
Complex of Time

What is time? Time is something humans can only dream to comprehend, but never truly manage to. Or is it? Join Samuel in uncovering the mysteries of time, and consequently the universe.

Abyss_of_Infinity · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs

That shit is too whack!

"Now explain yourself! What was all of that, and why did it happen?"

"It was a trial. You were pulled in as my opponent. You were there for the rest, so I don't think I need to explain any further. Now, now, before you say anything further, I think we can engage in a little trade, just between the two of us. I don't have to explain anything, and I will tell you something important about the Lokola empire that you would die to know. How about it?"

With a speed nearly unmatched by every and all internet users back on Earth, Samuel rapidly opened the quest page and selected [Repay Your Debts], waiting for some extra information that he could use in this trade and at the same time get some more resources. Samuel was 99% certain the reason the mission was Mortal/Enlightenment was because he could solve it through Sylvia, thus leading to the current situation.

"What information could you possibly have regarding the Lokola Empire that I don't already possess? Nevermind that, but it is stated in your interrogation transcript that you didn't even know of the existence of the empire before you got here. So, that was a lie?"

"No, that was not a lie. Who says I can't obtain any information down here? Not everyone is as inept as you, the Enlightenment stage powerhouse who lost to me, a Superior Mortal weakling. Just trust me, this is information vital to the entire future of the empire. If the information is not adequate, then I will tell you the full truth about the situation. Deal?"

"Do you think I will engage in a trade that probably favors you when you have such an attitude? I will agree on one condition: you have to admit that I am superior to you."

"You, Sylvia White, are a superior being to the lowly Samuel Afton. Please accept my offer to trade!"

'How can I, Samuel, whatever the fuck my last name is, ever admit someone to be superior to me? I don't know who that Samuel Afton guy is, but he's probably inferior to her. Now, hopefully, the information from the quest is adequate, or else...'

[Repay Your Debts (Accepted)]

[The Chancellor has secretly reached the peak of the Enlightenment Realm, and with the support of the Kuliflower, Heaven Bloom, Green Mountain, and the Dipper sects, he is in the midst of staging a rebellion. In the chamber located thirty meters below his main office, all the evidence you need to incriminate him lies. Beware that the Empress is an ally of the Chancellor, ready to stop anyone who opposes them.]

'Well, if I were to do this by myself, I think this would be nearly worthless information, but for Sylvia, I think it should be enough.

"Very well, Samuel. What is the important information that you have?"

Samuel proceeded to recite what the system told him, just in a more charismatic way, which definitely was not delivered in an inappropriate tone. God, Samuel would make for such a good actor or politician. With a performance like this, his path to glory was definitely set in stone.

'Never mind the fact that Samuel is having a stroke; the information he gave is indeed pretty serious, especially since the emperor has a protection agreement with the sect, as well as the crown prince being a potential recruit of ours. I think I would be rewarded pretty handsomely for the intel as well; maybe I would be allowed into the Hall of Forgotten Tomes!'

"That information was sufficient, but only barely. I will go survey this chamber you spoke of to confirm your words. Stay here in the meantime; I'll be back when I'm done."

"I get that you want to thank me and everything, but it's not necessary. You don't have to come back."

What the fuck? Was she not supposed to be so touched that he saved the empire that she would clear him of all suspicion before letting him go, free to live his life as he pleases? How come she remembers the supervision nonsense? Damn.

"You are under my care; how can I not come back for you? I won't be long."

Almost to prove her words, she disappeared like the wind. Gone in a flash. The only evidence of her presence being the soul-healing carpet, her odor, the open door, and the confused General Calching in the hallway.

"General? What are you doing here?"

Forced out of his stupor, Calching collected his words for a bit before managing to string a coherent sentence together.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior under our interrogation. I now know you are nothing but an innocent bystander. Please forgive me! I have been going crazy with guilt these past couple days. I can't live knowing I hurt your weak little self. I, General Calching, the protector of the empire and its people, should never act in such a way. I know nothing I say makes up for what I have done to you, but please, I need to hear you say you forgive me, lest I can't live with myself any longer."

'NO! The effects of Pathetic are permanent! System bitch, I removed the effect of Pathetic; why is he still acting this way?"

[Those who have already been killed in a fire will not be brought back to life just because the fire is put out. The same applies here; the damage is already done. Personally, I find his way of treating you to be perfectly normal. You are an absolute fucking idiot after all.]

'Why can't it just shut up after saying the not-mean stuff? Whatever. I am never reactivating the Pathetic perks. That shit is too whack.'

"I forgive you, General Calching. It was my fault for being at the wrong place at the wrong time; you were only doing your job. Do not fret over such things. But it is good to know that the empire has such a capable and just general protecting them. It brings ease to my soul."

Tears! Such a performance was, yet again, capable of bringing tears to those who witnessed it. How honorable and big-hearted Samuel was! Claching clearly felt the same way, as he stormed off, crying his brain out, as his heavy whimpers and 'thank yous' echoed throughout the hallway they were in.

'I do not understand what just happened. But... it was good? Wait, if he is not here and Sylvia is not here, does that mean I can escape?'

That's goddamn right, he could! Wooh baby, Samuel the Pussy Slayer is back! The unfettered, undefeatable, charismatic, and just hero the realm needs is about to return. Who can ever shackle excellence itself? There were some very weak spatial suppressions present in the complex he was in, but they were far from enough to stop his escape. Just as he was about to open a tear in space and run for his, cough, walk away with confidence, the smell of flowers, blood, and a sore loser came from his side. Almost afraid of turning his head because of the horrendous implications it could have, Samuel slowly turned his eyes towards Sylvia.

"Going somewhere?"

"Where could I ever be going without you? Who do you think I am? Let's go now that you are back. I have been really longing for some fresh air."

Lies kept emerging from Samuel's sacred mouth, making Sylvia's lips twitch in exasperation. How could anyone be so shameless? No matter. He was strong and talented; outrageously so, she absolutely needed to recruit him to join the sect. Well, it shouldn't be difficult, as in the history of the Shattered Realm, only one person ever rejected their invitation, and everyone knows what happened to him. She was confident she would receive an abundant amount of resources from the information she just handed over to her teacher, Nicholas, and even more bountiful resources from recruiting this monster.

"By the way, Sylvia, I can sense that you are not more than 22 years old. Why do you have such an old name as Lady White? It totally makes you sound like some predatory old vixen, using the blood of infants to stay young in appearance. Don't you females all care about your image?"

"What!? Do people think that about my name? But everyone I asked said it was a great cover name. What the fuck!? Thank God, I have been wearing the veil in all public settings. Come, we need to leave so that I can request a transfer of post. There is no way I can stay here any longer with this kind of name ruining my reputation!"

Before Samuel could respond to the rambling madwoman, whom he was just trying to insult rather than actually being curious about her name, he was dragged through a weird tunnel of sorts. It was not quite the same as his Dimensional Tear ability, but similar. Samuel deduced that the technique Sylvia was using utilized certain pathways in the amalgamation of laws which is the Shattered Realm. Unfortunately, he did not get the chance to study the phenomenon around them, as he appeared in a castle of sorts.

"Sylvia, is this the kid you told me about? He is indeed extraordinary, especially with those eyes. The feeling they bring is similar to that of the cosmos itself; very interesting."

Standing in front of the slightly disoriented Samuel and the fidgety Sylvia, who wanted nothing but to get out of the empire, was an old, sage-like existence. He wore a typical gray daoist robe, had long white hair and a beard, a hunched back, and a slit between his eyes.

"My name is Nicholas Kellin, the guardian of the Cyan continent on behalf of the Overlord Sect. Nice to meet you."