!"

"Young Midoriya, you didn't," he whispers in shock.

He did not see this outcome happening; he is sure that none of the teachers had seen this outcome happening since most of Shouta's plans never fail.

"You wouldn't have left a teammate. So why?"

They meet up at the bus, his mask and hood down. He's gripping his shoulder tightly, shaking as he to the vehicle. He doesn't get far when Katsuki comes behind him and blasts his back. He's pissed off with the stunt he pulled and he's going to give him a piece of his mind. He sends another blast, ignoring the cry of pain that comes from the shitty need as he stumbles forward a little and All Might's warning. "You coward! How dare you-?"

"Shut up!" Blooming white rage is all he feels, overtaking his pain. The rage falls onto him like a boulder over a cliff, crashing down onto him and breaking him. He is done. This is gone too far and he is tired. In retaliation, Izuku reaches up to scratch at the boy's face, following it up with a punch to the same patch of injured skin. Izuku ignores the pained look on Bakugou's face as the injury bleeds. This needs to be said. He isn't waiting for anyone to say a damn thing anymore.

"You were going into that battle without a damn plan and you yell at me for trying to help! What else was I supposed to do? You wouldn't listen to a word I was saying! If that was a real battle, you would've died alongside your partner and the civilians you are trying to protect. You need to learn that your actions have fucking

consequences, Katsuki! People will leave you if you don't clean your attitude up. They'll leave you to die like I just did."

"But if it was a real battle-"

"How about I'm not in the fucking mood for a damn lecture, All Might!" he snaps, glaring at his predecessor. He does not care about the look of hurt and surprised that momentarily flashed on his face. "have had it up to here with people defending Bakugou's attitude and actions! I'm tired of trusting people and them throwing that trust away! He needs to learn and if no one's going to teach it, he will continue to be this way! I trusted you and you turned out to be like everyone else.

Simple. I wasn't mad before since I knew it was my fault, but that stunt you pulled -I never thought you would've done something that stupid," he whispers. He turns to the silent Bakugou who is nursing his wounded cheek to keep it from bleeding too much. "People will leave you to die if you continue acting the way you are. If that repetition doesn't get through your skull, then I give up. I don't know what else would." He steps into the vehicle and sits down at the very back. He does not feel any remorse for the words he just said to them-he doesn't care. He stopped caring a while ago.

Heading back from their own exam-Momo and Shouto are sharing brief glances. She is talking about how she hopes the best for Izuku and Bakugou. "I don't really see how the teachers could put them together. I get this is a learning experience but I don't see them working together any time soon, especially in an exam like this. You heard what Bakugou said to him last week, right?"

Shouto nods and pushes his hair back. "Yes, but have faith in Midoriya. Knowing him, he'll have to resort to violence to get Bakugou to understand. I know first hand that if he knows that simple talking it out won't get through to someone, he'd resort to using a mixture of violence and harsh words."

Aizawa listens in on their conversation but says nothing. He knows that they're stating facts. He watched Midoriya break his bones just so that Todoroki will use his full power. Shuzenji told him about that. Of course, to get Bakugou to swallow his pride, it'll have to be through violence and harsh words itself. If that doesn't work, who knows what Midoriya will resort to. They've yet to see that happen-hopefully it's nothing bad. As long as he doesn't dangle Bakugou over a bridge or a high building, mocking him by loosening his grip a little, it should be okay. They shouldn't worry. Right? He does have the scythe, his inner voice says. Of course, he knows about the scythe, but he wouldn't kill him. His inner voice continues, If violence and harsh words don't work, he might take a swing at murder to see if that'll get the results that is needed (oh, Aizawa, how close you have gotten), but he may go overboard with it. The underground hero forces himself to ignore that.

Midoriya will not attempt to kill his classmates no matter how annoying or stubborn they can get.


"Bakugou and Midoriya: Pass!"

Those words ring throughout the compound and Aizawa sighs, sliding down in his seat with relief.

"Oh, thank god," he mutters. "It must mean that they got through to each other." Take it that he has to be wrong on this one. The only time he'll admit that he's ever wrong. Well, he won't know that until he gets to the infirmary to see this himself. He knows that this happened with injuries on both sides.

