

The day went on smoothly and quickly , I enjoyed the company of both Ariana and Kelly we quickly wrapped up things although we ain't done with the decorations. we stopped since it was getting late and we even skipped lunch which is making us hungry

I showed Kelly the guest room since I'll be sleeping with Ariana. I went up to shower up and later went to eat dinner with my friends.. we talked at dinner and I enjoyed every it of it, eating dinner with people felt really good but I mostly didn't experience that since I was all alone and I do everything alone until I met Ariana Tan . a friend indeed who never left me even of things were difficult for her and now she even left her daughter at home just because of me . I felt over whelmed and happy at least someone has time for me it almost made me teary but I quickly wiped the tears so nobody will notice the cheerful and blabber girl has tears in her eyes. from the outside I'm cool cheerful respectful and a flirty pervert by from the inside only loneliness and sadness I try do hard to hide my feelings from others but finds it difficult to hide it from her. Ariana can just tell what I'm thinking by looking into my eyes I don't even know where she got that ability from and it makes me proud of her.

we finished dinner and we retired to bed except Ariana and I

"Ariana please let's do it tomorrow ok I'm tired" I honestly told her "" Iris please just this once"" she pleaded with her puppy eyes and argh I can't resist it but no I'm not backing off without a fight "" Ariana Tan if you badly need to heart Nathaniel Go's voice why don't you call him Instead or search for him online since he's very popular this is why I hate love... You love the person yet you don't want to see him seriously Ariana""

"" Iris I don't love him ok I've moved on with my life and I know he's already married to Talia Lu so why should I bother them? I just want to hear his voice for once. well you know what just forget about it ok goodnight" Ariana was pissed off and she looked cute

"" too bad bezz he's on it "" I told her and she surprisingly stood up "" I thought somebody said I shouldn't place the call again"" I laughed at her which made her beet red

"heyy Nath how are you"

""why did you call?"" Nath asked me Soo coldly sometimes I feel like kicking him for his cold behavior

"whoah is that how to answer your sweet cute friend you failed to ask about for years "" well I exaggerated cause we've been talking alot

" Iris what do you want and oh you're not sweet neither are you cute " he said from the other end which made Iris tool her eyes

" well I'm inviting you to my graduation party ok and I'll kill you if you don't appear you cold jerk "" I said angrily at him but had a smack from Ariana" Oouuchh*

" Manipulative Iris you knowi don't care about your stupid insults and I didn't even touch you so why are you crying in pain "" he teased me which made me glare at Ariana but whoo I was met with a deadly glare instead "" what's with that face and smack"" I mouthed her

"" I'll do more the next time I hear you call him cold, how can you say that "" she replied which made me surprised .. huh my bezz is hitting me because of a man ? that's not fair ". I cried as I thought.... I quickly ended the call and looked at Ariana but rather she hugged me

"" don't think twice ok I love you more than anything else but we'll don't insult Nath in front of me again ok"" she whispered in my ears and I laughed

"" I know you love me more than anything else bezz but the smack ouch it's painful"" I teasingly said and we laughed . feeling tired we all went to bed....


""wake up sleepy head* I heard Ari calling out and slowly I opened my eyes and closed it again immediately when the sun ray hit them

"" why did you open the window ? so you want to destroy my eyes"" I almost said screaming, waking up slowly

""don't play smart here . now wake up to day is gonna be a long day for you , you'll have to go shopping, and to the salon now will you get up and get yourself ready "" she ordered as a mum and I had no choice since she was right I'll have to finish everything early so that I can have a good sleep

I dragged myself to the bathroom and within 15 minutes u was ready well I didn't put on make up tho so it didn't take much time for me to get ready .. I joined them for breakfast and went out with Kelly for my activities. first we went to the mall to select my dress , and then to the salon to get treated since my skin is in bad shape because of school...we later went to the salon since I wanted a hair cut and it came out pretty well . I enjoyed my day with Kelly cause she was a good company and I got to learn some other secrets of Martial arts too , I was the most happiest girl in my life until I called my parents and told them about the party

"" Heyy mum heyy dad"" I waved at them since I they could see me

"" how are you my little princess?"" dad asked me

"" I'm great dad . well I wanted to tell you about my graduation party and I hope you won't miss it "" I said feeling happy not even realizing the changed look in my parents eyes. I kept blabbing about the arrangements, decorations and how my day went..... I was caught by dad's cough for attention before I realized the Chang of faces which made my heart dropped "" you're not coming right"" I directly asked I'm a low tone just then I was broken I didn't even feel like organizing the party again

"" honey were sorry your day and I have some business meeting tomorrow I promise we'll make it up to you"" I replied them with a single nod and hanged the call

"" Kelly let's go home I don't feel like doing anything again"" Kelly understood me and we went home through out the drive I was quite and sad I kept on wondering why my parents choose work over their daughter everytime. they gave me everything but I don't need all those all I just need is their attention. they missed my high school graduation, my birthday parties and now this I wonder what they'll miss again who knows they might not even come to my funeral.. I felt disdained and didn't have the appetite to eat or do anything I wish the world would just eat me wholly , we got home and I went straight into my room to cry my pains out . Thank goodness my room was soundproofed . I cried and cried not even realizing it's almost dinner since I fell asleep crying . I suddenly woke when I heard my phone beep . I sluggishly took the phone and realized it's my alarm reminding me to take my bath since it's almost dinner

I took a cold bath to relax myself and went out although my eye bags were damn visible I didn't mind . I met Ariana in the kitchen helping the maids get dinner ready I stood leaning on the door frame until she noticed me standing there. she came closer to me and saw my pale face "" what's wrong Iris . your eyes are really bad at hiding things you know"" she hugged me and I told her what's wrong

"" Ariana can't they sacrifice their work for their only daughter once just this one time "" I said whilst my heart was aching . she kee me to the living room and consoled me "" Iris sometimes things we see is actually not what is happening. you're a strong girl you've been doing good without them do just this once ok who knows they might have a big surprise for you . just understand them and have faith ok"" Ariana said and I hugged her

"" thank you Ari you're the best friend ever"". I dealt with my pain and had dinner well I enjoyed it and Ari decided to have a movie night

we set up everything In my room and had pop corn

Ari called her Nath and we continued our movie night we'll it felt great and naughty since we choose to watch *AFTER*

Something drew my attention on Ari's phone a side picture of Nath

"Ari who's that?"" I asked her

""oh that's a side picture of Nath since he doesn't like pictures I stole this one . now shh I'm concentrating"" she said and I got more confused

why does he look familiar and has the same name as the Nath I know .. What if She actually met Nath but is oblivious to it " I thought " mm no maybe it's someone different besides Ari will never agree to stay with Nath again "" I thought and brushed it off . we continued to watch out movie but got tired and slept