
Consume the light

Facing the impossible threat to their Empire, the Houses of various nobles were forced to work together. The unknown threat was lurking around Aaron. Enemies were everywhere. It could be your allies. In this unsafe situation, how will he face the threat with willpower? Will he be the chosen Hero, everyone prophecies of? Or will he fail to lead his man? Another hero emerged as well, Keiser was a loner. He doesn't trust anyone even himself. He represents death, the bad side of humanity. Will he also precipitate to stop the threat? Will he complete his hero journey like the other two heroes? The last, a little girl full of hope, she was the pillar of hope. The light under this hell. How will she also face that threat? Nothing is sure in this continent. Three heroes were chosen to stop this unknown threat. By who? They will face seven Hell, dragons and many more. Will they reach the light their people wish for? If they reach the light what will they do? Just questions. Author's words. I always want to write about chosen hero trope with a twist. So don't expect a usual hero. The main characters are hard to explain since their origin is weird. Tag warned. It has raped and underage sex. I will not write to them. Just mention those scenes. And had inbreeding. Three povs. And a lot of foreshadowing. The first few chapters are not grammatically correct. I am editing so please read at least 20 chapters or 10. And write a review as well.

goffyboy · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs


To attempt to understand Aaron, The Hollow without understanding his mortal enemy, The Hawk is to attempt to see Truth without knowing Falsehood. It is the attempt to see the light without knowing Darkness. It cannot be. 

Light glowed in the room from golden balls hanging on the wall. 

A desk with a top of jade wood stood at the centre of the room. Chairs placed it, and two of them occupied. In one sat a dark-haired youth of about sixteen years, a round face and sullen ears. 

The other held a slender, short man with a feminine and yet sinister aura. 

Both youth and man stared at the globe and the man half-hidden in shadows. The man spun the globe. 

A chuckle sounded beside the globe. A voice rumbled out of the chuckle. " There it is Ianthan-the biggest man trap in all history. And the Duke walked into its jaws. It is a great thing that I, Atlas Hawk, create?" 

His voice came out of terror with a sweet musical quality. That's charisma. Although his intention was not human, his skin was like one. 

The fat hand descended onto the globe and it stopped the spinning. Now, all eyes in the room could focus on the motionless surface. The globe was empty white. 

The fat hand moved to trace details or yet future details. The map of the continent will change. So it doesn't matter. Because those details were his vision. 

" I invite you to observe," the voice rumbled. 

" Observe closely, Iantha and you too Ozius"

A smile touched Iantha's red lips, due to consuming a large amount of Akai. 

" And to think the Emperor believes he's given Duke Ravenwood your dessert. How amusing." Iantha said. 

" That is a nonsensical statement," Duke rumbled, " Emperor is no fool." 

The sullen-faced youth stirred in his chair, smoothing a wrinkle in the black leopard he wore. He sat upright as a discreet tapping sounded at the door in the wall behind him. 

Iantha unfolded the chair, crossed to the door, and cracked it wide open enough to accept the message. He closed the door, unrolled the message and scanned it. 


A chuckle sounded from him. 

" Well?"  Duke demanded. 

" The fool answer us, Duke!" 

" That is part of the plan not that exciting," Duke sighed. " Well, what does He say?" 

" He addresses you as 'Hawk' not The Great Justice. No title nothing." 

" That is a good name, I love,"  Duke growled, and his voice betrayed his impatience. " What does Fatios say?" 

" He says:"  Your offer of a meeting is refused. I often met your treachery and all of the men know. ".

" And? "Duke asked. 

" He says: Our art is admired in the Empire. He signs it. ' Duke Fotios of Desert " Iantha began to laugh." Of dessert! Oh my! That is almost too rich. "

" Be silent, Iantha, " Duke said, and the laughter stopped as shut off with a switch.

' I must do away with that one soon. He has almost outlived his usefulness. ' The Duke stared across the room at His adviser also known as Mental.

Seeing the feature most people noticed first, a snake's eyes, small vertical slits of red, the eyes without white in them at all.

A grin flashed across Iantha's face. It was like a mask grimacing beneath those eyes like holes.

" But Duke! Never has revenge been more beautiful. To make an exchange of regions without saying a word. Because of the Emperor's Order. How wise of you!"

In a cold voice, the Duke said," You have a fool mouth, Iantha. "

" But I am happy, Duke. You are touched by jealousy. "


" Ah.. an! Duke. It is not regrettable that you are unable to plan this devious scheme by yourself. "

" Someday I will have you strangled. "

" Of course. Duke. But a kind act is always great for Ruler. "

" Have you been chewing waste, Iantha? "

" Truth without fear surprises the Duke, " Iantha said. His face drew drowned in frowning make.

' But you see, Duke. As a mental, I know when you send executioner. You will hold back as long as I am useful. To move sooner would be wasteful and I am yet to use you. I know what you learn from the desert. True, Duke?' Ianath thought.

The Duke continued to stare at Iantha.

Ozius squirmed his chair.' These fools! ' He thought.

' My brother cannot talk to his Mental without arguing. Do they think I've nothing to do except listen to their arguments? '

" Ozius. " Duke said. " I told you to listen and learn when I invited you in here. Are you learning? "

" Yes, brother. " the voice was carefully subservient.

" Sometimes I wonder about Iantha, " Duke said, " I cause pain out of necessity but he.. I swear take a positive light to it. For myself, I can feel pity for the poor Duke Fotios. He will move against him soon. And this will be the end of Ravenwood. But surely Fotios will know how to handle him and know terrible things will happen. "

" Then why haven't you directed him to slip his ribs quietly and efficiently? " Iantha asked.

" You talk of pity but. "

" The Duke must know when to wait. " Duke Atlas said.

" Otherwise other great houses will learn it. This knowledge will give them pause. I'll use it to move freely. "

" Free? " Iantha sneered. " Already you have the Emperor's eyes on you, Duke. You move too boldly. One day, Emperor will send shadows down here and that will be the end of Duke Altas Hawk. "

" You like to see that, wouldn't you? " The Duke asked. " You'll enjoy seeing shadows pillage through my cities and sack this castle. You will truly enjoy that. "

" Does the Duke need to ask? " Iantha whispered.

" You should have been a corpse. ", Duke said. " You are too interested in blood and pain. Perhaps, I was too quick with my promise of the spoils of Ravenwood. "

Iantha took mincing steps into the room and stopped directly behind Ozius. There was a tight tension in the room, and the youth looked up at Iantha with a worried frown.

" Don't toy with Iantha, " Iantha said. " You promised me the Lady Jess. You promised her to me. "

" For what, Iantha? " The Duke asked. " For pain? "

Iantha stared at him, dragging out the silence.

" For lust. "

Ozius moved his chair to one side and said" Brother. Do I have to say? You said you will. "

" My dear, Ozius grows impatient. " The Duke said. He moved within the shadow beside the globe. " Patient Ozius. "

And he turned his attention back to the Mental." What of that Duke's son, Aaron? My darling Iantha."

" The trap will bring him to you, Duke. " Iantha murmured.

" That is not my question. " the Duke said. " You predicted Seer witch would bear a daughter to the Duke. You were wrong, Mental. "

" I am not often wrong. " Iantha said. And for the first time, there was fear in his voice." Given that I'm not often wrong and Seer bears mostly daughters. Even the Emperor's consort produced only females. "

" Brother, " said Ozius. " You said there will be something important for me. "

" Listen to my brother. He aspires to rule my place, yet he cannot rule himself. "