
Creating a large family in a Cultivation World.

Tác giả: Void_Monarch9
Anime & Comics
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What is Creating a large family in a Cultivation World.

Đọc tiểu thuyết Creating a large family in a Cultivation World. của tác giả Void_Monarch9 được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Lu Changsheng traveled to the world of immortals and became a young farmer, initially rejected by the immortal sects. Fortunately, he discovered a unique system that rewarded him for having and raisin...

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Lu Changsheng traveled to the world of immortals and became a young farmer, initially rejected by the immortal sects. Fortunately, he discovered a unique system that rewarded him for having and raising many children. Seizing this opportunity, Lu Changsheng married into an immortal family and focused on avoiding conflict, making allies, and developing his family's path to immortality. As time passed and eras changed, countless immortal supremes, demon giants, demon saints, and beauties rose and fell, disappearing into the annals of history. Yet, the Lu family of Changsheng remained steadfast, their legacy enduring eternally. Standing at the pinnacle of the immortal path, they lived as long as heaven and earth, shining as brightly as the sun and moon. This is an original novel. I am posting here to promote it faster. Thank you.

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The Great Mysteries

Itunu's journey to uncover her true identity was fraught with intrigue and danger. Despite her parents' efforts to shield her from the truth, whispers of her mysterious origins and strange occurrences followed her everywhere she went. As she grew older, Itunu couldn't shake the feeling of being different from those around her. While her siblings played freely in the streets, she was always kept indoors, isolated from the world outside. Questions nagged at her mind, demanding answers that her parents refused to provide. But the truth has a way of revealing itself, no matter how deeply buried. Itunu's encounters with inexplicable events only intensified over time. People she held resentment towards would meet untimely ends, leaving her bewildered and fearful of her own power. Driven by a relentless curiosity and a desperate need for answers, Itunu embarked on a quest to uncover the secrets of her birth. With determination burning in her heart, she sought out a mysterious woman rumored to hold the key to her past—the very place where her mother had given birth to her. Venturing into the unknown, Itunu braved dangers both seen and unseen, confronting the shadows of her ancestry and the dark forces that sought to control her fate. Along the way, she discovered the truth of her lineage, a lineage steeped in ancient mysticism and forbidden knowledge. But with knowledge comes great responsibility, and Itunu soon realized that her newfound identity carried with it a weighty burden. Embracing her heritage meant accepting the darkness within her and the role she was destined to play in the battle between light and shadow. Armed with the truth and newfound purpose, Itunu embraced her destiny, walking the razor's edge between good and evil as she sought to forge her own path in a world fraught with peril and deception. And though her journey was fraught with danger and uncertainty, Itunu knew that she would never be alone, for the blood of the queen of the coast flowed through her veins, and with it, the power to shape her own destiny.

Vickleo_Shigaba · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Descent of The Fallen Treant

Long ago, the gods created a world full of beauty & resources; ready to embrace all life that would come to inhabit it, the world started to become populated with animals, plants, and sentient beings like elves, beastmen, demons, humans, and more. At first, the races lived in harmony, and the gods granted blessings to help them grow, build, and hunt. It was wondrous, but then, conflict started to rise between the races; as time passed, darkness began to fester in their hearts: they grew envious of the others strengths, anxious & fearful at what they could do, disgusted at their appearances. Pressure continued to rise until it couldn’t any longer, and the Grand War descended upon those prepared and unprepared… The gods knew the sentient races couldn’t exist without conflict, as they themselves couldn’t, but to see how fast they have fallen into madness… Destruction erupted and came to every corner of the world, nothing was untouched by the war, millions of lives were gone in the blink of an eye for the gods, and there was no end in sight. The world that they all created together was being destroyed bit by bit by the war, but only when the races started committing unspeakable acts to each other and their own, even to the very world to gain unnatural power did they intervene. They all unified and came to an agreement. They descended to their now ruined world and forced the fighting to a close with their power and might. Once that was done, they enforced an enactment across the world; a price for all the terrible happenings during the Grand War. For all things, no matter how far away they were, they heard these words: "You had peace, you had hope, you all had a beautiful world, but now, you have BURNT it to the ground, you all have done sick, twisted deeds to gain the slightest edge in battle… We gave blessings, with the goal to help and spread growth, but you have absconded from our wishes and only used them for self-interest and murder… There was no need for such a large and bloody war to happen, yet this is what it came down to, the war wasn’t going to end before taking the entire world down with it. And so, we had no other choice but to get involved. We gods have decided upon a fitting punishment for ALL to live under… The world shall be refitted anew with resources to make up for what has been destroyed, burned, and the horrid damage to the planet will be reversed, however, since all of you created conflict with each other in a peaceful world, we thought you all would make peace with one another in a violent one. In 10 years time, monsters shall start roaming the world, spreading forth the destruction you all once wrought… Apart, you have no chance to survive the tide of change, but together, you will survive. That is all…prepare with these 10 years, and we wish you all the best of luck." The entire speech was done by the leader of the gods, the Goddess of Creation. And with a bright flash of light, they couldn't see anything, but once their vision returned, they were surprised. The gods were gone, and the world was no longer broken, scarred... but it wasn’t as beautiful as before the Grand War, this was an unspoken punishment from the gods: the world would NOT return to how it was, no matter how much they pleaded for its beauty to return. There was another untold punishment that everyone noticed imminently on reawakening, that their previous powers were now gone! All forms of power were reset to zero, and they would have to start from scratch! Without them being able to curse out the goddess for this indignation in fear of the incoming catastrophe, the races began to rebuild and train to recoup their strength. While they had made peace and worked mutually, there was always an underlying conflict, intolerance, lingering from the Grand War. As their time came to a close, things came to fruition just as the goddess said, monsters now roamed the world, spreading the havoc once sown by their own hands.