Upon arriving to the infirmary, Aizawa is met by a thick tension of awkwardness and frustration.

Bakugou is knocked out by the painkillers and the drainage in stamina while Midoriya is still awake with an emotionless expression. He glances at his home room teacher before looking away, wincing slightly. "I need you to set his shoulder," says


'Set his shoulder'?" He repeats looking at the shoulder and sure enough dislocation. "How did that happen?"

"Oh, you know, being used as a bat has its perks," sasses Midoriya as he looks at his hands again.

Shouta stops in his trek, staring at him with a lazy expression then looking at Recovery Girl then at Toshinori. 'A bat'? I will need to see the tapes after this," he mutters. He hovers his hands over the shoulder. "On three. One." He sets it back and gets a small cry of pain. He ignores the indignant shout of "what happened to two and three?" and settling to glare at Toshinori. He wants to see just how exactly this all happened. "Alright, Yagi, take me to see the tapes. Now." He nods and leads him out of the room, glancing at his students. "Go ahead and get checked up or finish watching whatever exam is left."

The silence is thickening with every step. Yagi has no clue what Aizawa is going to say or do and that scares him. Watching the tapes, he is silent. He doesn't say a word throughout it. "So he ran?" he asks, glancing over to the number one hero. "He ran and left his teammate? Why?"

A beat. "He was teaching Young Bakugou that his actions will have consequences. He was yelling at Young Midoriya the entire time he tried to tell to plan or to run. He wouldn't listen so this was a lesson. That people will leave him to die or to the hands of the enemy if he doesn't learn to cooperate."

He blinks. That is not what he expected. What did he wxpect? He isn't sure, but certainly not this.

Midoriya is one of the oddest students he's ever had the pleasure of teaching. "And did it work?"

"I'm not certain. He started yelling at Young Bakugou at the bus and afterwards both of them fell silent."

"Okay. What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb," he says with a glare. "I want to know if you two spoke like we've planned for you two to do."

"No. He snapped at me and said a few things, but that is it. I tried speaking to him in the infirmary but he kept glaring at me and pointing to his shoulder." Toshinori sighs, placing a hand on his face. "Gosh, I messed up."

"In what way? You were acting. You had to make sure he could defend himself. Honestly, with that kid, he'd be injured in any way. Whether by you, Bakugou, or by himself. It would've happened."

"That's not it. He told me that he was tired of trusting people and having that trust thrown back at him." He hesitates for a second, not sure if he should say this, but it may be helpful-Aizawa may be able to help. "He-Midoriya told me that he regrets the day we met."

Aizawa stops, his eyes widening a little at that. His indifferent mask slipping from hearing that since it sounds to be a little unbelievable. Okay that's harsh, even for Midoriya. I'd expect that from someone else, but Midoriya? The kid who would break his bones for someone he does not know or who may not even like him? This is getting really ridiculous. Aizawa groans and runs his hand down his face. "This is ridiculous. Once he is healed, I'm locking you two in a padded room and leave you alone until you make up."


"Don't 'Aizawa' me. I told you the plan on what you are going to do. This backfired and now, you're going to speak with the kid. If I have to, I will stand outside and listen in on your conversation."

Aizawa pushes his hair back, shaking his head. He really can't believe this. Why do people have to be so difficult? This is why he sticks with cats-simple, lazy cats.

Toshinori makes the move to argue but falls short under the scrutinizing glare of the underground hero. "Fine, I'm gonna check on him again. I will try to work things out between us." The two leave and head straight to the infirmary. There, Midoriya is speaking to someone they cannot see.

"Death, I know. I-I am not accepting it. I have one chance left, but I cannot accept. Not yet. I don't -I don't care! I've died once and l've come too close to dying another time. I am sure I won't come close to dying again anytime soon." He rubs his chest, moving his hand to his eyes. He doesn't seem to notice them and they don't make it known. "I am not gouging my eye out again just so you want me to prove something, thank you. I don't care, jeez. Fate, tell her. Wow, thanks.

"You're not going to do what again?"

