

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
29 Chs


The countess breath a sigh of relief when the king finally left the hall without causing more trouble.

if there was anything her cousin was known for,it was his rotten temper and whenever he got angry,he was like a ticking time bomb that could cause great disaster but being his aunt,she seem to have a small privilege.

The privilege that allows her speak freely to some extent.resting her back on the chair she thought about what just happened and realized if she had messed with him a little more,she might have ended up losing her life.

"mother?" her son called "are you okay?" he asked getting up to check on his mother "I'm fine" his mother said waving him off.

she stood and said "let us leave before we out stay our welcome here"

The countess and children left the castle in silence but once they were seated inside their carriage and was on their way out,the countess said to her son "visit the psychic again tomorrow and take your sister along ".

Kingsley nodded his head and looked at his sister who seemed very quiet today.

Tessa sat at the servants dining room later that evening as she enjoyed her dinner.when she arrived at the castle,she had thought herself lucky after all her beauty has caught the attention of several wealthy men or their sons but nothing beats being married to the queen and ruling beside a powerful king but despite being assigned to work in different parts of the castle,she was yet to see the king and whenever she tried to bring it up while they were working,the others would quickly change the topic so she stopped asking but she wouldn't give up yet....not yet.

Christian sat in the huge bath with his eyes closed.The steam from the hot water formed a sort of mist around him. his white long hair was left loose and it flowed down his back.

He opened his eye when he felt a presence in the room,he knew it wasn't Mason,he would have heard footsteps and no one else was allowed in his quarters while he was there except if that person has a death wish.

without moving he scanned the room but didn't see anyone so he closed his eyes back and relaxed waiting for the whatever it was to come to it's death but after awhile the presence disappeared from the room and Mason came in walking gingerly.

He walked very close to the tub and said "the water is going cold mi'lord,you should come out so you won't fall sick"

"are you mocking me?" came the chilling response

"what? no " mason waved his hands and laughed nervously

Christian got out of the bath and went to stand gloriously naked in front mason,he bent to bring his face close to Mason's face and looked him the eyes "it sounded like it,some nerve you have there" he said while poking Mason's chest with his finger.

"that's not true christian" mason said shaking like a leaf at his spot "i_i was just worried you might catch a cold I wasn't thinking"

christian straightened and looked at the shaky leaf in front of him "you sure weren't" he agreed, "else you wouldn't remind me..." he stopped when he noticed Mason had gone pale and was shivering badly.

He also felt the presence from earlier again.they remained at that spot and he kept looking into Mason's eyes,the moment he noticed a golden color formed as a ring around his iris,he mind linked him ' don't move ' he said ' just tell me what you see and where exactly it is '

' I see a man, old. It is not human but I do not see what he_ wait, I see it now, it is a demon ' mason mind linked him back

' where is it '

' at the other end of the bath, against the wall to your left'

Christian closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them,he has the same golden ring around his red eyes .he turned to the direction of the demon , seeing it,he smirked .

seeing that he was caught, the demon threw the spear he was holding at christian and charged at him immediately he threw it but before he got close to him, christian caught the spear and threw back at the demon.

it caught him in the neck and pinned him back to the wall,the demon struggled while he began to turn to dust gradually till there was nothing left of him.

As soon as he turned to dust,the golden ring in mason's eyes disappeared and he fell to floor shivering.

Christian left him and went to retrieve the spear but it disappeared before he could touch it,he nodded expecting that so he went back to mason who was still shivering badly and carried him into the bath.his red eyes glowed and steam began to to rise as the temperature of the water increased.

he continued to hold mason in his arm in the bath for a long time.after about an hour,he carried him out and took off his wet clothes and helped him into a robe before carrying him to the room.

he laid him on the bed and tucked him under the blanket.he stretched his hand towards the fireplace and a fire started then he joined mason in the bed and held him close.

"it's okay, you'll be fine" he said and placed a kiss in his hair.

after some time he noticed his body temperature was going back to normal so he left him to sleep.he got out of the bed and dressed, checking mason again one more time,he saw he was improving.

on his way out he stood by the door and looked at the ceiling, strange writings suddenly appeared and as fast as it appeared,it disappeared, satisfied he left the room closing the door.