

Mark Lee a young adult who was searching for light in his life. He grew up being alone, and yearning his peers attention, love and support. But failing to realize that his money, wasn't the answer to solve all of his problems

Constantly working. Working himself to the bone, breaking records early on to create his own system, and his own standards. While failing to realize that no one cared about his accomplishments, they just wanted to know who he really was.

Constantly thinking. Thinking on his next goal, his next project, his next tactic to beat the competitors. Never thinking for longer than a minute about his loved ones.

Constantly pushing his feelings aside, never noticing the pain his lover was feeling. He pushed and pushed and pushed and eventually they fell together.

And how him, constantly, pushing his loved ones away, was the only thing left constant in his life.

Never noticing the distance he had created, because all of his walls were constantly up. Up to the fact that it never really occurred to him how far away he was from reality.