
Creating a large family in a Cultivation World.

Lu Changsheng traveled to the world of immortals and became a young farmer, initially rejected by the immortal sects. Fortunately, he discovered a unique system that rewarded him for having and raising many children. Seizing this opportunity, Lu Changsheng married into an immortal family and focused on avoiding conflict, making allies, and developing his family's path to immortality. As time passed and eras changed, countless immortal supremes, demon giants, demon saints, and beauties rose and fell, disappearing into the annals of history. Yet, the Lu family of Changsheng remained steadfast, their legacy enduring eternally. Standing at the pinnacle of the immortal path, they lived as long as heaven and earth, shining as brightly as the sun and moon. This is an original novel. I am posting here to promote it faster. Thank you.

Void_Monarch9 · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Assessment

Jiang Kingdom, Qingyun Sect

  On the fairy-like white jade square, hundreds of young men and women sat cross-legged and motionless.

  Their eyes were closed and their facial expressions were different.

  Some looked furious, some looked terrified, some were ecstatic, and some were grief-stricken...


  In the crowd, Lu Changsheng groaned, opened his eyes, and involuntarily covered his forehead with his hands.

  Deep inside his brain, streams of memory information poured out like a flood, impacting his mind.

  With this information, Lu Changsheng understood what was going on.

  I traveled through time.

  Came to a fairy world.

  But the mystery in the womb has not been awakened in these eighteen years.

  Until today, at the fourth level of Qingyun Sect's immortal gate assessment, 'The Platform of Questioning the Heart', his past life memories were awakened.

  "Someone woke up so soon, that's a great honor!"

  Not far away, several Qingyun Sect's assessment masters were a little surprised to see Lu Changsheng wake up.

  The Heart-Questioning Platform is the fourth stage of the Qingyun Sect's assessment, which tests one's heart of Taoism.

  That is, state of mind and will.

  Lu Changsheng was the first to wake up because he awakened his memories of his past life.

  "Lu Changsheng, ninth-grade spiritual root, only eighteen years old, what a pity."

  "In the second level, his perseverance performance was only average, but he actually has such a heart for the Tao. How bizarre."

  "With such a heart of Tao, if one has a seventh-grade spiritual root, even at the age of eighteen, he would be a good seedling of immortality."

  "Ninth-grade spiritual roots, at this age, the potential is limited, even if the Tao heart is firm, it is useless."

  After checking Lu Changsheng's information, many people expressed regret.

  Naturally, Lu Changsheng could not hear the comments of the "immortal masters".

  He is now immersed in his mind.

  With the awakening of past life memories, the necessary system for time travelers also arrived.

  A system of having many children and great fortune!

  As the name suggests, the more children you have, the more blessings you will have.

  This blessing does not refer to some illusory blessing, but rather real and visible benefits.

  According to the system information, there are currently two benefits.

  First, there are many achievement rewards in terms of offspring.

  As long as the achievement is triggered, the system will give rewards.

  Second, the spiritual talents and cultivation of his offspring will all be added to his father.

  Moreover, the talents and cultivation of his descendants, his grandchildren, will also benefit him.

  But the bonus from children is not as much, and it will be reduced by 50% with each generation.

  "Why does this feel like a child-rearing game, where you give birth to a child, raise the child, unlock achievements, and get rewards."

  "But with this system, doesn't it mean that my spiritual roots and talents can also be improved? As long as my children and descendants have good talents and high cultivation, I can also soar, and even become an immortal without even lying down!"

  After understanding his own system, Lu Changsheng was excited and extremely excited.

  If one wants to cultivate immortality in this world, the first step is to have spiritual roots.

  Spiritual roots are divided into nine grades.

  The ninth to seventh grades are the lower grades.

  Grades six to four are middle grade.

  The third to first grade is the highest grade.

  Above the first grade there are earth spiritual roots, heavenly spiritual roots, and some rare mutated spiritual roots.

  In the first stage of the assessment, during the aptitude test, Lu Changsheng knew that he only had ninth-grade spiritual roots.

  Belongs to the worst spiritual roots.

  It is very difficult to cultivate immortality, and the future achievements are limited.

  But now that he has the system, the system of having many children and good fortune, Lu Changsheng feels that his future path to becoming an immortal will not be that difficult.

  As long as I have more children, raise them well, and work hard to build a big family, I, as the ancestor, will be able to take off without any effort.

  "Dad! Mom! Don't!"

  "It's fake, it turned out to be just an illusion!"

  "Hahaha! It's done. I've become an immortal!!!"

  "No, this is fake, don't try to fool me!"

  At this time, the boys and girls on the questioning platform woke up one after another, as if they had experienced a nightmare, and shouted, interrupting Lu Changsheng's thoughts.

  "Lu Changsheng, when did you wake up?"

  The people nearby were a little surprised to see that Lu Changsheng had already woken up.

  "I just woke up a while ago."

  Lu Changsheng replied, looking at the three men and two women in front of him.

  Hong Yi, sixteen years old, eighth-grade spiritual root, illegitimate son of a prince.

