
Copying the Treasures of the Myriad Worlds

Arthur was 19 years old web novel addict from earth who usually loved fantasies to escape the harsh reality but his life will soon change when a system suddenly sounded in his mind. Note: this is my first time writing a novel so you don't need to be polite and criticize all you want haha

ImmortalCarrots · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

Chapter 8: Training begin!

Name: Arthur Kasadin (Yi Sol)

Level 4

(395 XP/1000 XP) - Level 5

Credit Points: 1100

age: 5 (20)

Mental power: 410

Physical power: 30

cultivation: none

Technique: none

Inventory: [Blood of the Ruined Kings] [Black Book of Necromancy of the Northern Hell]


Spear: 126

Halberd: 18

Bow: 101

Armguard: 189

Body armor: 11

Utensils: 1003

Vegetables/fruits: 321

Special item: Underworld yin metal

Custom forge


Lucky spin

Innate Power: Fire, water, Earth, Metal, Crystal, Space, Time, chaos

Passive: Copying By swallowing, The gatherer

Standing in front of the status windows, Arthur's pale face could be seen, Arthur was in a bad mood after going back to the black space, looking at his stats increased significantly his mood became slightly better but he still can't get rid of his bad mood, I can't get over it! what he experienced in that kingdom is hell, he got tortured for several hours. Thinking of this Arthur shook his head he look at Blu who was shrugging every time he looked at her while faintly smiling as if all things happened had nothing to do with her. Arthur was angry but he could do nothing about it, he could only sigh and think about something else.

"Is it about the thing that happened earlier?" Suddenly Blu asked smilingly.

Arthur gawked when he heard that, that was his soar spot! His face turns very unsightly, and he shook his head and replies.

"No it's not about that, it's about what I am about to ask" but before he could finish his words Blu said.

"About what happened to you at the last moment? I didn't watch it"

Arthur was truly at a loss after hearing what blu said, this systems guide is truly not caring about someone's face. He can barely hold his emotions but if he explodes then.

"Piss off!"

"Okay, okay, okay I'll stop" Blu raised her two hands understandingly before continuing.

"But you should first study what the other features use, or else it's your loss"

"I know"


Night after night, day after day, year after year quickly passed by, and now Arthur was officially 7. He can now go outside with his father, he didn't know what was outside the cave but he knew that it will be hard just as his father said.

"Arthur! we're leaving, hurry tack your things up"

"Yes Papa!, coming!"

Now, Arthur was packing his things up before leaving the giant cave, he was just making sure that everything is ready. A moment later, Arthur nodded after he packed his things up and leave his room. His father was already waiting outside his room, after seeing Arthur come out he pat Arthurs's head and said.


"Yup," Arthur nodded quickly just like a real kid.

"Follow me"

Arthur complied as he follows his dad to leave the cave, Arthur turn around to look at where his mother was, she was waving her hand as she said goodbye and took care as he look at the place once more, it was really beautiful. Arthur took a deep breath as he preceded following his father. After a minute of walking, his father was waiting at the entrance of the cave. After coming to his father's side. His father's aura changes sharply, he looks at Arthur and said seriously.

"Be cautious and observe what I'm about to do, okay? If the time comes when we are not on your side and wanted to come here, you need to do some incantations and gestures, got it?"

'we?' Arthur thought as he nodded quickly.

His father nodded and return and turn around. His father clasps his hand and speaks incantation and said.

"Ibraa um shuk"

Although the words his father used were weird. It means I love you according to what he read back then, it's some kind of archaic language of this planet, Arthur didn't know how to react to this. Seeing his son's expression he laughed and said.

"Son, this place has formation magic set up by your great father, its hard to break and to detect even by a half-martial ancestors"

Arthur nodded, he know what realm and how strong it that when he read books in the library. There are 4 sub-stages in every realm.

Early, middle, late, and peak

Spirit condensation

Spirit rank

Profound rank

Heaven Rank

Martial lord rank

Martial king rank

Half Martial Emperor

Martial Emperor

Half martial ancestor

Martial ancestor


These are known to rank in the Great Of Eden. Although it was similar to the novel Martial God Asura, he didn't think about it, Since even a half-martial ancestor can't break it then how strong his father is? Martial Ancestor?.

'Damn, what strength!'

"Arthur look at his father and said how strong is half-martial ancestor papa?"

It would be suspicious if he didn't inquire about it so he ask.

"Hmm, they can tear the space, split the sea and destroy the mountains for how strong I am? Hehe"

Arthur rolled his eyes after seeing his father trying to act mysterious.

But he nodded and exclaimed with an awed expression.

"Wow! How strong are you papa?"

"Hehe, I can refine rivers and mountains"

Arthur didn't know what his father was saying he just said.

"Really? Is that true, papa, can you please show me,-"

"Nope, haha when you reach martial king I'll show you how strong I am hahaha"

Arthur just nodded he knew that his dad will refuse to do that, maybe because of his strength? or trying to act mysterious. Who knows.

"Aren't you going to cry and force me to reveal my strength?" His father asks curiously.

Hearing that Arthurs's eyes rolled once more and said

"If father really can show it, you'll already show it, why act mysterious?"

"You know, son, that's not benefiting from a child's answer"

Hearing that Arthurs's back sweat profusely, His heart turns cold, he was about to give his reason when suddenly his father added.

"Maybe because you read too much since you start reading. Such life, my son is truly a genius"

his father laughed heartily for a minute before stopping as his aura changed drastically and said with a serious tone.

"Are you ready? I won't be lenient about any mistakes, any mistakes cannot be taken lightly. this world is not a joke, people with devious hearts, and deceiving people is common here, so be careful, got me?"

Arthur nodded seriously.

"let's go"


note: btw the cultivation rank was indeed from MGA hehe I hope a kindhearted bee won't get mad at me and his fandom.

note: I won't be able to write on Friday and Saturday because Saturday is our holy day and Friday is preparation day as an Adventist. Friday 6: 52 pm update

note: I exercise for a bit so I'm late, sorry.