
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Tranh châm biếm
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Sakura immediately rushed to tend to the wounded Tenzo, doing her best to assess his injuries and provide the necessary medical attention. Tazuna, sensing the urgency of the situation, offered to take them to his house for further treatment.

Upon arriving at Tazuna's house, they were greeted by his daughter and grandson. Tazuna introduced them to the team, explaining the dire circumstances that had led to their arrival. With great care, they placed Tenzo in a comfortable bed, allowing him to rest and recover from the grueling battle.

Tazuna's daughter did her best to make the team feel welcome despite the unexpected situation, and she hoped for Tenzo's swift recovery.

Tazuna's daughter, tsunami, spoke with warmth in her voice, addressing the team, "Thank you so much for protecting my father. You've done a great service to our family and our village."

Sasuke,the one to surprisingly answering,gave a polite bow "Thank you for the hospitality "

The other two,seeing Sasuke,also bowed, making tsunami blushing at getting such basic respect from shinobi

Team 7 found themselves resting for the night in Tazuna's house. The atmosphere was welcoming and warm, a stark contrast to the chilling mist and battle they had faced earlier. They were grateful for the shelter and the chance to recover from their wounds.

As they settled in, Sakura began to tend to Tenzo's injuries more thoroughly. She carefully cleaned and dressed his wounds, doing her best to ensure his swift recovery. Naruto and Sasuke took the opportunity to discuss their battle tactics and strategies, reflecting on what had worked and what needed improvement for next time,them butting head more than strategizing 

Tazuna's daughter had prepared a simple but hearty meal for the weary shinobi. They gathered around the table, enjoying the food in silence 


Tazuna, sitting among them, expressed his gratitude once more. "Thank you again. You're not just protecting me; you're protecting the hope of our village. I can't thank you enough."

Naruto, with a mouthful of food, grinned and replied, "No need to thank us, dattebayo! We're here to make sure you all can live in peace."

As the night wore on, Team 7 couldn't help but feel a sense of calm with Tazuna's family. They knew that tomorrow would bring more challenges, but for now, they were grateful for the warmth and hospitality they had found in this humble home.

As the morning light filtered through the windows of Tazuna's house, Tenzo began to stir. The injuries he had sustained during the battle with Zabuza and Haku still ached, but he couldn't afford to stay down for long. With a determined effort, he pushed himself into a sitting position.

Feeling somewhat better, Tenzo called out to his team. "Team, gather around. We need to regroup and discuss our situation."

Sakura, who had been keeping watch, nodded and suggested, "Let's get you something to eat first, Tenzo-sensei. You need your strength."

Just as she spoke, Tsunami, Tazuna's daughter, entered the room carrying a tray of light food. She placed it gently on the table near Sakura. "I thought you might be hungry," she said with a warm smile.

"Thank you, tsunami-san "

Sakura nodded in gratitude and gestured for Tenzo to have a meal. "You should eat something, sensei. It'll help you recover faster."

Tenzo obliged, taking a few bites as the rest of the team gathered around. He knew he had to address an important matter.

"Thank you, Tsunami-san," he said, his voice sincere. "Now, about Zabuza... I believe he's likely still alive. That technique was meant to immobilize him into a temporary dead state, not kill."

Naruto's eyes widened with realization. "You mean he's out there somewhere, waiting to come after us again?"

Tenzo nodded gravely. "It's a possibility. We can't underestimate Zabuza's determination. We need to stay on guard and be ready for any potential threats."

Sasuke's expression hardened, and he clenched his fists. "Next time, he will die."

Tenzo continued, "And as for that masked person, we still don't know his true abilities. We need to be ready for him as well."

"What can we do in between ? "

"This is why i called you "

"Sasuke," he began, "I need you to discreetly gather information in town on Gato men. Find out if there's any word about Zabuza or Haku. Be careful and don't draw attention to yourself."

Sasuke nodded, eyes flashing as he prepared to set out on his reconnaissance mission.

Tenzo then turned to Naruto. "Naruto, I want you to stay here with Tazuna at all times. Keep an eye on him and make sure he's safe."

Naruto frowned and protested, "Why do I have to stay here? I could go to town and gather information too!"

Tenzo gave Naruto a deadpan look. "Naruto, you're many things, but discreet is not one of them. We can't risk drawing unnecessary attention. Tazuna's safety is crucial, and I trust you to ensure it."

Naruto grumbled but ultimately agreed to his sensei's orders.

Finally, Tenzo turned to Sakura. "Sakura, I want you to stay here with me and help protect Tazuna's family. Take any necessary precautions to secure the house and keep them safe."

Sakura nodded resolutely. "Understood, sensei. I'll make sure they're well protected."

Two days later, Tenzo had regained some of his strength and mobility. He called for the team to gather again, and they met out at the beach near Tazuna's house. The sound of crashing waves provided a soothing backdrop as Tenzo began his lesson.

"Today, we're going to delve deeper into the concept of jutsu synchronization and matching chakra waves," Tenzo began, the sand beneath their feet serving as their training ground. He could see curiosity in the eyes of his students.

Sasuke, always eager to learn, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Sensei, what exactly is jutsu synchronization, and why is it important?"

Tenzo nodded, appreciating Sasuke's curiosity. "Great question, Sasuke. Jutsu synchronization is when two or more shinobi work together to time their jutsu and chakra release in perfect harmony. It allows for more powerful and efficient attacks."

He continued, "Imagine this scenario: two weaker shinobi facing a stronger opponent. By synchronizing their jutsu, they can overcome their individual limitations and create a formidable force. It's also crucial when a group of shinobi must work together to defeat a powerful enemy or take on a summoned creature."

