
Mileuda wants to do what? Zelda Interlude ♦

Every soul that was awake was currently back inside him. His Netherworld was going though revisions it seemed. Just a porch and endless grass. It was weird. Currently, Galtea was explaining a few things to him before she would take the others away for a bit.

"But I didnt go there last time," Azul said looking at the others. "Are you sure about that?"

"True, you didnt," Galtea said smiling. "However your more in control this time. Anger is still there but we believe you can control yourself in that situation better. Not kill a bunch of people if you get angry." She rubbed her chin. "Kill those kids."

"Oh, alright." Azul said agreeing after a few more minutes. It didnt help Mileuda was pressed up against him whispering the different "things" they could do right under people's noses. "Alright, defintely we can do that." Azul said nodding his head.

"Yes!" Mileuda jumped in the air. "It is just gonna be me and you." A few rifts opened and Jaina and Tietra stepped out. They looked a little confused but didnt mind to muc about it. They were just in time.

In a flash they and Galtea where gone.

"Hey, where is everyone else going anyway?" Azul asked.

"Ah, the twins went home to make sure that everything goes perfect," Zelda said smiling. "With there knowledge and training they can protect the younger version of their selves better. Dont worry you your other you did great. He already made a name for himself and had already headed to them." Zelda paused as she had a quick chat with Galatea. Nodding her smile widened. "You actually have them already. You are living as siblings togethor in a town not to far from Mileuda."

"Ah, that's why she took off so quickly, I guess. Why did the others leave then?" Azul watched as Zelda nodded. He then shifted to her. "Whssh." Now besides her, he grabbed her hand. "So it's just us then?"

"Umm, yes." Zelda fidgeted just a little. "The others are getting checked over by a neutral party is all." Feeling his eyes on him she stopped. "Remeber we are friends.."

"True but I know you want more. I can wait till your ready. You still have my delete controls." Azul said softly as he waited for her to check. After a few moments, she was finished and gave him a sad smile. "Hey, no tears it's ok. Besides, it should make you feel better knowing both versions of me trusted you with it."

"Thank you for that. It pleases me to know I didnt decide wrong." After saying that, Zelda revealed three triangles that floated in front of her. "This is the Tri-force from my world. The reason I departed with you to here. I was afraid you would succumb to the rage in your heart in the past and use it. I am sure now you won't."

"Uh huh.. so?" Azul asked.

"You remember what brought us to this point. I remember what made me trust you." Zelda smiled sadly. "What it took to convince you. Me and Rose protecting your Soul." Waving her hand she showed an image of them talking in his previous life.

-Back in the original Life-

-Change in Point of View-

I thought about it. Long and hard. Felt a few problems stirring. "No, she didnt. But that does not change what she did."

"You need to learn to forgive people. She did it for you." Galtea touched my arm. My Overlord power felt off from her words. I remember being chained up by her and poisoned. I had to flex my mental energy to block it out.

"No! I do not have to forgive people." My power jumped a bit as my Soul Power recoiled. "Forgiving people did not happen in my life on my original Earth I doubt it will happen here."

"You have to grow up!" Galtea said sternly. Realizing what she just said to me, she wanted to apologize. "I didnt mean to.."

"Grow.. up? Are you kidding me? I am doing things that are completely against my character here. I am in a weird crazy open relationship that I hate by the way. The only reason I can stomach it is because of the people involved. I did that because you said it was the best option." I felt my since of control start to leave me. "You know hard it is to hate someone when you can feel how much they care about you?!"

"It is! A monogamy lifestyle will not work for a User. It has happened time and time again. Almost always ending badly. It is the reason I push this so hard. They will not live forever. You will not be able to cope with the loss." Galtea paused letting that sink in. "Eventually Azul, someone will die. There will be nothing we can do about it. I dont want you to break apart when it happens."

"I.. tch.." I couldn't say much to that. I felt her concern and wanted to push it away. Not care about it like I usually do when I cant solve something that I dont like. Just as I started to, I felt a lash from my psycho power. It wouldn't let me. This is the first real-time I had a problem with it. My soul power started acting up. Then I heard my inner voices again.

'We do not have to forgive her. We can still use her. The same way we can still use Jaina and Techlis.' My psycho power said. 'We can make them tools if need be. Disposal tools that dont deserve our affections or time.'

'We are not capable of forgiveness still. That will take a better person than us to work us through that. However, we can move forward. We have to. There are so many worlds left to visit so many people to interact with.' My soul power said. 'I want to experience more. Grow more. Connect more.'

My wolf wanted to kill her. The desire to eat a person passing over me for the first time. Defintely caused me to snap out of it. I was no cannibal. But I felt why it wanted to. Any threats to the pack had to be eliminated. Or brought under control. Complete control.

"Galtea you are a piece of work you know that?" I grabbed her and used my strength to read her biotic strands while sending her my own. The bond between us kicked up a notch making it harder for her to resist. "Haa, that is so much better."

"Asshhole.."Galtea slurred a little. Shaking it off she was fine. "Oh, why did you share that with me? I was better off as a neutral party. Now even I want to get rid of her just a little." She watched my face and saw me laugh a little. "Just a little Azul! I didnt want to feel what she did to you. I cant believe she used your fears against you. Glad I never got to that level of training."