Storyteller_0 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

The Dark Side of the Moon

Fate. What a bitch. You can't expect Melissa Turner to love a man unwilling. You can't expect Gregory Raine to want to settle down with one woman when he can have them all if he was to dare to. But, no, you have to expect those things whenever Melissa learns of a world beyond the erotica and romance novels she always reads. You have to expect that she was going to be drawn to, what she likes to call, a sorry excuse of a 'human being'. You have to expect that when Greg feels drawn to a woman he never even looked at if it wasn't for her body. You have to expect that when Gregory starts to feel like he wants to kill someone when Melissa is hurt. Yeah. Fate. What. A. Bitch. ... (Excerpt) Stepping into the room, she could see this shadowy figure with his arms chained to the wall behind his bed. He looked god-like with his long, flowing, half-black, and half-silver hair and kaleidoscope green eyes. She recognized those eyes to be the same ones that belonged to the guy that caused her to blackout. 'Who exactly are you?' she thought as she stepped up to the foot of the figure's bed. "Yours." It took her a split second to register what he said and she blushed. "Do you want me to be?" she asked, sitting down on the edge and facing him. "Now, that depends on what you mean. Do I want to be your mate? No, not really. Never wanted one. Do I want no one else to warm your bed, to hold you when you cry, to make you laugh from their stupidity, to make you scream louder than an angry banshee, to hear you curse worse than Gordon Ramsey on a bad day, or to see you smile at a little version of you? Most definitely. But not willingly." She blushed even harder at this. "What I do want someone to do those things other than you?" "Then let's hope my Dad has enough contacts to make sure that I don't end up in jail for murder. You would do the same if you were in my shoes." "No, I wouldn't-"'Yeah, I would,' her voice echoed through the area they were in. 'I would want to rip that bitch's head off.' "There was no use hiding that while you're here. You would have to tell the truth or it tells it for you," he said, blowing at the smoke that collected around his head. The way he did it made her immediately think that he should be in a boy band. "Where exactly is here?" she asked, looking around. The wall that was behind his bed faded in a leafy forest and the chains were connected to nothing yet he was still stuck in place. "You can feel it, too. It's almost like I'm in my room and in the woods behind the school that I go to at the same time. Almost like... we've been here before," he said, tilting his head to the side as if he was listening to something. ... That was a small snippet of my favorite chapter. Hope you enjoy the story!!!!!!

