
Crimson Faith : A Naruto Tale

UA plot, Naruto is the main mc Not a SI or transmigration fic, Just an alternative universe, with my own spice Jounin actually mean shit here. Kage level are genuine monster to normal people. Jashin is a real thing, the whole UA because of this mf Some cool fights and world building, Jutsu will actually make sense Neji certainly wont end up penetrated by the world here. No harem (at least nothing too obvious if any caractere got one ) More dept to chakra and chakra techniques Read if if you got a fetish for some hot blooded fighting and epic shit This here is a what if story. Made after watching Asuma dying to Hidan, i asked myself how would the world look with Jashin having more presence in it. This is a story where chaos and intrigues never end,with long arcs. Disclamer : I dont now own naruto or anything related to it that belong to their respective owner, only Oc would belong to me. I dont own the Book Picture. if you like the work you can support me on ko-f* you can find me on k*fi /lightofcertainity/

LightOfCertainity · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs


"Katon : goukakyuu no jutsu! "

Days of persistent practice finally paid off as Naruto successfully executed the Fireball Jutsu. Flames erupted from his mouth, forming a powerful fireball that danced in the air before dissipating over the sea. The rest of the team and the resting tazuna beside them watched in admiration as Naruto achieved this milestone in his training.

"As expected of the cool ninja protect the super bridge builder that is me "

"Woaaaaah ! Naruto ! Amazing ! "

"Such powerful chakra… even Jounin don't have as much as him. I can't help but admit that he make Someone envious "

Tenzo couldn't help but express a hint of envy, jokingly remarking that he would have enjoyed having Naruto's abundant chakra, which undoubtedly aided him in learning the jutsu.

Sasuke, on the other hand, observed Naruto's success with an apparent indifference, his hand casually in his pocket. However, within the confines of his pocket, his clenched fist betrayed the complex emotions he felt—emotions that he kept hidden from his teammates. Inside his soul, a purple light flickered, in interest to his feelings.

Naruto turned to Sasuke with a triumphant grin, taunting him over his successful execution of the Fireball Jutsu. 

"Haaa ! See ! I told you i will learn it ! "

"Idiot, it took you so much time. What a waste "

Sasuke, maintaining his indifferent demeanor, continued by telling Naruto not to get ahead of himself and bluntly calling him an idiot.

"Why you—wait,how long did it take you? "

Naruto's expression shifted from anger to curiosity as he asked Sasuke how long it had taken him to master the jutsu. Sasuke, still appearing disinterested, casually replied that it had also taken him a week.

Naruto couldn't believe it. Pointing at sasuke with the finger "What the hell ! Then why are you calling me an idiot ? You're no better than me ! "

Sasuke couldn't resist a smirk. "Not exactly."

Naruto frowned, feeling like he was missing something. "What do you mean?"

Sasuke's smirk widened as he dropped the bombshell. "I learned it when I was seven."

Naruto's eyes widened in shock, and his triumphant grin vanished, replaced by a mix of choc and frustration. "You... You learned it when you were seven?"

Sasuke nodded nonchalantly. "That's right."

Naruto's mood immediately plummeted, realizing that even as a child, Sasuke had outperformed him in learning the jutsu. In choc, He muttered to himself, "I can't believe I got shown up by a seven-year-old Sasuke…"

"Alright you two, time to try it ! "

Tenzo encouraged Naruto and Sasuke to give it a try, urging them to focus on synchronizing their chakra rather than trying to outdo each other.

"Focus on each other presence, match timing, resonate "

"Let go sasuke ! Katon : goukakyuu no jutsu "

"Katon : goukakyuu no jutsu "

The duo attempted the synchronized fireball jutsu, but their efforts resulted in clashing fireballs that exploded upon reaching the sea.

Tenzo's voice carried over the sound of their failed attempts as he reminded them, "Synchronize your chakra, don't fight each other."

"Also Naruto, don't be slower than Sasuke at making the seal. And dont use so much chakra, remember to control the excess "

"Sasuke, raise your chakra more with that of naruto "

"Its Sasuke fault ! "

Naruto pointed an accusing finger at Sasuke, blaming him for the failure, while Sasuke retorted by calling Naruto the "dead weight" in their efforts.

