
Conflicting Ideals

Shirou had always trusted in his ideals. In this world full of heroes though, Shirou finds the entire system flawed. The heroes of today were well moulded in their beliefs. The potential heroes of tomorrow however were a different story.

I_need_help999 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Aizawa shuffled to the front of the class, still clad in his sleeping bag. The professional hero took in the looks sent his way by the students that he would be teaching this year. He knew they were looking at him in more of a state of confusion, after all the teachers here at U.A were all professional heroes and he was somebody that nobody would recognize without his gear on. His disheveled look was haggard at best, completely unpresentable on the media front.

"It took eight seconds for you to quiet down," he said stoically after having shrugged off his sleeping bag. "Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?"

He could see in the eyes of those before him that a number were still confused, possibly about his looks or hopefully about what he had said. He could see though that there definitely at least one student who understood what he was saying.

Shirou Emiya, the student who scored the highest score in the opening exam. The student who also had to score the highest score or he wouldn't have been accepted at all into the academy, regardless of his skill level. Shirou was looking at him with a sense of understanding, eyes which understood that time was far more valuable than any currency in the world.

"I'm your homeroom teacher, Shoto Aizawa.

Pleased to meet you." Rummaging through the sleeping bag he had only just gotten out of, he pulled out a set of gym clothes. "Quickly now.

Change into your gym clothes and head out to the grounds.

They all stood up and shuffled out towards where the changing room was located, Aizawa watching them one by one. As one of the students walked past however he grabbed them on the shoulder and pulled them out of the line. "Can I help you sensei?" asked Shirou.

"I just wanted a quick word," stated Aizawa as the last of the remaining students left the room. "After all, not all students get such special treatment as you.

"I believe that not all students have the ultimatum that if they don't rank as the highest in the entry exam they are sent into a juvenile facility," said Shirou. His comments caused the smallest of smiles to spread across Aizawa's face.

*"At least we know where we stand," said the teacher. "We had quite a few meetings about you ad your friend. Cementoss even went out of his way to build the two of you two homes on campus. Just as they were built so easily, so too canthey be taken down as easily.

"If that a threat sensei?"

"A number of students and faculty members were able to hear Bakugo's outburst from down the halls. The confrontation may have been momentarily neutralized but don't think for a second that if you step out of line attempting to quell the situation, you may very well force my hand."

Even though there was quite a bit left unsaid as Aizawa stepped out of the room, Shirou opted not to pursue any further conversation. He knew that his time in this academy would be monitored more than any other student whom he was studying with. It was kind of a given thanks to the circumstances which forced him to be a prisoner of this institute. Any signs that he was heading towards a path of villainy in the eyes of the faculty would result in immediate expulsion and his arrest. Or at least they would try to arrest him.

Try being the optimal word.

• •

"Whoa, this is awesome!"

"Seven hundred and five metres, seriously?"

"So we can use our quirks for real? The hero course is great!"

Yaoyorozu listened to the chatter happening around her, many of them gushing over Bakugo's ability to launch the ball such a distance. She knew that such tests were necessary and even though it was almost a bit premature considering it was the first thing they were doing together as a class it wasn't too unexpected. She was more than confident in her own abilities, both having gotten through to the hero course via a recommendation and in her knowledge of what she was capable of.

That was more than impressive in its own right but she couldn't help but be interested in seeing the skill levels of her peers.

Looking around at said peers, many of them had gone into momentary shock the moment that their sensei had declared that the student who scored the lowest over the eight events would be expelled. She had no fear of ranking so low amongst those around her and watching how some reacted told her a lot about their character.

As Aizawa continued talking she took in some of the more exuberant of reactions.

A few were nervous, almost to the point of panic while others seemed to have become more focused. More than a few were smiling, as if pleased to have this opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. Then there were those who had no emotion to the news whatsoever. Two stood out.

One was the boy with dual coloured hair and the burn mark across his left eye. He was almost stoic in his reaction, unfazed by those around him.

Then there was the red haired student who was gazing at everyone with analytical eyes. At first she thought that he was simply sizing up the competition. That was until their eyes met. She could feel her breath catch in her throat as the student looked at her and she felt her body stiffen ever so slightly. It was as if simply by looking at her he was asking her a simple question.

Why are you here?

His gaze moved on to the person next to her and she still found it difficult to relax. How long had they maintained eye contact? Surely no longer than a couple of seconds but she couldn't help but feel that in those few seconds he had learned a lot more about her than she had about him.

"We'll start with the fifty metre dash," declared Aizawa, snapping Yaoyorozu out of her stupor, noticing that the area where they would be tested had already been set up. "Yaoyorozu, Emiya, the two of you are first. Remember to use your abilities to the fullest."

Switching back into game mode, Yaoyorozu lightly slapped at her cheeks as she and the person whom had rattled her so stepped forward to the starting line. She was accepted into the Hero course through a recommendation and she was determined to show that she was worthy of having been given such an honour.

