

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Kỳ huyễn
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134 Chs

The Widower

"I am the widower a being of pure death I am the one who reaps The souls of the Damned and righteous. I cannot for your sympathy I only wish for your soul to be mine and to be gathered within my web of lies and deceit. it's not that the after world I created it's bad for you but it's all an illusion doesn't even exist it's not even truly that it's just a fantasy. any believe that I am the only true God I'm not even a god I don't have any power over anything except the soul and illusion." A raspy husky old woman's voice whispers.

"I am the broken the endless one was not been found within this world I am the shattered, the depressed, the mourning, the Lost, and the decrepit. I am what is made of nightmass licking deep in your conscience I am not revealed to all but hidden beneath your sorrows and misery. I'm the lies of one tell us oneself keep oneself sleep filled. I am hitting knowledge yet common sense at the same time no one truly looks for me yet I can be found within plain sight. I am the Geesastusi."

"I am the seeker the finder of lies and deceit. I seek out the living and dead I'm the scavenger the finder of trinkets, the living and dead. I am the treasure yet not I'm the trap yet without a trigger. I lay in wait with ambush but also I hunt without a cry. I'm not what you seek but what you find. I'm not within plain sight yet you can find me and are always looking upon me. I'm not hitting as a treasure but what contains it my life is a lie yet many seek me out not for lie but for the truth. I am TeriTu The mimic God."

"Gastly is my realm hidden within it are many lies and many truths not many come here on their own will. life can be cut short by Fate as it seems but whose strings the webs of fate or who winds up Infinity. I am not seen yet I am within every person I'm always there always watching always judging but I give mercy and judgment within the same sentence. I condemn and forgive with one prosecution. none can escape my court and none seek to be there but all end up in it anyway. I am Xurit the Judge Jury and Executioner of Hell."

"life is simple life is fair is it not or is it what is a riddle but a fiddle or play on words within the cradle there lies a baby what is its name nobody will know for it's already dead. Humor dark humor and humor are all the same you can see within the lines between the worlds just by glimpsing upon a chuckle. laugh as you might you cannot fight. what is a riddle and what is a laugh they both come from the same source don't you all see. I am Huromor the false God of Humor."

"system system you gave me power what's your score or goal. don't scream nobody will hear you anyway and it's not like I care. life is like a flower so easy to crush and rip and tear. system system what's your goal I just want to kill them all. death distraction decay everything is all right don't let me get you all alone for you'll die several different ways. I am Massacre The God." A deep childlike broken voice sings.

" Hi how are you would you like to play a game oh you don't that's sad why don't you play a game with me I can be your friend for all of eternity don't you want to play why are you saying anything please just want more game it's only been a century provided you with everything you needed to live why won't you play one more game. I am Innocence the God." A child pleads with tears in their eyes.

"don't you see it's worthless just kill me if you don't kill me you'll die it's not like I'm making a hard feel just got to stab me through the heart with this blade and I'll die. stop looking at my memories stop looking at my life stop seeing my suffering or I shall kill you. just do your job and kill me hero I don't need to be here I'm the demon you are the hero you should kill me." Depression The God says angrily with their angelic voice.

"stab stab stab the blood spiders everywhere don't you see I'm making a picture look at all the little spider bloods crawling everywhere. you're my friends don't you see I just want friends why don't you guys play with me you only play with me for a couple seconds you don't last long my spider friends that last so long and you guys last long against them too it's fun that way everyone will have fun that way." Nukiopi The God of Decay and Blood playfully suggests

Choose the God/Helper by commenting which one do you want for the hero or villain I don't know what I'm going to choose yet for the next Conceptualize.