
Copying the Treasures of the Myriad Worlds

Arthur was 19 years old web novel addict from earth who usually loved fantasies to escape the harsh reality but his life will soon change when a system suddenly sounded in his mind. Note: this is my first time writing a novel so you don't need to be polite and criticize all you want haha

ImmortalCarrots · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Old man Brook

In an iron fortress called Vala, one of the well-known fortresses beside the grand canyon that sells equipment specialized in hunting magic and spirit beasts, a bustling crowd came from huge squares, buyers, traders, and sellers showing off their product's quality could be seen. Magic beast is the most hunted beast in the region most of the people in the Great world of Eden use magic as their power, and because 30 percent of the population of the Great World of Eden doesn't have spiritual roots to cultivate so most of the people resort to using magic. One of the reasons it's popular to hunt is because the magic beast is fast in reproduction, its meat can't be eaten otherwise your body will burst apart. The skins of the magic beasts are durable once the item broke, one needs a magic stone that can get inside the magic beast's head to restore an item.

The highest rank that has been reached by the magicians is Grandmasters.

Magician- cast normal fireball

Medium magician- can cast bigger fireball

Intermediate magician- can control fire's burning effect

Wizard- can learn different attributes

Fire, water, earth, wind, wood, light and dark

Medium wizard- can cast faster and can change whether

Intermediate wizard- can cast multiple magic and can fly

Peak wizard- can shake mountains and rivers

Grand Wizard- can destroy a small Mountain

Grandmaster magician- can shatter the sky

Medium Grand magician- can create living things

Peak medium magician- can create living things on masse (but with ha heavy price)

As for magic warriors

Beginner Warrior- can do a normal attack

Medium warrior- strengthen the body

Intermediate warrior- flexible body

Peak Warrior- strengthen will

Beginner Knight- can learn magic

Medium knight- can learn how to control magic

Intermediate knight- can fuse magic attributes in weapons

Peak knight- can fuse attributes into each slash

Lord- can learn intent

Medium Lord- can fly

Intermediate Lord- can split mountains, rivers, and seas

Peak Lord- can affect space

King- all senses are stregnhtened

Emperor- unknown

In a sea of crowed, Arthur and his father are was in, holding Arthur's hand, Arthur's father leads him into a remote corner of the fortress.

"Papa, where are we going to?"

"To the old man Brook, he is king level sword user and a good blacksmith of that, we'll buy a good equipment for you, this place is a secret, I don't know why he open a shop but want to be hidden.

His father went to a shop with a decapitated signboard and knock 8 times

Before entering. Inside the shop piles of swords, items, and armors glowing can be seen on the floor, just like trash. such treasures treated just like that. And an old man sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, Arthurs's father greeted him.

"Old man book, how's your life you seems to have life full of Vitality"

"I've been good Amy, why are you here? Is there something you need? Oh? Is that your son?" Old man Brook ask as he opened his eyes to look at Arthur.

"Yes, he's my first son" when Arthurs's father said that he pushed Arthur a little il bit.

Arthur knew what he should do and immediately said.

"Arthur pays respect to uncle Brook"

"Good, good, so, Amy are you going to buy him stuff? Is there any gift that I can use to forge? Hihi" Old man Brook said while grinning.

"Hahaha, old man Brook you've never change, yes, I want my son to choose his weapon that suited him"

Old man Brook nodded before saying.

"You can choose, kid" old man Brook said.

he wasn't worried about not satisfying Arthur because his item was special they can change their size depending on their wielder. the old man Brook just sat back again not caring about the world, he was confident in his works.

Arthur nodded and begin to choose, swords, spear, mace, halberd, big swords, boots, necklaces, and pouch all seems to be at the same level. While choosing what to pick. Suddenly, Arthur's father voice sounded again.

"Old man Brook, you seem to be stingy about your items huh?"

"Haha, actually I have many special items in my storage, but you need to have the ability to make me sell this to you, hehe" Old man Brook opened his eyes to look at Arthur's father laughed and suddenly vanished.

"Haha" Arthurs's father also laughs before vanishing.

Arthur who was on a side watching was stunned. where the hell did they go to?

"Where are they?" Arthur asks Blu in his mind.

"In a different space, once you reach a certain level you'll be able to do that, now this is our opportunity, swallow those treasures on the floor so we can get XP points, so you can level up, I think it can make you to level 13 if you sell those"

"Eh? No way, that's stealing right?"

"You'll just copy it, then brought it back"

"Oh, I forgot, so if I can copy by swallowing what about those in the trial?"

"You have it once you are transmigrated or transported, all you the things you swallowed, it will go to your inventory and you can copy those things infinitely, but you need to have materials needed to re create the items, if you don't have materials needed yet, just copy the process on how to make it then spit the weapon, easy" Blu said seriously.

"Eh, there's such thing?" Arthur was startled by his skill isn't that to the op of a skill?


"Why did you only just say it right now?" Ask questioningly.

"You never ask," Blu said bluntly.

Arthur didn't know what to say after hearing Blu's reply.

"So, swallow those things now, hurry" Blu urged.


Fifteen minutes later

Arthur finished swallowing the items.

"Good, now let's wait till they came back"

Ten minutes later Arthur's father and old man Brook appeared again in their same positions as if something such as disappearing never happened. but it was clear who won base on their expressions.

Brook look pale and depressed while Arthur's father have a calm expression.

Suddenly old man Brook stood up as he look at Arthur's father and said.

"You became strong than what I expected good, follow me"

Arthur's father made a gesture to Arthur to follow him before following the old man downstairs. Arthur compiled.


note: I'm late, maybe I can just finish two chapters this day.