
Cosmos Divider - Lord of Mysteries

A man reincarnated in a strange and unknown world. The moon was red and he had a sword that seemed about to break in his hand. And the sword... did it speak? Follow the story of this man on his way to become the best swordsman in a world of terror and madness. I do not own the cover, I have no problem if the author wants me to change it. I'm still practicing English, so it would be good for you to correct any mistakes I make. Other websites: -Royal Road: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/308708 -Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97000/paragondaoofbs/

ParagonDaoOfBS · Book&Literature
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62 Chs

A Relaxing Day?

Chapter 52: A Relaxing Day?

"Sherlock Moriarty... this guy has no sense of shame." William held a copy of the Backlund Bulletin in his hands as he sat in a park.

Cesimir's Red Gloves team had returned to Backlund a couple of days ago, and so far they had not received any missions. It should be noted that the Red Gloves are an elite group within the Nighthawks, so it was not unusual to spend a few weeks without anything dangerous.

Currently, William was looking in the newspaper for an advertisement that might interest him about rentals, since he did not intend to sleep in one of the rooms provided by the Church throughout his life. As he read, he noticed an advertisement for a private detective who called himself Sherlock Moriarty, and the name was quite recognizable to any transmigrator.

'It's good to have him located, although I should avoid getting too involved with him or someone might make the connection.' Although William wanted to meet up with his friend, it was best for him to stay away for a while until a certain amount of time had passed. 'Even so, I should visit Benson and Melissa, they should have arrived in town by now.'

The light breeze in the park relaxed the Beyonder.

"Things have been hectic lately. It's not good, I must rest or I will age too quickly." He laughed to himself and continued reading the newspaper. "The subway is quite useful, it's not too much of a problem if I live far from Saint Samuel Cathedral."

That thought turned out to be futile, as he found an advertisement for a rental on Dalton Street in the North Borough.

'It's a bit expensive, but I earn quite a bit now and should be able to afford it without too much trouble.' In fact, his current salary was 25 pounds a week. It would take him time to reach a noble's wealth, but he could easily be considered upper class.

Not wanting anyone to take away his opportunity, he stood up and adjusted his hat. It took him less than 20 minutes to get to the right place.

"Unit 63 Dalton Street, this should be it." He muttered and then proceeded to ring the doorbell.

Shortly after, the door opened and he saw an elderly woman dressed in very good quality, clean-looking clothes. Anyone could guess that the lady was of very high class or, perhaps, a noblewoman.

William lifted his hat and gave a small bow.

"Good morning, ma'am. My name is William Hastur, and I am interested in the advertisement published in the Backlund Bulletin." He introduced himself. After a few months, he had become accustomed to the basic manners of this world.

The old lady smiled instantly after hearing this. "I see, I see, my name is Catherine York, you are in the right place. Come in, come in."

Immediately after entering, a maid approached them and helped William put away his hat and raincoat.

"Would you like coffee or tea?" Madam York asked him.

"I would really appreciate a cup of coffee, please."

They exchanged some comments. The woman was very interested in William's work, and he responded that he worked for the Church, which she accepted.

As it turned out, William's new house was the one right next door, Unit 65 Dalton Street. The annual rent was 200 pounds, and she asked for 100 pounds to be paid in advance. Luckily, he was a fairly thrifty person and did not waste money, so he had no problem with it.

When they finished talking and William paid, Madam York handed him the keys.

"Well, it seems like it's a little big for me, but it will come in handy if I need to perform any rituals." Upon seeing his new house, the Beyonder began to think about what he would need to do next. "Keeping the place clean is essential, should I hire someone? For food, I could cook myself, but I think the market is quite far from here, it would be problematic if I had to do a lot of things one day. Although with my salary, "I should be able to eat out every day without problems, I'll have to find a good place."

As a Beyonder, he still had worldly concerns for the moment. He didn't like wasting money, but he also wasn't averse to using it when necessary.

At first, he thought it would be best to hire someone to clean two or three times a week, but perhaps it would be best to have a maid he could trust not to touch her belongings, namely possible Beyonder materials.

"Although in most novels, the maids are always the villains or those in charge of transmitting hoaxes." William scratched his head, not sure what to do. "Well, I guess I still have time to think about it. For now, I should go to the cathedral to see if there is any new news."

And so he did it.

He walked to Saint Samuel's while he thought about when he could visit Klein's siblings.

"Oh, William, you're here. Do you want to play a game with us?" When he arrived at the room dedicated to the Red Gloves, Alastor greeted him cheerfully.

Cesimir was reviewing some documents while the others were playing cards. William joined them and lost several times, but luckily they weren't betting anything, so he had fun.

Then, everyone went to eat while chatting about trivialities.

It turned out to be a relaxing day like few William had had since he came into this world. Being with this diverse group of people reminded him of his old group of friends from college.

At night, he went to bed early since he had nothing else to do.

'Days like this are necessary, the Beyonder world is too stressful...' he thought as he closed his eyes. 'No one can disturb my day of rest!'


Surely nothing can disturb his day of rest! :D