"Hey hey ! Stop playing around ! "

Tenzo's patience began to wear thin as he ordered them to stop playing around and concentrate.

"Yamato-sensei, what is exactly chakra synchronisation? "

Tenzo turned to Sakura,

"Sakura, chakra synchronization is a skill that involves coordinating our chakra and jutsu with perfect timing to achieve a more powerful and effective result. It's like a well-choreographed dance, where each member of the team has to match each other chakra waves"

He continued, "First, we need to harmonize our chakra. Each of us has our own unique chakra signature, and to synchronize, we must align our chakra frequencies and wavelengths. This is done by focusing on our chakra and adjusting it to match each other's."

Tenzo added, "Next, it's crucial that we have a shared intent. We need to communicate and agree on our goal for the synchronized jutsu. Everyone should know their role and what we aim to achieve."

"Chakra control is also vital," he emphasized. "We must have precise control over our chakra to adjust its flow and output as needed during the jutsu. This level of control allows us to adapt in real-time."

Tenzo concluded, "Finally, if our elemental affinities complement each other, we can create even more powerful jutsu by combining our respective elements. It's all about teamwork and coordination. Got it now ?"

"Yes. But..why does it even work in the first place? Isn't chakra something individual to each person ? "

Tenzo nodded at Sakura's question. "That's a great question, Sakura. The exact reason why chakra can align in this way isn't fully understood, and it's a topic that would require the expertise of researchers and scientists. However, I can share a story that the Sandaime Hokage once told me."

He continued, "The Sandaime believe that chakra is not just an energy source within us, but it's also a fundamental part of the world itself. He said that chakra flows through everything, connecting all living beings and even the elements of nature."

Tenzo's expression became thoughtful as he recalled the Hokage's words. "In his view, chakra is like the unseen thread that weaves the fabric of our world. It's what allows us to resonate with each other and with nature. When we synchronize our chakra and jutsu, we tap into this interconnected web of energy."

He looked back at Sakura. "So, while the scientific explanation might elude us, the belief is that chakra's presence in our world allows us to harmonize and achieve incredible feats through teamwork and synchronization. It is as if the system itself wish for us to assimilate and be one "

"He also told me that he suspected that all chakra share one root, but it's not something he could affirme completely "


Tenzo then smiled reassuringly and said, "In simpler terms, think of it as the work of nature itself. When we tap into that harmony, our chakra can work together seamlessly, just like different instruments in an orchestra coming together to create beautiful music."

"Now, let me focus on those idiots before they kill each other.."

Both Naruto and Sasuke spent the day making repeated attempts, fueled by Tenzo's encouragement. The beach echoed with their shouts and the sound of their synchronized jutsu attempts. They were determined to master this skill, despite the challenges they faced. 

The witch had patiently awaited Haku's trip to the Forrest to get medicinal herbs, using that opportunity to take control of the once-feared shinobi. Haku's determination and loyalty to his master drove him to confront the witch, demanding that she release Zabuza from her malevolent grasp.

Haku stood firm in the midst of the chaotic battlefield, facing a formidable adversary. Before him was a woman dressed in a witch-like outfit, her hood concealing much of her face. Her chest was generously exposed, and she held a doll that eerily resembled Zabuza, glowing with a foreboding red light. Beside her stood the controlled Zabuza, his struggles to break free from her mind control evident, and a group of hooded men who followed her commands.

"You witch! You shouldn't have meddled with my master! I know we shouldn't have trusted you ! "

"Hmph, foolish child. Zabuza is now under my control, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Haku, thinking 'I can't let her keep control of Zabuza. I must find a way to break this curse.'

"Then it just mean i need to kill you ! "

One of the Hooded Man,giving a war cry, jumped at him for his words. His follow all jumping in turn at his cry "Get him!"

Haku gracefully dodged the attacks of the hooded men, his movements like a dance. He disabled him with a well-aimed senbon to the leg.

"He's too fast!"

Haku's kick sent another man sprawling, his face contorted in pain.

Meanwhile, Zabuza struggled against the invisible chains of the witch's control. His eyes held a glimmer of recognition, but he couldn't break free.

"Release him, or you'll regret it!"