Tenzo then moved on to the concept of jutsu combination "Jutsu combination is taking things a step further. It involves combining two or more different jutsu with compatible affinity to create a completely new and more potent one. This can catch opponents off guard and turn the tide of battle in our favor."

Turning to Sakura, Tenzo spoke with sincerity, "Sakura, I want to apologize if I haven't been able to teach you more advanced techniques. As your sensei, I want to help you grow as a shinobi. So today, I'd like to introduce you to a basic hiding genjutsu. While it may seem simple, it's a valuable skill in intelligence gathering and deception."

Tenzo proceeded to teach Sakura the genjutsu hand seal, emphasizing the importance of control and subtlety when using such techniques.

"As we continue our mission, remember that being a shinobi means constantly adapting and learning new skills," Tenzo reminded his team. 

Naruto, eager to explore the concept of jutsu synchronization, turns to Tenzo with curiosity.

"Hey, Tenzo-sensei, what jutsu can we synchronize?"

Sasuke, the pragmatic one, chimes in "Our jutsu are quite different. I'm not sure if there's much we can do in that regard." 

Tenzo, however, wears a knowing smile as he decides to enlighten Naruto. He steps closer to Naruto and pats him on the back.

"Naruto, don't worry about it. In fact, I'll start by teaching you the hand signs for the Fireball Jutsu."

Sasuke raises an eyebrow, seemingly skeptical about Naruto's ability to learn such a jutsu.

"Fireball Jutsu? We will spend years before we could learn to synchronize then "

Naruto, not one to back down from a challenge or perceived insult, bristles at Sasuke's comment.

"I'll have you know, Sasuke, that I can learn new things when I put my mind to it!"

Yamato intervenes, attempting to defuse the tension between the two.

"Calm down, you two. Naruto doesn't necessarily need to personally execute the Fireball Jutsu. What I mean is that he can learn to match Sasuke's chakra waves to create a synchronized attack. It's about understanding the flow of chakra, not just executing the jutsu."

"See ? Now show me ! "

Tenzo patiently showed Naruto the hand seals required for the Fireball Jutsu 

"Alright, Naruto, pay close attention," Tenzo began. "The first seal, Ram, forms the initial shape of the jutsu. It's for laying the groundwork. Then, the Monkey seal is used to transition your chakra from its natural state to the fiery state required for the jutsu. It's like fueling the flames."

Tenzo continued, "Next, the Boar seal is essential. It grounds the jutsu into your lungs and acts as a protective barrier, shielding you from the intense heat you'll generate. Think of it as your safety measure."

He then explained further, "After that, the Horse seal comes into play. It's all about continuity. It ensures that your chakra flows smoothly to your lung as you build up the fire, giving the jutsu a stable foundation."

Tenzo concluded, "Finally, the Tiger seal is where the magic happens. It ignites the chakra, and when you release it with a strong exhale, you spit out a fireball. Remember, it's about the timing and control. Got it?"

Naruto nodded, absorbing the information. 

A curious Sasuke asked him "Do you have a fire affinity too ? "

"Not really,to be honest, the fireball jutsu is the best I could ever do. the rest of the fire jutsu are too energy consuming for me"

"Naruto, give it a try ! "

Tenzo encouraged Naruto to give it a try, facing the sea with determination. 

Naruto focused, his hands forming the Ram-Monkey-Boar-Horse-Tiger seals correctly, his chakra gathering within him. Sasuke watched intently, ready to see if Naruto could execute the jutsu.

However, as Naruto attempted to release the fireball, the jutsu failed spectacularly. Smoke billowed from his mouth, and he coughed, his face turning red in embarrassment. Sasuke couldn't help but give an "as expected" expression, earning him a glare from Naruto.

"Hey, don't laugh, you jerk!" Naruto exclaimed, irritated by Sasuke's reaction.

Sakura stepped in to help, hitting Naruto on the back gently and offering advice. "Naruto, it's okay. Take a deep breath next time and try to stay calm."

Naruto huffed, still feeling frustrated. "It's all Sasuke's fault for distracting me."

Tenzo, however, maintained his calm demeanor and smiled at Naruto. "No need to get worked up, Naruto. Let's try it again, but this time, stand near each other. Sasuke, you can give him some pointers."

With a smirk of superiority, Sasuke executed the Fireball Jutsu flawlessly, manifesting a large and impressive fireball. 

"Katon : goukakyuu no jutsu! "

As the fireball hit the water, a cloud of steam began to rise, shrouding the immediate area in a thick mist. The combination of the scorching flames meeting the coolness of the sea created a dramatic contrast, giving rise to swirling columns of steam that twisted and swirled like ethereal spirits.

The steam added an eerie and mystical quality to the scene, as if the elements themselves were locked in a dance of opposing forces. 

Naruto, Sakura, and Tenzo watched in awe as the steam and flames intermingled, creating a sight that was both beautiful and awe-inspiring.

"Wow, Sasuke, that was amazing!" Sakura exclaimed, genuinely impressed by her teammate's ability.Tenzo nodded in agreement. 

"Impressive control, Sasuke. It's a testament to your chakra control and precision." 

Under Tenzo's guidance, Team 7 continued their training diligently. Naruto, determined to master the Fireball Jutsu, practiced the hand seals repeatedly, focusing on each step of the technique. He was determined to produce flames as impressive as Sasuke's.

Sasuke, not one to be outdone, worked on honing his fire jutsu skills further. He aimed to increase the intensity and precision of his flames, striving for perfection in his fire-based techniques.

Sakura, under Tenzo's instruction, delved into the world of genjutsu. She practiced the techniques he had taught her, learning to manipulate the perceptions and senses of her targets. She was determined to become proficient in this area of ninjutsu.

As the days went by, the team's efforts bore fruit, with each member making progress in their respective training areas. Tenzo watched over them, providing guidance and support.