
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs


I woke up, but I didn't open my eyes. I had a weird dream. I was a powerful and giant wolf. I lived its life. It was a simple life. She would be woken up in the morning by her children. She would then feed them before heading out. I could never forget the exhilarating feeling of the wind going through my fur and the soft soil under my paws while running. It felt like freedom. Then we would hunt with the other pack member. It was a true family bound together, protecting each other from danger.

I was reminiscing about the marvelous dream when I heard a noise. I had one of the best nights of my life. I was filled with energy. I simply couldn't stay in bed as exciting chills roamed wild in my body. I quickly got up and looked around.

If there were someone else in the room, he would have noticed the new glint in my eyes. They were brimming with a new resolution and confidence.

Soon Ghorbash came in. He was a bit surprised to see me.

" You woke up ! You look fresher and more confident !"

" Thanks."

" You should now go back to the chief to get blessed. Then you should take a bath."

I reddened when I heard him. ' It's true that I didn't take a bath since I came back,' I smell myself. 'I'm reeking.'

Ghorbash laughed.

"Hurry up !"

I quickly headed to the chief hut. He was in a meeting, but I didn't have to wait long.

The whole process of getting blessed last ten minutes. The chief explains the basic of using the blessing. He then told me I would learn more during my training. He also told me I would be leaving with a hunting party in three days.

I was surprised when I first saw a green panel appearing before me. But quickly learned how to navigate. 'It's fascinating !'

I then went to the lake to get a good bath. The orphans weren't here. 'It's a pity I could have shown my tattoo to them.' As I was wondering when I'll be able to show off, I remembered that I didn't get to look at it carefully myself. I stopped moving and waited for the wave to calm down. I leaned forward and looked at my reflection.

" Oh, it's cute !" I exclaimed.

I couldn't help it. The wolf on my chest was really cute. It had its eyes closed and its ears listening. The wolf seems to be very attentive to his surrounding. It might be listening for any danger or simply listening to its family. It was pink. The ears were drawn on my breasts, so each time I was moving, you could see it moved as if reacting to a sound. His jaw was closed. It was terribly cute. ' The girls would be so jealous ! I can't wait to see their faces.'

I finished my bath before heading toward teacher Baruba's hut for the first time. 'If I remember correctly what Zala told me, it's deep in the forest.'

If it was before the trial, I might have been scared. But now, I was confident. I knew how to distinguish a dangerous place from a safe place. Once you learn to recognize the signs, you can find a little walk in the big forest quite relaxing.

I was calmly strolling while listening to the bird when they slowly stopped chirping. I was confused, we were really near the village, and I didn't observe any trace of animals. I frowned.

My heart started to pound crazily. I could feel the breath of something in my neck. I'm not the same girl as before, so I slowly turned around and faced whatever was behind me. What I saw stunned me. I first saw two big brown eyes looking directly at my soul. I felt naked in front of this gaze, but it also calmed me. I didn't see any hostility. I then looked at his body more generally. It was a majestic wolf with light brown skin.

It licked my face. I had to close my eyes for a second, but the next second, no one was standing in front of me as if it had never been there from the beginning. It took me several seconds to come back to my senses.

I headed back to Baruba's hut but with a distracted mind this time.

In a blink of an eye, I found myself standing before the entrance. ' How did I come here ?'

" Will you stand there all day ?" I heard teacher Baruba shout.

I quickly came in. ' Zala told me the hut was huge, but this is beyond huge. It's even larger than the chief hut !'

" At least you're considerate, unlike that little bastard !"

'Is he talking of Yal ?'

I followed the voice and arrived at a room filled with masks. Baruba was sitting with a mask in his hand, smiling at me.

" Oh, your tattoo is pink ! It's quite rare..."

He suddenly frowned and sniffed two times. He then intently looked at me before quickly closing the distance separating us. He sniffed again and mumbled :

"Interesting... " His eyes became empty for a second. It was as if he was communicating with someone through his mind. 'Maybe the rumors are true. I didn't want to believe it before, but he might be crazy !"

"Mhmm, you should go and see Ulga after."

I sighed. 'When will I be able to go back to egghead! It's hard to be an adult !'

He returned to the sofa and handed me the mask. I took it without thinking.

"This my gift to congratulate you for surviving and as an excuse for not being present at the ceremony."

"You weren't there ?" I asked.

" What !" He exclaimed and then mumbled. "That brat, if I catch her..." he looked back at me.

"No, sorry, I was too lost in my experiments ! As for the mask, don't put it now. Wait for tonight. You might pass out. But don't worry, it's normal. You can ask Yal for advice."

We continued to talk a little before I went to visit Ulga.



" I'm coming !" Shouted Ulga.

She opened the door.

"Oh! My!" She put a hand before her mouth, " Ushha! I'm glad to see you. I was relieved to learn, not long ago, that you passed the trial ! I wasn't expecting you this soon."

Ulga and my parent were friends, so we are no strangers to each other. She helped me a lot in the first year I came to egghead.

" I'm glad to see you too ! I just got my blessing, the tribal tattoo, and a gift from Baruba."

Her pupil related when she saw the mask.

" Be careful with this thing. I got a lot of patience because of those."

" Don't worry, they are fine now. You saw Yalak wearing one."

" Oh yeah ! That's true. But be careful, we never know with his experiences. Why did you come ?"

" Baruba told me to."

Ulga attentively looked at me for a second, particularly at my tattoo. She seems to think deeply.

" I see only one reason for him to ask you to come to see me." She said before pausing.

I waited patiently waited for her explanation.

" He must think you're talented in spirit. And want me to teach you !"

"Eeeeh !"