

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Mason did as instructed and successfully stayed out of the king's aunt and her children's sight, although many times a maid would be sent to come fetch him but he would find a way out of it.he had to enter the king's study alot because he kept hiding under his shadow but Christian meanwhile seemed to be enjoying the show.He looked up again as he heard a brief knock and saw Mason come in " it's time for lunch"he said to the king who kept looking at him.he stood up after a while and walked to the front of the large desk in his study,he sat on it and looked at the nervous wreck standing next to him "lock the door"he said softly.Mason looked up and shook his head vigorously "n_no the guest must be in the dining room by now,you mustn't delay them.here" he said and picked up his jacket "let me help you put this on" he said with pleading eyes.christian laughed quietly and one would think he finds his butler funny but his expression changed in the next second and his red eyes glowed brighter "don't make me repeat myself".

Mason shoulder slumped as went to lock the door without uttering another word.when christian heard the lock click,he's face changed again and he put on a bright smile for his timid lover who returned his smile with a doubtful stare as he walked back to christian.He stood in front of the king and was pulled into a warm embrace.christian placed kisses all over his face ,he turned mason around so his back was facing him and he loosed the knot in his hair.it came flowing down.he smelled it and it smelled divine,it was silky to touch.he played and ran his hand through the jet black hair.Mason on the other hand kept twisting and untwisting his fingers,if he reminded christian that his guest were waiting, he'd probably get angry but if he remained quiet,once they got to the dining,the countess would pick on him "you better not be thinking about someone else mason" he turned him back to face him "no, I wasn't thinking" mason said and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes "if I was thinking,I would have reminded you that your aunt was waiting but I'm not thinking". christian scoffed and pulled him back into an embrace "you don't have to be scared of the countess,I'm the king so there is nothing she can do to you other than nag" Mason broke the embrace and said gritting his teeth together "it's the nagging" he sighed and hugged christian himself this time "you know.. I love you a lot and you mean so much to me"

christian smiled inwardly,he knew were this was going so he said "I love you too,much more and you mean the world to me" mason looked up at him still in his warm embrace "you do?"

"you know I do"

"yees" he said slowly and placed his head back on Christian's chest "but I wonder why you treat badly sometimes"he mumbled into his chest" christian heard but chose to ignore it

"if you truly love me like you just said,then you should at least do something nice for me sometimes I mean look at me.." he jumped back suddenly when he heard christian sigh,he was annoyed "what is the nice thing you want today"

mason eyed him fearfully and mumbled "have lunch with your aunt...now".he jumped when christian got off the desk and snatched his jacket from him without another he walked out slamming the the door shut with a loud bang and Mason thought his heart was going to jump out if his chest through his mouth.he held his chest to calm his heart that kept beating wildly.he tried to control his breathing but because of the fear he had for the countess,his heart wouldn't stop going crazy and this made him nearly faint when the door to the study opened and an annoyed christian said "will you just stand there ?".he quickly walked to where he was and together they left.

The countess of Westwood and her two children Charlotte and Kingsley were already sitted by the time christian arrived at the dining hall.the dining hall which consisted of a very long table and lots of chairs was enough to sit up to 50 people at once.Christian came in followed by his butler,the guests stood and bowed.he sat at the head of the table and the guest also took their seats.the maids began placing napkins on the guest legs and began serving them food while Mason attended to the king.he did all this without looking at him,he was obviously still annoyed so it was better not to look at him.he stepped away and stood close to the wall behind christian,he can only pray that the countess doesn't tick him off.."mason"

he quickly walked back to stand beside the king "yes mi'lord?"

"stand here,next to me.i might need something"

The countess who has been throwing short glares at mason decided to speak "step away, you can't stand close when the royals are eating " mason bowed and was about to step back when christian glared at him and stood fixed at the spot.the countess got up angrily from her chair and banged her fist on the table"who the.."

"sit you old ass down" christian cut her off.she shamefully sat back down and eyed mason.they continued eating in silence and after a while the countess began again "my king,I know you don't want to hear it but I .."

"then you shouldn't say it aunt Rosa" he cut her off again but this time he didn't look up but kept eating.The countess blinded by her rage said "are you doing this because of this whore?". christian dropped his fork,looked at his aunt and said "just eat your food Rosa and get the fuck out of this castle.he got up angrily to leave the room but when he got to the door,he turned back and went to stand near his aunt

"don't you ever call my butler a fucking whore and this should be the last time you enter this castle without being invited" he said and went out followed by his butler.