

"Ariana pretty please, just do this for me besides it's been long since we saw each other " I said to my bff whilst talking to her on the phone . "okay Iris I'll be there I have to go now mm bye" Ariana said and hanged up .. I can't believe I've graduated with my masters oh my I just pray my dream law firm will just pick me up . yes you heard me right a law firm... Anyways Ariana has been my best friend since high school we've been through think and thins I love her Soo much and her little daughter is my favorite pumpkin... now I'll have to find a way of inviting that stupid and cold Nathaniel Go to come to my party ..

I quickly went to the bathroom to get a beauty shower before I go out for dinner since I can't cook , well it's not my fault though my mum never thought me and I was schooling through out my life that I never even had the time to learn how to cook ... sorry for that . let me introduce myself

I am Iris Tian the only stubborn daughter of Mr and Mrs Tian and the only heir of Tian cooperations ... well my dad is tagged as the fourth richest man in country H and that's makes me rich too right but nope I don't want anything from my dad's work cause it sucks I don't wanna work as a travel agent but I love to travel, Ironic right ?? That's it for introduction.

I went to take my shower and ordered for delivery . I went through my email to check whether I've received any message from Sy law firm I sighed upon realizing I didn't get any " well maybe I might get it tomorrow" I recited to myself thinking positive about as possible. I went through my chats and replied some of my friends who graduated with me and alas invited them to my graduation party . I heard a knock on my door and went to open it " what's it Martha" I asked her " Ma'am you could have told Me to prepare something for you instead of ordering it " she said politely and I smiled " don't worry Martha I was just craving for outside food mmm I'm home and I'll devour on your food like a lion just this once ok" she nodded and handed me my ordered vegan meal . Martha has been like a second mother to me and she loves me like her own daughter although she doesn't have one ,she took care of me as her own since childhood . I went to enjoy my meal and later called my bff Ariana Tan and discussed about the graduation party ...... that's how my day ended


I woke up very late since I didn't get enough sleep yesterday. I dragged myself to the bathroom to take a bath before heading outside but was surprised to see some decorations done already " when did this happen ? I'm a dreaming" I asked myself in confusion and felt someone's arms snaking to my waist I turned and was surprised to see Ariana " ARIANA??" I screamed .... " when did you get here... I mean how did you even know this place and how did you get a pass " I asked her at a go " calm down.. did you forget you left me a pass before I moved to Australia. so I used it and oh Jeff brought me here since he knows everywhere in country H.. "" she replied sincerely .. " mmm I looked beside her and I saw a petit innocent figure behind Ariana and asked her withy eyes well that's a sis code I usually use with her , she immediately realized and introduced me to Kelly as her bodyguard " body what pfftttt" I laughed hard how can this small figure be a body guard I brushed it off and moved to Kelly I tried to kick her face but she caught me in a swift move which made me impressed " mmm Nice try" I said and turned to move back but turned to kick her legs but she caught me with with her hand . I was shocked and decided not to underestimate petite figures again... "" you're good* I said to her "" well my dad is a martial arts expert and he trains people too "" she said politely and I liked her " okay enough why don't we help decorate the place " we all agreed to Ariana's decision and we helped in decorating the place for my party .. I'm Soo excited