
Crap, I Was Rifted (New Game+)

Rewrite to original Fan Fic. Changed writing style as well different characters here and there. Crazy night leading to a very unbelievable adventure. Being sucked away, and sent to places you only wanna dream about not actually go to. Destination 1 Mass Effect. Second Final Fantasy Tactics War of the Lions. I do not own the characters mentioned in the web novel. Support the official games, video games, and board games, and the authors and producers who made them. Discord Frozentidez#9107

FrozenTidez · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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150 Chs

Lluvia the Captain Interlude Azul's a deeper look into Observe ♣

-A few hours later.-

Galtea: The System has recalibrated with the union of you and me your points will return shortly. As I stated, your status has changed. Do review it all carefully using observe. Focus a second time to toggle levels your skills and spells have mutated.

'Status and Observe,' Azul focused his thoughts specifically on the spell section. After the info popped up he focused for a second time.

Observe: Adrenaline Rush level 3- Overlord has allowed for your abilities to pass on to others in battle. Power at 1%.

Observe: Adrenaline Rush level 2- Increases rate of time perception. Allows for the body to enter a small hyper state. Increases heart rate. A micro-thin layer of biotic coagulation. 12 minutes depending on push level.

Observe: Adrenaline Rush level 1- Time perception access. Time perception allows an individual to receive all visible information within vision scope. The stronger mental abilities as well as higher intelligence and wisdom more information detail breakdown. 3 minute.

'Shit that's sweet as hell. What's the best way for me to make this better besides just continued use?' Azul thought as he left the room. Swift was moving around stretching.

As he was going through the information he passed by the captain exiting the lift. She was still dressed in her armor. 'Wait no it's that time already. A day and then some has passed or so... so she must be heading out. Why is she sagging a little bit? "Maldova!" Azul yelled at the captain. "Hey captain where are you going in your condition? You look worse than the others." He strart to jog up to her. She tensed up at that comment.

"Lunastrider you should still be resting yourself. Also good work on getting some extra work. The crew needs it." The captain took a step back creating some distance between them before starting up again, "also I give the orders not the other way around." Her biotic strand hit Azul. She was toying with him happily.

"Woah captain I am not gonna bite you ok," he stepped back giving her a little more room. She rolls her shoulders at him and fixes her posture. "No need to get wound up. I will do my best to keep getting work if that will .. get you to relax." Azul trailed off while looking at her. "If you are going out in this condition take someone with you. No need for an unneeded risk. I want you coming back safe.

System: Persuasion Check 24 Charm Check 23 Pass

"Fine! Lunastrider two options I will go back to my room and rest if you agree to get a certain amount of money for me." Captain poked him in the chest. "Well tough guy?"

A few of the crew were in the hallway watching intently. A lot of the naysayers and dissenters. Azul felt the strands from them. They wanted her to kick him from the crew.

The captain biotics strands were a little stronger. The feel he got from the captain was just raw anger. Directed at him and because of him. A strong sense of sadness washed over Azul as well and a murky sense of dread building up at her next statement.

"No, I won't tell you the amount." The captain was right in his face. "The second option we both go to the meetup point that I set up for a business deal. Which choice will it be?"

His biotics flared again. The dread she was feeling from this was sicking. The very idea of doing this made her body shake. saw little biotic strands leak off her and flow into me. Tangible words began to form in my head. "Please, I need to this all to be over already. I am sick of this! How many more or gonna die due to this craziness." The majority of the others were to jarbled up for him to understand. Focusing he understood them. "Get this over with for I can get rid of these traitors god I want to jump him right here and now."

"Heh," Azul chuckled at the last one. "We are gonna go with the first one cause it gets you back in your quarters right now," He said as he points over to the lift. "The money can't be that bad right. Plus the crew will go nuts if I didn't try to stop you from going to do whatever you were going off to do. You look way too tired to do anything." He couldn't help but start chuckling at his next choice of words. "So back to your bead missy go on double time and no cookies and milk either. You have been a bad young lady. Let's go, captain, I will throw you over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes if you do not start walking. Human caveman style."

System: Persuasion Check Auto Pass

"If you pick me up Lunastrider, I will break your shoulder blades in my hands," the captain said as she went back to the lift. "We will do it your way, 550 million credits by the end of the month. Shouldn't be to hard right tough guy." Before the lift closed a small strand of biotic energy flew out towards him, one of happiness.

'Damn it better clean shop while in Feros. That amount is more than last time.' Azul looked to the others in the hall. "Get to work you, idiots. If you want the credits we cant get them while in port." Remembering something he started to head to the other lift and go to his oom and start using observe on the rest of my status.

Observe: Biotic Shielding Level 4- 250 Health point pool of biotic energy and ki

Flexible without high-level strain. 12 minutes.

Observe: Biotic Shielding Level 3- 100 Health point pool of biotic energy. Able to react to metaphysical subconsciously. Threshold health is reduce to half against unaware attacks.

Observe: Biotic Shielding Level 2- Shield can be separated into segments stress to mental state. Capable of blocking airborne pathogens.

Observe: Biotic Shielding Level 1- Creates an energy shield of 50 health pool. Intensity and duration depend on the user as well as support from the surrounding area.

'Different than last time.' Azul thought.

Observe: Flame/Misty Fist Level 4- Power doesn't hurt allies.

Observe: Flame/Misty Fist Level 3- Energy becomes more mailable. Increase in density and realism of shape. Increased properties with magic involvement.