"You're in no position to make threats, dear. Zabuza belongs to me now, hahaha "

With grace and precision, Haku moved through the battlefield, evading the attacks of the hooded men who had fallen under the witch's control. A powerful kick struck another one of them in the side, followed by a quick one-handed seal. Water surged from his mouth and collided with another man, sending him crashing into a tree with enough force to break it.

"As expected of the demon student..so strong at such young age, what a monster. I will enjoy making you my doll too "

As Haku faced off against the controlled Zabuza, he struggled to harm his beloved master, torn between his duty and the deep bond they shared.

Zabuza's willpower briefly overcame the control, and he turned his blade to the blunt side, sparing Haku from a potentially lethal strike.

"H..ku....g..go away ! "He urged Haku to run, his voice filled with struggle.

"Master, please resist! I won't leave you like this!"

But the controlled Zabuza kicked Haku aside, causing excruciating pain as some of his ribs cracked from the impact.

Haku, wounded and heartbroken, knew he couldn't bring himself to harm Zabuza. With tears in his eyes, he decided to retreat. He called upon his ice jutsu, expending a significant amount of chakra to freeze all the men who had followed him. As they were immobilized in ice, Haku ran away

The witch stayed behind, focused on her dark ritual. She drank some of Zabuza's blood, making seals and whispering sinister spells to maintain her control over him.

Haku, fleeing from the scene, slid down a tree and collapsed on the ground, his eyes filled with despair and grief over the terrible fate that had befallen his beloved master.

As Naruto and Tazuna made their way back from the bridge where they had been working, they stumbled upon the wounded figure of Haku. Concerned for the injured individual, they called out to him.

Naruto cautiously approached Haku, his voice filled with concern. "Hey, are you alright? What happened?" He kept the kunai in his hand, ready to defend himself if necessary.

Tazuna added, "be carefull, Naruto. Let's find out what's going on."

Haku remained unresponsive, lost in his own thoughts and despair. 

Naruto exchanged a worried glance with Tazuna. "I think she's in shock or something. We should try to help her."

Tazuna nodded. "Right. Let's see if we can figure out what happened and if she needs medical attention."

They continued to watch over Haku, hoping to get some answers about the troubling situation.

Naruto, still puzzled and concerned, asked Haku, "Who are you?"

Haku turned to Naruto, his voice filled with desperation. "Kill me," he pleaded.

Naruto's eyes widened as he noticed Haku's wound. He couldn't comprehend Haku's request. "What the hell are you talking about?" Naruto exclaimed, his shock evident.

Haku's voice trembled as he spoke. "I have no purpose anymore. I failed at protecting my master. Please, kill me."

Naruto and Tazuna exchanged bewildered glances. Tazuna couldn't help but comment, "If this is some kind of enemy ambush, it's a really strange one." 

Haku continued to beg for Naruto to end his life, but Naruto frowned deeply and refused. "Stop talking like that," he urged, trying to reach Haku.

Tazuna, standing beside Naruto, mistook Haku for a girl and offered some comforting words. "Young lady, no matter the reason, don't consider ending your life. Life is a precious thing," Tazuna said with a sincere tone.

However, Haku seemed indifferent to their pleas. He took out a senbon, raising alarm from Naruto who instinctively moved to a defensive position with Tazuna. They watched in shock as Haku placed the senbon against his own neck, clearly ready to end his own life.

In a fit of frustration and anger, Naruto hit Haku on the head. "Don't be such a coward!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with irritation.

Haku, now visibly angered himself, snapped back at Naruto. "Mind your own business!"

In the midst of their heated argument, an even more furious Naruto scolded Haku. "You've got a problem! You should persevere, not give up, or else everything will be meaningless!" he shouted, his frustration evident.

Haku, his anger still burning, yelled back at Naruto, "You don't understand! I've lost the most precious thing to me. How could you possibly understand?"

Naruto, undeterred, yelled even louder, "I don't need to understand your pain to know that being a suicidal idiot isn't the solution! Giving up is too damn easy!"

Their exchange was intense, and for a moment, Haku froze in reflection. Tazuna and Naruto exchanged worried glances, sweat forming on their faces.

Suddenly, Haku seemed to relax, and he admitted, "You're right."

But before anyo,ne could react, Haku fainted. Naruto immediately lifted Haku into his arms, and, accompanied by Tazuna, he ran back to the house in a rush, concern etched on his face.