Midoriya jumps a foot in the air upon hearing

Aizawa's exasperated question. He twists his body to look at the two teachers. He glances to the left and the two beings are gone, leaving him to deal with this by himself. "Thanks for the moral support," he mutters with a sigh. "Um, yeah. I found out that Death took over my body during the USJ incident and had me gouge my eye out in front of villains to have them see the Corpses around them. Fun.

Anyway, thanks for ripping my skin apart and using me as a bat! That was also fun!"

"Stop being a sarcastic child, Problem Child."

"You're not letting that nickname drop, are you?"

"Not until you stop getting injured and stop causing problems.

"Yeah, that's never going to happen. Not for the next four hundred years." He snickers at the groan of annoyance and the numerous whys he gets from that response. "Oh, and you'll be knowing me until your old age."

Aizawa sits down, placing his head in his hands. He just stops. His brain has stopped working for the next few minutes. He just does not want to live anymore. As he has an existential crisis, Yagi is left staring between his fellow colleague and his successor (who he really needs to have a word with). Before he can speak, Chiyo comes in to find this scenario and shakes her head in exasperation.

Not this again. "Stop killing Shouta, Izuku."

"All I said was -okay, yeah you're right. Poor Aizawa-sensei, he has to deal with me for a long time." He smiles at the widely, his eyes closed as if he just didn't sign his teacher's life sentence with that little statement. Aizawa gives him an unimpressed look, thinking along the lines of Stop acting innocent, I know the truth, you little psychopath. How do people fall for that faux innocence?

"How many people know about the curse?" inquires Toshinori. He doesn't know who knows and he doesn't want to accidentally let the secret slip to the wrong person.

"You, Mom, Aizawa-sensei, Recovery Girl, and Detective Tsukauchi. I told lida and Todoroki something different, so they know one-third of it." He rubs his wrist and shows them the marking. "I told them I was randomly picked to not die for three times and that I only have one chance left.

Whatever happens afterwards, I'm not sure myself." He shrugs before sighing. "Well, Recovery Girl has scolded me and healed me. I'm tired-"

"You're going to stay awake and speak with Toshinori," finishes the underground hero. "I am not dealing with you two being stubborn mules anymore. So apologize and go back to being each other's favorites."

"Tokoyami is All Might's favorite. I'm just his student."


"Fine!" He huffs air out his nose and looks at All

Might. I can do this. What kind of hero would I be it I can't apologize for my mistakes? I mean, come on, I always forgive and forget, but why haven't I been able to lately? I should say something since they're staring at me and I can't see Yagi apologizing first. "I'm sorry Toshinori. I went too far and I know why you did what you did. I shouldn't have gotten angry, you just reacted the only way you probably could have. Human minds are quite complex and fear messes up our rational thinking."

That is not what I-1 do not know why l even try anymore. I'm just going to check on the other students, at least they're somewhat normal than this problematic child.

Bakugou comes to with a strange wave of confusion. His eyebrows are furrowed, a pained expression on his face as he sits up and takes in his surroundings. The shitty nerd is there. Good.

He doesn't want to see him. Not yet. Not after that humiliation he put him through. Mark his words, he's going to have his revenge on the nerd. Just he wait and see. The red-eyed male is through with being embarrassed by the weakling.

"Tch, shitty Deku. You're nothing. You've never been anything. So what the hell changed? Why the hell are you like this?" His scowl deepens further, realization dawning on him. "You cocky son of a bitch. You think you're so much better than me, don't you?" he mutters to himself. He won't take this. He will not take this in stride!

"You're awake, good," says Aizawa. Just the person he wants to see.

This was not what I expected to be the finished product but hey, here is the chapter. Also, yes Aizawa calls Midoriya "Little Psychopath" and

"Problem Child" since he isn't easily fooled. No, Midoriya is not an actual psychopath. He may have a few traits of psychopathy, but if anything he's more of a sociopath. They aren't certain since he's not eighteen and he doesn't show signs of sociopathy and psychopathy. (Well, not that I can remember)

A/N give me your power stone so I can go to the club *cough* *cough* I mean so I can get it to my pet dog