Unfortunately she couldn't think of any way to increase her time. Skates would potentially work but they were more suited to a concrete floor and would risk losing traction across the dirt surface. It was within her power to craft a bicycle but precious seconds would be wasted getting onto her mode of transportation and getting started.

Complicated physics equations started running through her head as she tried to figure out other ways in which she could lower her time.

"On your marks," stated Aizawa.

Momo blinked before taking her position. Why was she so rattled? She should have been able to come up with a simple solution. Why was nothing coming to mind?

Was it all because of the person next to her?


Yaoyorozu ran. She would finish in a more than admirable six point four nine seconds but would later have a restless night, her mind going over every possible way in which she could have bettered her run. Especially with what Shirou accomplished.

Four point eight three. An incredible feat, one which was getting a mild applause from those watching but they likely hadn't noticed what she had.

Shirou had ran. That was all. As far as she could tell, there was no use of a quirk. That was his base speed. That was on the proviso that his quirk didn't enhance his natural ability but she had seen nothing that suggested it. Also it didn't help that while she currently had her hands on her knees taking in deep breaths, Shirou didn't look exhausted in the slightest. Was this a game to him? Could he have gone faster? How long could he keep up that speed?

Who was Shirou?

Grip strength.

Standing long jump.

Side stepping.

While Shirou didn't rank the highest out of those around him, he had definitely found himself in the upper echelon of those around his current age. At the same time though he hadn't pushed himself to what he was truly capable of. Mostly because he wouldn't be able to justify what they believed his quirk was.

As far as they were aware, he had a weapon creation quirk, one which centred mostly around bladed weapons. If only they had any true idea of how deep his abilities truly went.

His physical abilities had to be at their peak. He had lost count of the amount of times he had been sent to tackle something which others had dared not cross. Shirou had to be stronger, faster, better in order to survive. So he became stronger, faster, better, his body reaching the peaks that he could achieve before striving to climb even higher.

This was all before he added his reinforcement to

the mix.

He had yet to apply any of his reinforcement to any of these tests, his natural abilities already bordering on superhuman. He had always pushed himself, having felt so outclassed by the Heroes that had been summoned during the Holy Grail war went to show just how weak he was. Starting with his pitiful bout with Lancer to going head to head with Gilgamesh. While none he had encountered afterwards had been as terrifying as the heroic spirits that had been summoned from different eras, he had always been more than aptly prepared for any potential confrontation.

Or at least he had hoped so.

"Shirou, you're up," declared Aizawa, tossing the ball to his student.

Catching it nonchalantly, Shirou stepped up to the circle and momentarily considered his options. He had yet to show off what these people believed his

'quirk' truly was and this was an event designed to display his abilities. The record at the moment still stood at Bakugo's original seven hundred and five metres, Shirou not really counting Uraraka's ball having been defined as going an infinite distance.

That was a technicality at the best.

There was a wide range of distances that had been thrown, the greatest out of pure strength having gone to the Shoji, the teenage student who had had the strongest grip strength amongst his peers.

On the complete other side of the spectrum thus far had been Mineta, the diminutive kid with purple balls growing from his head had amassed a whole hearted twenty six metres.

Shirou knew that he could easily reach a distance far greater than any who had gone before, Uraraka not counting. The one joy of having been sent out to track down and defeat innumerable targets meant that his arsenal grow with every battle. He could bring forth something as common as a baseball bat and hit the ball around the three hundred metre mark, four to five if he added a touch of reinforcement.

Alternatively he could use a touch of his weaponry.

He could bring forth the traditional Yumi, or perhaps even craft an English Longbow, pierce the ball on an arrow and put his teenage years of archery training to the test. If he wanted to be a complete showoff he could use the bow he had witnessed Archer use against Caster back at Ryuudou temple. Archer's original weapon, one without a name yet strong enough to carry the necessary burden brought forth by the sheer power of Noble Phantasms.

An incredible bow, one which could launch a projectile miles further than Bakugo's explosive throw.

Yet he had no intention of showing these guys what he was truly capable of.

He threw the ball. The object was launched, far further than what anybody could have imagined possible without any sort of quirk being shown.

Once again, it didn't break any records but it would definitely cause some eyebrows to be raised.

Shirou had expected this, of course he had. The entire time that the test was going on he knew he alone was being specifically watched. Sadly, it wasn't by Aizawa, he had plans well in place to deal with the stoic teacher were he to raise some questions.

Sadly he had been prevented from leaving by a number of his classmates, ilt would seem that he had gotten the attention of a number of those who weren't exactly thrilled by his results. Five of them to be precise.

Bakugo and Kirishima had been expected, both of them were hot headed from what he had seen and had pushed themselves during the tests. It was weird seeing their competitiveness and having a small knowing that the two of them would likely drive each other to greater heights.

lida was another one who wasn't surprising, though his vendetta still probably stemmed from the incident earlier in the day as opposed to what happened during their display of skills.

The last two were more than a little surprising.