"Yeah me to!" I gave her an angry stare. "I would not be ok if you did that. Or if any of the others did."

Galtea smiled. "So you are ok with it now?" I grumbled shaking my head at her. "A fear of living paralyzation. Not as light as I thought. And here I thought you have a fear of something irrational."


'They are right.' Zelda said from within. 'I rather like the arrangement we currently have. I hate to see it end badly. I dont want you turning out like my predecessors.'

'Come again?' I blinked at Galtea then switch to focusing on Zelda.

"I had previous Users like you. A male that was what you call a Muslim American had a few pulls that were not loyal. He allowed them to the freedom you gave to so many others. It did not end well for them. He fell in love with three of them. Two women and a man. We came home one day and they were togethor with one another. He flew into a rage and killed one of the women. Just like you, he had a mental power. It grew substantially while he did this. Realizing it was a way to get stronger he tortured the other two till they beg him for mercy. He then killed them in front of his other pulls. Afterward.. he regained himself. The light energy he had inside him grew in strength from his reflection. I rather you do not do that."

"I see.. what happened then?"

"Things were normal for a while. We continue on with our lives but a weird twisted evil festered in his heart. His new relationships had that shadow of a doubt with trust. For good reason. Once during a mission, he Soul bonded at the end of a fight. I believe we were in Fable or something. The one he married turned out to be someone he shouldn't have trusted. She took the power he had while our Operator was away and used it for her own means. That betrayal broke him once he saw what was going on. He killed everyone and absorbed their mental energies. Only I and two others remained at his side. Those with mental powers are dangerous. Your Pather power makes you even more dangerous. Thus the reason so many pillars were brought to you to form."

"Then what happened?" I looked at her shivering figure. 'A pillar. Does she just mean a support or a companion?'

"He passed all that power to the three of us and released us. He then killed himself." Zelda's voice dropped low. "He deleted himself. Our operator was devastated she blamed herself for not helping him. She was like Galtea. Pushing you to your limits. Constantly."

"Tch, I am not that stupid to think I will be the exception so... I am counting on you to help with this." I opened the status screen and with to the delete option. I motioned for Zelda to come over. Showing her the option I disabled it. Then disabled the ability for me to enable it. Handing the coding over to her. "Since you are always inside me. With me?! How does that work again anyway?"

"I am always with you. The main soul. The only other I can travel with, would be the you here in Mass Effect. I would rather not change. I am comfy here." Zelda's voice had a weird happiness in it. "This is a lot of trust you are putting in me." I saw her eyes change to pure white as a lot of magic enveloped her. It then disappeared just as easy as it arrived.

-Back to the Present-

-Change In point of View-

"Are you.. saying trying to say I am the main soul?"

"Haha, yes and no. What the Administration and Avatar's did to you is something even I cant understand." Zelda said laughing. "But I felt it was better for me to be with you. More of our taste aligned."

Zelda tried to hand it to Azul and he just gave it back to her. He didnt want it. That's why he never asked her about it. Zelda's eyes went wide as she couldn't believe he would pass on this power considering he knew what was in store for them still in the future. It wouldn't guarantee much. A few more victories. Maybe a little less pain. Besides the power was not absolute. In SUer above level 40 could negate most invincibility.

"If I take it now, I will just use it to empower us. Protect us, so yeah you keep it." Seeing her not take it he grabbed one of the pieces. "Fine, I will take one part you take another and give another to Galtea to keep." The piece he grabbed was what Zelda usually had. The Triforce of Wisdom. His glowed with a dark power which was completely destroyed a second later. His power from Paragon washed over him and his Nether World. "Ahh, did exactly what I need it to do. I have way more control now and increase to my Wisdom and Intelligence for stuff. So if anybody peeps in, it will be disguised through that as well. Cant have to many safeguards in place."

"The Triforce of Courage has gone to Galtea and she thanks you for it. I will keep the Triforce of Power. That way if anyone tries to come knocking forcefully inside of you again they will get a big suprise." Zelda said smirking. She now radiated a cool disposition and looked happier than ever. "I cant say how much I am.."

"Smooch," Azul gave her a kiss shutting her up. He held it for the longest time then pulled back. A thin bridge of saliva and mana connecting the two. Zelda blinked slowly as she took in the emotions he sent her. The fresh one from her that generated.

"Uwu, you are bit of a bully still." She said with flushed cheeks. "I am allowed to be happy right? Not the same thing as what happened with my other User will happen right? Promise me?"

"I won't disappoint you. Well, I will try not to. I am just human." Azul said smiling at her.

"I would never hold that against you," Zelda said smiling happily.

"Yeah, I know. Considering how much you have done I needed to pay you back somehow anyway. This made it quicker." Azul then pointed to the sky where a small world formed. "A Hyrule in my Nether World just for you. I used the power to give it a chance at rebirth and the World's core is inside you where it belongs. You are free to do with it what you want with it."

