
Cosmos Divider - Lord of Mysteries

A man reincarnated in a strange and unknown world. The moon was red and he had a sword that seemed about to break in his hand. And the sword... did it speak? Follow the story of this man on his way to become the best swordsman in a world of terror and madness. I do not own the cover, I have no problem if the author wants me to change it. I'm still practicing English, so it would be good for you to correct any mistakes I make. Other websites: -Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/308708 -Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97000/paragondaoofbs/

ParagonDaoOfBS · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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62 Chs


I'm back. I intend to continue writing this fic. I'm sorry to those who are waiting for a Fate/Door update, but I already announced that I had nothing planned for that story, and it was a means to avoid my writer's block with Cosmos Divider so that remains on hiatus (probably permanent hiatus). Also, university took more of my brain cells than I initially thought it would, so please understand if at some point I'm not willing to write for some days/weeks.

If you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask me in the comments, and I will do my best to answer. Enjoy the chapter.


Chapter 51: Questions

"William, wake up."

The young man opened his eyes feeling as if he had been hit by a truck. His head was spinning, and there was a strange heaviness in his entire being, he had to raise his head and focus his gaze.

"Captain? What happened?" He asked, whereupon he realized that his voice sounded incredibly hoarse.

Crestet Cesimir was carrying him through a rock tunnel, looking quite bruised himself.

"I don't remember it entirely. I just know that we were involved in some strange ritual and saw something we shouldn't have seen, although I can't identify what it was." He answered. "I woke up covered in wounds, and there were many corpses of cultists around us."

William felt nauseous. "Put me down for a second."

The Captain did as he was asked just in time to dodge the young Nigthawk's vomit.

"This time it seems we've been saved from a bad one." William gave a self-deprecating laugh.

Even the normally serious Cesimir could only suppress his laughter by pursing his lips. "I need to sleep for a whole week to make up for this."

It was funny considering he was part of the Sleepless Pathway.

"Shouldn't we collect the bodies?" William questioned, to which Cesimir nodded.

"Yes, but we'll let the others handle it, I think we deserve a break." Just as they finished these words, they reached the end of the cave and realized that it was already daylight.

The sun's rays bathed their souls and felt refreshing, as ironic as it was.

"Captain, William!" The other Red Gloves members had arrived, somehow they tracked them down.

"What the hell have you two been doing?" Alfred Jones was speechless when he saw the wounds on both of them.

Crestet sighed. "We have taken care of the matter, there are a dozen bodies in there waiting to be collected."

Everyone understood that the Captain preferred to leave the explanation for later, so everyone hurried except for Cavendish, who was in charge of helping them get to the hostel.

Once he was calmer, William began to reorganize his thoughts, although he only remembered a few particular words.

'Cosmos Divider, this name seems familiar.'

The world was big, there were countless secrets, some waiting to be discovered, and some not. Perhaps he had been in contact with something beyond his capabilities, but the feeling of familiarity confused him.

'Debris, do you have any ideas about this?' He asked his partner bluntly.

"Darling, I think what happened is related to my sealed memories, even I felt like I had already seen something like that." The sword revealed in an excited voice, glad to be able to share her thoughts. "When we met, I told you that I was waiting for you, but in reality, I have no memories of before I met you."

William understood the implications of this.

'You mean it's possible that we met in a past life or something?' It sounded unreal, but lately the unreal tended to be more real than the real. 'Okay, that was confusing...'

"Hmm, I'm not sure, but there seems to be a deeper connection between the two of us than we may have initially thought." Debris was also unsure about this. "Of course, apart from the fact that we are destined to be together for all eternity."

The sword laughed pervertedly as if she were a dirty old man.

Without hesitation, William ignored this for the sake of his mental health.

'As I thought, the circumstances of my transmigration are not simple, there is probably something deeper behind it.' He had understood a little how this world worked, Adam's behavior allowed him to understand that the Gods would act for their own benefit. Most likely, near the cathedral of each church were the area of influence of that God, and everything probably followed their schemes.

William was an avid fantasy reader, something like that was not new, even if he now had to experience it firsthand, so he suspected that his transmigration had to do with some God.

"Are you thinking about what happened?" Cesimir appeared at the door of the room and smiled at him. "I must say you were unlucky on your first mission, things are usually much calmer."

William scratched his chin, feeling like he needed to shave soon.

"Captain, who is the strongest person you know?"

The sudden question surprised the deacon, but he answered without worrying too much.

"Well, that would definitely be Lady Arianna, the Head of the Thirteen Archbishops of the Church. She will probably become the pope before long." Cesimir didn't try to hide the admiration in his voice. "She is, after all, an Angel."

If William hadn't known better, he would have thought that the Captain liked Lady Arianna, but the truth was that Angel was the nickname for those who had reached Sequence 2.

"I'm not sure about the extent of Her power, but I can assure you that the difference between Sequence 3 and Sequence 2 is even bigger than the difference between 9 and 5." The experienced Red Glove explained. "Even if all the Archbishops united against Her, I don't think they could win."

"Such a difference..." William had a hard time imagining what powers he would have if he ever achieved the status of an Angel. "And what about the Pope of the Church?"

The deacon chuckled.

"Angels have an unlimited lifespan, do you think someone would be named 'the next pope' if that position were filled right now?"

Well, that made sense.