ButterscotchDisc · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs


LIST OF STORIES (With dialogues) 1) FUTURE DEPENDS ON WHAT ONE DOES NOW (Nine Scenes) 2) WASHERMAN AND THE DONKEY 3) LION AND THE RAT 4) The RAT and the SAINT 5) The Intelligent Monkey and The Cruel Crocodile 6) THE RAT MARRIAGE 7) THE INTELLIGENT MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE 8) CUCKOO'S PROUDNESS 9) MINDLESS LION 10) LAKE POWER 11) THE FROG AND THE SNAKE 12) THE FOX AND THE CRANE 13) MONKEY ACT 14) THE CLEVER CRAB 15) DONKEY IN LION'S SKIN 16) THE SELFISH FRIEND AND THE BEAR 17) THE CURIOUS MONKEY 18) RATS AND ELEPHANTS 19) MY LOVE STORY These are mostly meant for Kids and Teens Animal Stories. Bed Time Stories. Animal stories Video creation could be made. Dialogues based stories. These are Panchatantra Stories. These stories also could be utilized in Movies. Well written with dialogues. Bounded Script. Mantri Pragada Markandeyulu, Litt.D., B Com, DBM, PGDCA, DCCP Poet, Novelist, Song and Story Writer Royal Success International Book of Records 2019 Honor InSc Research Excellence Award-2020, Bangalore (India) Gujarat Sahitya Academy and Motivational Strips 2020 Honor Hon. Doctorate in Litt. from ITMUT, Brazil. (2019) Literary Brigadier Honor (2018) from Story Mirror, Mumbai, India Spotlight Superstar Honor (2018) from Story Mirror, Mumbai, India 30+ Global Poetic Certificates (2018, 2019, 2020) ADDRESS: Plot No. 37, H. No. 1-6-53/1, ANUPURAM, ECIL Post, Kapra, (Opp. Dr. Homi J Bhaba Community Hall) Hyderabad -500062 Telangana State (INDIA) Email : mrkndyl@gmail.com Twitter: @mrkndyl68 Phone Nos. +91-9951038802

Mantri Marku · Kinh dị ma quái
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17 Chs

A Song of the Night

An honest and young policeman got framed of murdering his friend. He was put into the prison but he escaped. With his secret friend help, he became the bodyguard of the innocent daughter of a cassino owner. Being near make them fall in love. However, the young man had to find out who killed his friend and caught the real murderer. Follow the young policeman on his adventure of proving his innocene and the love story. **Abstract from story** When she met him.... Spring slowly opened her eyes and saw the man's face. Their eyes met for few moments. Spring thought he was smiling at her. She could see his mismatched eyes. She thought she had known him before. She remembered him. He was the one who got onto her car and running from bullets. "You...." Spring got out from his arms. "What have you been doing in my room?" "Is it your room?" "Yes!" "Ohh...I am sorry Miss but Mr Dong ordered me to put more security to every room here. I have told everyone not to go inside until I am done working.!" "Is there had to be this much security!!" "Yes, Miss" Her dark eyes were showing that she was not so happy about it. The other guards and servants were silently watching them outside of her room. At that moment, Mr Dong arrived there. "Spring, are you ok...I just did not want to worry you much. That I did not tell you about putting more security. I just want you to be comfortable as before!" He continued, "By the way, this is Mr Lee Yoon and he will be your new bodyguard" A bodyguard!! Spring thought about it. Does she really need him! But the man greeted her. "Hello! Miss..Nice to meet you!"

WinnieAye · Thành thị
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11 Chs

The Demon Emperor's Third Son - Occupation: Healer (OLD VERSION)

A group of five young heroes march towards the Demon Emperor's Castle, the Last boss they needed to defeat to attain the world's peace and restore happiness and joy to all corners of the land. Leading this group is a human man with red hair and eyes that would seem to blaze under the light of the sun, on his back a Giant sword that would glow due to the high amount of holy power it possesses. Accompanying him are his four fellow heroes, teammates, and friends - A male beast-man with black hair loosely tied back and black eyes wielding a spear, its shaft as dark as the night and its blade forged from a silver dragon's scales. A male dwarf with short orange hair and brown eyes holding a battle axe, a weapon won from a previous great battle. A female elf with long silver-blond hair reaching past her waist and blue eyes, slung across her shoulder was her tribes' ancient bow, with a history said to have been passed down from the gods. And lastly, a man with snow white skin and hair that perfectly framed golden eyes, he was no less beautiful than the elf; one of his hands holding a staff and the other a book. Even from afar one would not fail to see the radiance and Pure Yang Ki this man would omit. (A/N: Ki is like energy more commonly seen in stories and martial-art practices. Yang is that white part in the yin-yang symbol. Ex. Pure Yang Ki = extremely clean positive/holy/good energy inside one's body) Than man is me Aster Vulmuir, and in contrast to my appearance and occupation... I'm a demon. (A/N: this is all fiction made inside my mind so there are no real facts in this story since I have no knowledge of anything about martial arts, and whatnot and it's all made up in my head whether it may be true or false doesn't matter cause its fiction) //Image Disclaimer: I do not own the cover picture// (i am debating on rewriting it to make it more sensible) . . . Wanna buy me a Potion of inspiration to give you more chapters? patreon.com/thegirlwithcurls Just remember to say the title of this book so I'd know which story to use up my SP (Stamina Points).

MoistJuicyLemon · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

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