Yaoyorozu had been giving him off looks throughout the day ever since they had locked eyes before the two of them had raced in the first test. Even during the classes in between then and nowhe had felt her eyes wander onto him as he did his work.

The final student who had decided to momentarily miss the lunch break was Todoroki. Shirou had yet to interact with the quiet student but it was clear during the testing period that he had the potential to become someone special. The way he had used his ice quirk had shown that he had a good grasp on what he was capable of but Shirou had an inkling suspicion that Todoroki hadn't gone all out during the tests either. It would be interesting to see just what the ice wielder was truly able to accomplish.

"I don't know why these guys are here, but what I wanna know is why is a villain like you at a school for heroes?" asked Kirishima, the brass teenager breaking the somewhat awkward silence.

"The deal between me and the faculty is none of your concern," declared Shirou.

"No, it doesn't. What I do care about is the safety Of…

"If you're worried about me attacking any of the students here, don't. I'm not that kind of person," assured Shirou, earning a scoff from Bakugo.

"And we're meant to believe you villain, after you fought my brother and all those other heroes?" asked lida, clearly not believing a word Shirou was saying. Considering the 'minor' altercation they got into this morning before class had even begun it was clear that lida's opinion would be more than a little biased.

"What is a hero? What is a villain? Who determines who is given these labels? Why must everything be on such different sides of the spectrum? I know of those who steal in order to provide food for starving children, if they are caught then those kids will die. I know of those who do good, there public face a beacon for all to see before they return to the lab and experiment on human guinea pigs who beg for the sweet release of death."

Shirou was painting a picture for them and it was clear that they were more than a little uncomfortable with what he was saying.

Yaoyorozu had gone slightly more pale in the cheeks and even the normally poker faced

Todoroki seemed to be swallowing a lump that had formed in his throat.

"You are all here to become heroes, at least in the most commonplace version of the word," continued Shirou. "What happens when you leave here and the masses know your names? Will they chant for you in the streets or be pleading for you to hold off the enemy until someone stronger arrives? Never stop pushing yourselves and become the hero that people can count on in any situation."

"And what about you?" asked Todoroki. "Will the pedole call for you in the streets to come save them?"

"No," said Shirou slowly. "If people are going to be saved."

"Are going to be saved?" repeated Kirishima. "You make it sound like heroes fail to..."

"They do, heroes fail all the time either to those they are trying to protect...or themselves," said Shirou momentarily recalling Archer, the false hero who had fallen from his ideals. The false hero he so desperately wished he could simply forget but knew deep down that he never would be able to.

The false hero who he had become. The false hero that he had the potential to become.

Taking a breath, Shirou focused on those around him. "The word hero has changed a lot over history, the world we live in today is proof of that.

In centuries to come though, your names will be nothing more than a part of a list of those who failed to stand out; one of hundreds if not thousands of those who decided that they were content to be just another hero."

As Shirou moved towards the exit, his part having been said he could hear the clenching of a fist behind him. "I'm going to be number one you here!" shouted Bakugo though Shirou paid it minimal thought. It was good to have aspirations to be the best in the world, because only then cold you see how difficult the path to become the best truly was.

"Man, that totally didn't go the way I thought it would," said Kirishima as he placed his hands on the back of his head.

"You wished to catch him plotting something nefarious?" asked lida as Bajugo stomped out of the classroom, each step banging on the floor.

"Nah, I wanted to try and figure out why he attacked the heroes back then," said Kirishima with a shrug. "Everyone had an idea as to why but nobody knows the truth. Even hearing what he had to say makes you know that the answer is nowhere near as simple as it should be."

"Agreed," said lida, albeit mildly reluctantly. "Might linquire as to your thoughts on the matter Yaoyorozu?"

"Well," started Momo, momentarily trying to get her thoughts to align. "I know I for one am here to show the world that I am someone worthy of being a hero. At least I thought I was."

She was shaken, it was clear to see. Those who had observed her at the start of the day had seen a woman full of confidence, ready to tackle any and all obstacles before her. Not even a full day had passed and already her confidence had waned greatly. All because of one person.

Todoroki pushed himself off of the wall he had been leaning against and started heading towards the exit. "Do you have nothing to add?" asked lida, causing the teenager to stop in his tracks.

There were several seconds of silence before

Todoroki gave his answer. "Nothing I say will make a difference." As he exited three words rang through the remaining students minds. Make a difference. Could they make a difference in this world? Unfortunately as they answered that they would make a difference, they couldn't do so with the conviction they so desperately wished they could muster.

"This is highly irregular Aizawa," said All Might.

"Irregular or not he is in my class and as such plays by my rules," stated the quirk cancelling teacher. "It's not as if he can't handle the situation."

"What does this show the other students?"

"That even in unfair situations the person with the greater amount of skill will be victorious."

"You're wanting me to test their dedication to becoming a hero?"

"Something like that," said Aizawa with a shrug of his shoulders as he left All Might alone, his spiel having been said. The top hero would be hosting battle training the following afternoon and if he did as he was told, it would definitely be a training not to miss.