"Ohh, so much I can do with it. But for now, I will let it move slowly. I will carefully craft the laws before I even introduce the races. It will also give the chance for the world to thrive." Zelda said turning away to look back at Azul. "So.. you are gonna take me right my best friend?"

"Haha yes but in the future. Just as you want it." Azul laughed a little. "I will wait till your ready. Until then continue to make peace with yourself while I do as well. Cause the statue is a lot of work." He pointed at the statue that contained all negativity he thought at first. But it just contained parts of his true self. What was made in his previous traveling.

It was growing weaker by the second. It even sped up when he took the piece of the Triforce. Accepting himself never caused any problems with it. The statue wanted him to keep on this path. Azul started to think this was the other reason the Trickster sent him here.

"Forgiveness of self. Even though I was ok with my self in the end." Azul shook his head and felt Zelda hold his hand. "Right there some mistakes but still."

Trickster: You are correct. Thank you for getting to this more quickly then me and the others thought possible. When the restoration of a Hyrule, Zelda is one step closer to joining us on our level. Do not worry, she wont leave your side.

'I see. So what happened to the other me then with her leaving?' Zelda responded back on the same link he usually did with Galtea. This one just happened to be a stonger one.

Trickster: When you made the wish with the Triforce, I connected for a moment there. Looking in is a lot easier than what we did to you. The other you has Hilda and did the exact same thing. Except he took the Triforce of Courage instead. It pushes him forward to never give up no matter how many people he will lose or who leaves him. A sad fate but someone has to do it.

'I see.' Azul just shook his head. It was him, after all, that was doing it. He did not feel pity but a strange happiness. 'I am glad he has the others by his side. He will need them. They can keep in check and keep him balanced.'

Trickster: That is our hope. We have created a new Operator born from a little of the power Zelda now wields. Do not worry she is completely hidden from any future enemies. That is the complete unconcious will of us all. She can interface with her counterpart with no worries. Provided she is all ways safe with you.

'Eh just make sure she is completely invincible.' Azul was a little alarmed then the knowledge poured in. 'Oh, the piece she has gives her that. Then the safety of being inside me as well as her own strength. Ok makes sense. But bad things can always happen so there is that.'

Trickster: This is true. That is why she is operating in the lost sector. Dont worry she will be given a decent User. The grand design must still take precedence. Hopefully, she will be able to help that area a lot more.

'Yeah maybe. No, wait she will. Also, a few more of us are going there this time so there is that.' Azul said remembering what all happened and the extra help will let them cover more ground. 'Question. How much Paragon power do I need to stay in control of myself?'

Trickster: You have as much control as you ever will. It just counteracts you desire to do Renegade stuff is all. Oh, keep in mind the more changes you do the stronger you will become. You will figure it out soon. Goodbye son in law.

'Eh. wait. Dang it.' Azul realized he was tired. Talking that long mentally was exhausting. Feeling a weight on him, he looked down to see Zelda sleeping soundly. The majority of her light weight pressed against him. 'That was a lot of time spent talking with him. Ven faster than what my Nether World moves at. Well, she looks tired.' He then noticed the purple streaks in her hair. 'A little momento of Rose.'

"Uwu, your warm," Zelda said opening her eyes. "You enjoy your talk?"

"Yes. Did you enjoy yours?" Azul watched as she nodded and closed her eyes again. "I doubt I will say this again. But you need to hear this. I forgive you for what you have done to me, Rose. Rest easy that you caused me to grow a little as a man and as a person."

Zelda's eyes shot open. Azul could see a silhouette of Rose around her smile before it disappeared.

"How can a girl sleep with all the power coursing through her!?" Zelda exclaimed pouting a little. The purple streaks were darker now. The soul power inside her grew exponentially.

System: Triforce of Wisdom obtained. + 1 to Wisdom and Intelligence every level. Emotional and Mental abilities grow faster. Current abilities have upgraded.

Zelda < Unbreakable Bond

"Eh unbreakable bond? What the heck is that?" Azul asked. He looked down to see Zelda eyes were glazed over as power worked around her. Using observe he found nothing was wrong.

Observe: Zelda (Lunastrider)

Status: Undergoing soul transformation.

"Wow, you really did it this time," Galtea said appearing. She was dressed in a barely decent nightie. Seeing Azul's gaze she changed quickly. "Swish," moving over she tapped Zelda's forehead. "Ah, she is fine. No worries. you just overstimulated her. Go back to Mass Effect before you cause any more trouble."

Her face had on a scowl. But Azul felt the strands even more so. She was happy for them. As well as happy for herself. Walking over Azul gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving. "Muah, by. Stay safe both of you."

"Bwoom," He was gone.

-Back in Mass Effect-

"Well, that was fun." Placing the tablet down, Azul saw Slipp sleeping by the other table. "Lift," wrapping gently in his biotics he moved her to a rack and tucked her in. Turning back around he looked at the data. New improvements could be made as well as a safer delivery method. she went to work on it for a bit more.

"Beep, beep" the omni tool went off.

"Ah, need to eat." Azul yawned. He opened the message and started walking. His first mind with to his Status. Second was talking with Bass and looking at the Omni-Tool. His third working on ways to change some things up as well as rembering what was in store.

Next chapter