
Crazy Orc

Who would have thought that after dying from a nuclear missile I would reincarnate as an orc ! .... This is the story of Yalak who will travel through this brand-new world filled with mysterious places, hidden danger, powerful monsters, and all kinds of species. Follow Yalak leading his tribe to greater heights. .... Try it, you will like it.

zoroonfire · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
79 Chs


[Yalak POV]

Ushha came back late at night.

" Everyone, big sis is back," Vorl yelled as soon as he saw her on her way.

Once she arrived, we all gathered around her. The orphans started to ask her dozens of questions.

" How are you, Ushha ?"

" Can you show us your tattoo ?"

" Where did you get the mask your holding ?"

She was a bit overwhelmed by the excited orphans.

" Calm down, guys ! I'll answer you but one at a time. Am I clear ?"


We all sat down on the ground while she sat on the bed.

" What do you want me to tell you first ?"

" Can you start by showing us your tattoo ?"

"Ok," She started to undress before us.

In the first months, I came to this world. I was really surprised when I discovered that showing our intimate part isn't seen as indecent as it was in my past world.

And so she revealed to us her chest. The other boy was used to this kind of scene, but I always was a bit interested. I'm a grown man, I can't help it.

Anyway, her tattoo was mesmerizing. We all exclaimed :

"It's beautiful !"

"I'm jealous," said Fashu. But she wasn't the only one. The other girls looked at her with envy.

"I can't wait to get mine !" said Yurim.

" You'll probably be dead before you get one," whispered Trosh. It was loud enough, however, for Yurim to hear him. She l gave him a death glare. He gulped loudly, sweating.

" Why did you put it on your chest," asked Uzu.

" I choose this place because it's the nearest one from the heart. And the heart is one of the most important parts of our body. So I thought it might help in reinforcing it. But if I could, I would have put it on the heart."

Zala and I looked at each other with a complicit gaze.

Ushha dressed back.

"What is the thing you are most curious about now ?"

" The mask," Shouted Uzu.

" Ok then. I received this mask as a gift from Baruba for passing the trial."

She showed it to us. Like mine, it was a wolf mask. It was, however, entirely white with a draw on the forehead : a blue moon. A charming mask.

"Is it a simple mask or one that can be transformed into a tattoo like Yalak's ?" Asked Noa.

" Can it be changed in a tattoo ? But I'll only put it on. Teacher told me it could make me sleep the first time. He also told me that could Yalak give me some advice on it ." She said while looking at me.

"Naturally," I said.

"Do you want me to tell you how I survived the last two weeks?"

"Yeah !" We all yelled.

" Alright then, It started the same way as Vaela. They brought us to the other side of a big mountain, and they left us on our own. I was a bit lost at first, but Vae and I had made a plan before on what I should do. I followed it step by step, and that is how I found myself four days later at the top of the mountain covered with mud, a wooden spear in hand. That thing became more complicated. I stumbled on a nest, and they were eggs in it. Fortunately, and thanks to the teacher, I recognize them. They were colibec's eggs."

"No !" All the orphans had learned what was a colibec. It's a big multicolor bird. Tough, very beautiful, their feathers are very sharp, but as if it wasn't enough, some of the feathers can be used as projectiles. It makes him one of the sky kings. They are also very vengeful by nature.

" I didn't take or eat the eggs but tried to get away from the nest quickly. Unfortunately, I ran out of luck as the mother came back. She started to chase me. I sprint as fat as my leg could bring me. It was dangerous as the mountain was steep, but I didn't have any choice. So I ran and jumped, dodging the colibec attack until I stopped in front of an eight-meter ravine. The bird was quickly closing. I jumped but not on time. One of its feathers pierced my arm. I painfully landed on the ground. I was expecting the bird to fly just above my head, but he left for whatever reasons it had. I was relieved but only briefly. I was in bad shape. The fall was quite hard, and I couldn't move. Besides, my wound was bleeding and might attract other beasts. Luckily nothing happened in the next hour. I had recuperated enough to move. I found an empty cave and started to recover. It took me three days. I had nothing to eat, so I was quite hungry, so I started to hunt. I killed some small beast and ate till I was satisfied. The next day I was back on the road. But not even 6 hours later, I heard people talking. I was overjoyed and let my guard down. I thought I could find some help, but I was terribly wrong. So all excited, I went out of the bushes. I wasn't ready to face what I saw. I was startled when I saw two orcs with blood on them. A bit further laid the corpse of another orc. One that I recognize. He was from the tribe, and they weren't. By the time I processed all the information, they had come out of their surprise state of seeing me appear and attacked me. I instinctively react, thanks to the hours of training with Zala. They weren't expecting my response. It stunned them for a second. It was my time to strike, and so did I. I nearly chopped off the big thing of one of them and quickly ran away. I could only strike because they were distracted. They were two. I was alone, so I decided to flee. Those two bastards decided to chase after me. I kept running till I lost track of time. At some point, I passed out of exhaustion. That's when Yal found me and brought me back. You know what happened next."

" Woah, your trial was as impressive as Vaela's !"

" I'm not finished, guys !"

I frowned. That should have been all. 'She talked about the mask, the trial, the blessing, and the tattoo. Was she hiding something ?'

" I became Ulga student !"

"What !" We all shouted. We were stunned, not believing what she said. There were some rumors that Ulga received a lot of demand, but none were accepted as her student. A lot of girls dream of getting the same job as her. Most of them are tattooless. Her profession doesn't need one, so it's really sought after. Till now, all failed. The test she gave them was a super hard one, I heard.

But seeing her proud expression, we knew she wasn't lying.

" Congratulation," I said.

" I'm still not realizing it ! I will be taught the secret of one of the most mysterious jobs! I can't wait to start !"

" I'm very curious big sis," said Shufa " What was the test you had to do ? No one talks about it."

" I had to sleep."

"Eh !"

"What do you mean ?"

" Well, I was as shocked as you, but she didn't explain to me. So I got to bed and tried to sleep. It was really hard at first. I started to hear voices. They were becoming stronger and stronger. I believed I was becoming mad. At some point, I couldn't bear them. So I yelled in my head that they had to stop, and they strangely did. Soon after, I fell asleep. When I woke, Ulga told me that I passed."

We couldn't believe what we just heard. The test is very mysterious. ' There must be something special about this Ulga.'

"So you are now Ulga student."

" That's right. She will teach after my training."

I can't help but be curious and excited.

' There are so many mysterious things in this world. I can't wait to discover them all !'