  Han Lin, fifteen years old, seventh-grade spiritual root, born as a blacksmith.

  Li Feiyu, eighteen years old, seventh-grade spiritual root, young leader of the Red Whale Gang.

  Xiao Xiyue, fifteen years old, fourth-grade spiritual root, a lady from a scholarly family.

  Zhao Qingqing, sixteen years old, sixth-grade spiritual root, trained as a doctor.

  These five people, like him, were all immortal seedlings brought in by the secular branch of Qingyun Sect.

  The group got to know each other along the way.

  However, this familiarity is just a way of keeping each other warm in an unfamiliar environment.

  The five people came from very different backgrounds, so it was difficult for them to talk to each other.

  Only Han Lin and Lu Changsheng are close.

  Because Lu Changsheng came from a farming family, he could get along better with Han Lin.

  "I seem to be the first one to wake up just now. I wonder if I can enter the Immortal Gate."

  Lu Changsheng thought to himself as he looked at the people around him who were gradually waking up.

  Even though he has the system, he still hopes to join the Qingyun Sect.

  Because he was just an ordinary farmer, it was by chance that he got the chance to become an immortal and was led to Qingyun Sect to take the assessment.

  If you cannot join the Qingyun Sect, it will be very difficult to practice Taoism.

  To cultivate immortality, one must have "wealth, companion, method and land", none of which can be missing.

  There is no need to say much about wealth.

  Whether in the secular world or in the world of immortal cultivation, money comes first.

  A companion is a fellow practitioner.

  Dharma refers to the practice, the Tao, and the teachings of others.

  The last "land" refers to the place for practice.

  Like ordinary mundane areas, there are no spiritual veins, the spiritual energy is thin and poor, and cultivation is very slow.3

  If you can join Qingyun Sect, you will have all the necessary wealth, friends, methods and land in the initial stage.

  This is why countless people want to join the immortal sect.

  "Those whose names are called, please stand up."

  Not long after, everyone at the Questioning Platform woke up. A deacon from the Qingyun Sect floated in the air, took out a jade book, and began to announce the names of those who had passed.

  "Zhu San, Xiao Yuan, Han Lin... Xiao Xiyue, Zhao Qingqing..."

  The names were called one by one.

  Those whose names were called were all excited and extremely happy, and full of yearning for their future immortal paths.

  Those whose names were not called felt heavy-hearted and lost.

  "That's it?"

  Li Feiyu looked unwilling when he saw the Qingyun Sect's deacon put away the list.

  "Why am I not on the list?!"

  Hong Yi also bit his lips tightly, his face turned slightly pale, in disbelief.

  Although he has an eighth-grade spiritual root, he was born into a royal family and had spent a lot of money and connections to make arrangements in advance.


  When Lu Changsheng saw that his name was not on the list, he sighed and felt a little heavy.

  But with the system in place, it isn't too uncomfortable.

  Some people nearby burst into tears at this moment.

  "The rest of you, leave the mountain gate immediately!"

  The Qingyun Sect's deacon said indifferently.

  Then he flicked his sleeves, and a cloud of auspiciousness appeared at the feet of the chosen people, and flew away.

  The remaining hundreds of people all had bitter faces and left unwillingly.

  "Once you step out of this door, you will have different fates, immortals and mortals!"

  Walking out of the Qingyun Sect's mountain gate, many people sighed and cried.

  If you fail to become an immortal, even if you embark on the path to immortality, you are just a casual cultivator.

  Their fate will be completely different from that of the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

  Hong Yi also looked at the Qingyun Sect, which was filled with fairy air and rosy clouds, with reluctance and sighed continuously.

  Before that, he was also pursuing Xiao Xiyue.

  But now, Xiao Xiyue tested her fourth-grade spiritual roots and successfully joined the Qingyun Sect, while he was eliminated.

  The other party immediately became an unattainable existence for him.

  His status as a bastard son of a prince is not enough in front of the disciples of the immortal sect.

  Even though Han Lin, whom he looked down upon before, and Zhao Qingqing, who had no interest in him, have now joined the Qingyun Sect, they will also be people he looks up to in the future.

  "What should I do next?"

  Lu Changsheng glanced at the Qingyun Sect's mountain gate, took a deep breath, and thought about what to do next.

  Although there is a system.

  But it is not easy to make use of it.

  There is an accumulation stage in the early stage.

  You need to keep marrying and having children, and then raise and educate the children.1

  The time, money and energy spent on this are not a small amount.

  It's difficult for him right now.

  Although he had spiritual roots, he was just an ordinary farmer and was very poor.

  If you cannot join the immortal forces, this spiritual root will be worthless.

  Just as everyone was going down the mountain, an elegant man in his thirties or forties, dressed in a green robe, came over, looked at the people going down the mountain, and spoke.

  "My dear friends, my Qingzhu Mountain Lu family is now looking for 20 sons-in-law. We are offering spiritual veins and blessed land, as well as secret books on cultivating immortals. Are you interested?