

His neck was suddenly pinned to the headboard as he was being choked by Christian's hand.he was still able to breathe but not freely.he sighed loudly as Christian's mouth went back to doing justice to his now aching erection.   This time it felt more intense and his body felt like it was lit with fire,he felt as if his soul kept rising and falling at the same time.he began moaning out loudly as he couldn't hold it on any longer.it felt like he could die at any moment yet his release felt close and far so he begged before his heart exploded "please, please sir"

zamirah01 · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


Mason stretched and tried to get up but couldn't as the strong arm around his waist held him in place.

He turned around to face christian who was still sleeping.he brushed away the strands of snowy white hair from his face so he could get a better view.

he traced his fingers on his perfect eyebrows,God his eyes were the most beautiful red he's ever seen, what? he quickly pulled his hands away as he realized christian wasn't asleep and he had been staring straight into his eyes.

"christian?" he called softly


"I didn't mean to touch you,I was just...."

"you were just?" christian asked with one brow raised.he sighed when he didn't get any response " I love you" he said and kissed him on the forehead.

Christian chuckled as he kissed mason on the lips "stop pouting" he said laughing at the cute fox in his arms

"What" he asked when Mason wouldn't stop pouting

"you have to be in court this morning,the ministers..."

"Don't ruin the mood mason" christian cut him off,his voice clipped and he looked irritated.he pulled him closer to his chest and hummed sweetly "a new butler would be needed in the castle"

mason froze 'what' "what?" he lifted his head to look at christian whose eyes was closed

"a new butler sir"

"and why would we be needing a new butler when I'm in perfect shape.did I do something wrong?"

"you did not" christian answered calmly with still shut

"then what the fuck is the problem"

Christian opened and stared into a set of angry green eyes "you look pale"

"I've always looked pale mi'lord" he mocked

"that's why I want take care of you from now, do you even realize how worried I was when the cold energy hit you again when that demon showed up the last time" he said trying to make a point

"and whose fault was that" mason deadpanned

Christian released him and he sat up in bed, mason did the same still looking at christian with questioning eyes.not seeing a chance to dodge the situation he said "look, you'll still be in the castle but not just as my butler"

"then as your what? what would I be doing?"

"be whatever you want Mason" he said calmly and stood up from the bed stark naked.Meanwhile mason was busy fuming in bed but he knows better to drop it topic for now so he instead said "will I be helping you get dressed this morning or is it the job for the new butler sire"

Christian stood looking at the piece of crazy on his bed,he smirked wickedly then went to the mason's side of the bed.Thinking he was about to get hit, Mason closed his shut but instead he was lifted into strong arms . He opened his eyes to see red eyes staring back at him with mischief in his eyes, worried of what christian might do,he asked "what? put me down I can walk"

"oh but I don't think you can" christian said with wicked glint in his eyes "close your eyes,its a surprise"

"now" he said sternly when Mason didn't answer.

He closed his eyes and held on to christian very tight "you're being too clingy, release your hold and just trust me"

Mason was about to protest when he was suddenly let go and yelped when his body hit the cold water.he tried to get back to the surface of the bath but was submerged again.

He was pulled out of the water and into Christian's arms.Christian sat in the bath with mason on his legs holding him tight as shivered from the cold.His eyes glowed for a second and steam began to arose from the water as the temperature increased " feeling better?" he asked


"are you still mad"

still nothing

"damn it mason, you heard what Rosà tried to do using her own children"

" it has nothing to do with me being your butler" mason said flatly

" no but who knows what they'll do next"

"fine,then I'll keep avoiding them like I've always done"

"yes you will and because it's obviously the beginning of whatever she'll start doing, just because it didn't work on me doesn't mean she wouldn't try to harm you to get you out of the way"

"I'll be careful"

"you are no longer my butler but my partner and you'll always be where I can keep my eyes on you and that my love is final"

" I can protect myself,oh but I can't because you won't let me reach my power" mason bursted out angrily "

"I'm trying really hard not to abuse your body again except when I'm doing it for your pleasure, shouldn't you meet me halfway here huh?"

"what does that even mean"

"how would you feel right now,if lose my cool and throw you against the fucking wall?"

"the same way I feel every time you do it"

"and how is that?"


"so would you like to feel hurt right now,cuz I can do that" christian said glaring at mason

Mason shut his mouth and placed his head back on Christian's chest.he wondered why he tried to talk him out of it,he doesn't call the shots.

"heyy" he said after a while.he lifted mason's chin so he could look at him "I just want you next to me as my partner.being a noble can be fun too "

" what do you think people will say when a servant suddenly becomes a noble"

christian laughed and asked "people? who's people,I am the only person you should care about"

"I'm not changing my mind" he said quietly against his lips and kissed him.

The head servant and head maid looked at each other nervously as they stood in the court along with the ministers and others. The king whom they were expecting to be in foul mood concerning yesterday's issue seemed to be in a lighter mood and the butler was nowhere to be seen that morning, everyone was waiting quietly as the king sat on his throne looking at all of them

Finally he said "before we began our session this morning,I have an announcement to make" people began murmuring and his deep baritone voice silence them " a new butler is needed in my castle". The head maid sighed in sadness and looked at Charles the head servant with sorrow in her eyes .

"Martha,why do you look so sad?" he asked suddenly and the head maid who quickly composed herself bowed "I asked a question" he said again

"Mr mason was a nice and fair man,I only worry that we might not find anyone to replace him I..." she brought out a napkin and wiped her eyes "I hope he is in a better place now" she finished. crying and bawling.

Charles bit down his own tears as he comforted Martha. The king on the hand rested his back on the throne and rested his chin on his left palm while looking at the two people who were busy comforting themselves,when they were done and had full composure of themselves he said "Mason is...what exactly do you old people take me for?" he asked suddenly annoyed

Both Martha and Charles bowed their heads. christian shook his head and continued look at the others " find me a new butler as soon as possible"

"Martha will you stop with the tears already" he almost growled out in anger.The head maid nodded and bowed profusely


"The second announcement I have to make this morning is that Mason,my former butler would take my surname,I have decided to be his guardian, yes" he said and looked at the head maid as she looked at him in surprise

"you didn't let me finish earlier Martha,your dearest Mason is fine and alive" he said to her with a smile

" since he would be taking my name,he cannot therefore remain as my servant, and I expect everyone here to treat him henceforth with respect, he is now a royal" he called on the royal secretary and when he came forward,he said to him " prepare a document and I shall stamp it"

"yes mi'lord" said the secretary

Martha and Charles may leave for their duties" .the couple almost ran out as they couldn't contain their joy.on their way out,Martha came back, stood before the king and bowed " thank you" she said with a huge smile on her face

"you're welcome Martha,now leave so I can start my duty as a king"

she bowed again and left.l the hall " shall we began" said christian to his ministers.

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