Observe: Flame/Misty Fist Level 2- Flame motes burn poisons in the air as well as contaminants the USer deems dangerous to self. Mist droplets now reach all the way up to the elbow and knees. Increase density. Able to connect with liquids at the same density level. Bonus for cutting through cloth.

Observe: Flame/Misty Level Fist 1- Flames are almost translucent. Droplets of biotic water gather and circle around the fingertips up till the first knuckle. It allows for penetration with one's fingers. Bonus for cutting through flesh.

Observe: Concussive Shot Level 2- Concentrated biotic energy in the form of a projectile. Can now be angled. Doubles as Tech energy depletes Shields for energy.

Observe: Concussive Shot Level 1- Concentrated biotic energy in the form of a projectile. Doubles as Tech energy.

Observe: Mental Cleansing Level 3- Improves the dampener of mind control. Clears confusion and illusions on target. Passively clears the mind of those in proximity. It allows for faster brain function.

Observe: Mental Cleansing Level 2- dampens mind control slightly. Clears confusion and illusions on self. Passive Absorbs scattered mental threads and process it into information.

Observe: Mental Cleansing Level 1- uses biotic energy to send through the target tricking the brain to forcefully excrete the toxins through pores. Able to read random discarded surface thoughts. Flash burnes the mind to forcefully gain clear thoughts disabling emotion for a moment.

Observe: Biotic Armored Body- body naturally absorbs biotic energy. Biotic absorption is on a cellular level. Enables the body to survive long periods without food in a pseudo preserved state. Requires a large number of nutrients and biotic energy to revive.

Observe: Overlord- Magically infused individual created by The System using the information obtained from the Emperor of Mankind and User's information with the influence of Operators. The brain is pseudo transformed. All abilities of a Space Marine Primarch has been infused in cells and brain.

Observe: Lustful-overly sexually aroused. Idle thought tends to focus on a sexual nature. Brash-thoughts tend to hit the extreme. Has trouble thinking things through. Tend to react on instincts. Curious- curiosity tends to dictate actions. Mind wonder's on any new stimulant. Dazful- able to daydream no matter the situation. Blunt- says thoughts out loud without thinking them through or regards to another's feelings. Foolish-does actions for the giggles. Kind But Ruthless- emotional state tends to show kindness through ruthless actions.

Observe: Mediation III allows for a link with multpile souls sharing information no matter distance. Allows connection with a fourth soul.

Observe: Mediation II allows for an elevated state of concentration to a third soul.

Observe: Mediation- allows for an elevated state of concentration. Opens a path to use sub mind at will.

Observe: Mental Suppression- able to use own mental abilities and power to suppress others mind. Can separate outside influences on a mind. Ki is able to influence the positive and negative conceptive power of an individual being.

Observe: Psyker Psychic- access to mental powers.

Observe: System-Multipurpose entity. XXXXX

Observe: Omni-Tool- a technological device that allows for communication, net access, manifesting an energy weapon, and computer operation.

Observe: ReaperNode/Digital field- Device containing all the information of the Alliance and the Cerebus organization. Digital field contains a small digital world that is able to house massive amounts of data.

Observe: Gun-Usage of guns available. Handgun, submachine guns, shotguns, assault rifles, heavy weapons, wrist-mounted weapons. Bolt guns, las weapons, orbital weapons,

Melee: Urban fighting, Shrirai flame style, Lin Kuei water style (Ice), Tekken style, Imperium warfare.

Sword: Basic swordsmanship, Lin Kuei assination, Sacae swordsmanship, Imperium warfare.

Medical: Info on first aid, emergency medical stabilization, minor treatment option for bone setting, Imperium warfare, Genetic engineering.

Science: Understand fundamental knowledge of chemistry, physics, astrology, and botany. Imperium chemical warfare, Genetic engineering.

Engineering Reversal: Teach the ability to reverse mechanical objects. Breaking them down to a lower stater to understand how it operates.

Observe: System Abilities: Inventory Large- medium sub-dimension in the user's being.

Store- access to dimensional stores currently only able to access only places that touch on the aspects of games.

Auxiliary Subroutine- allows for companions to use System abilities. Masks talks about the Administartion.

Observe- allows for more information on a specific entity that is currently under focus.

Netherworld (Locked)

Observe: Companion Slots allows for User to acquire individuals to grow stronger with him. Elevates them to a higher existence. Slots represent how many are able to be under your existence.

Follower Slots: Basically minions have no real negative impact on the User. After a certain level of achievement, they are capable of transcending into a higher creature. Becoming a companion ranked creature. Afterward elevating to ???? existence.

Pets- any creature that is not a direct humanoid at birth.

After a few hours of studying this, Azul received a message from several of his people. They had finished have finished their treatment and are gonna sleep the next few days to get ready for Feros. A few notes of wanting to meet up between things.

Azul got his thoughts togethor and was gonna ask Galtea for some info on something but received a crazy quest prompt. He was expecting it but didnt expect the changes.

Secret Quest: Help Maldova ????? with her troubles.

Rewards: ?????, ?????, ??????, Rift Gate, Loyalty Pull, Genetic Data.

Failure: Reduction of stats to 10. Disloyalty of entire crew. Deposited into Council prison on war crimes.

Reaper Node: Acquire Two living Protheans in stasis.

'What the hell is this!!!!!' Azul was sweating balls after the last line. ;There were living Protheans in there!?'

Galtea: You have stumbled upon a rare quest the rewards are great. The punishment... you do not want. I suggest you allow your second mind to get started on fixing up the armor and weapons while you enter your inner self we have much to discuss. A slight change has happened.