
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Phim ảnh
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158 Chs

Chapter 7


Odin's attention was not on the quarrel between Thor and others in the chat room.

He looked at Loki in the light screen and frowned slightly.

What he cared about was not the talent of the other party, but that he in another world allowed Loki to learn the Rune.

Although so many years have passed, he already regards the other person as his son in his heart and has feelings for him.

But at the beginning of that year, he did not give the child the opportunity to come into contact with higher powers.

Even the magic is only for Frigga to teach phantom magic.

This also indirectly caused Loki to be weak now.

But looking at it now, this decision is definitely the right one.

So the question is, why did the other self let Loki learn the runes? this is so strange

[In the garden]

[Although he was beaten to death, as a royal member of the Asa Clan, his defense power is also amazing.]

[Plus I'm used to being beaten, so it's not a problem except for a little pain.]

[Thor looked up at the sky, and something suddenly occurred to his mindless eyes, so he groaned:]

["What was the phantom just now? You have never used it before."]

[That giant shield was obviously a new combination of Looney's runes. He was not surprised that Loki had learned a new one.]

[It's just that he doesn't understand the latter part.]

[At this time, Loki had sat down again, picked up the book, and said calmly:]

["Just the simplest elementary phantom magic"]

["Do you want to learn? I'll teach you."]

[Demon, magic?…Sol's face twitched and he closed his mouth.]

[A rune is enough to choke him, but adding a magic spell won't kill him!]

[If you don't learn, you definitely won't learn! ]

Hearing this voice, Agatha's eyes outside the light screen were filled with jealousy!

She wandered for hundreds of years and explored many dangerous secret places before she obtained more than a dozen runes (she just guessed they were runes).

There is a lot of magic in the Dark God Book that I found!

But other than simply using it, she didn't dare to learn it.

As a result, Sol didn't want to learn even though he had such good conditions. This really made her almost crazy with jealousy!

[Seeing Thor looking like a dead pig, Loki sighed and said:]

["Thor, you and my brother, will I still harm you?"]

["You must know that knowledge is the foundation of this world, and power is just the simplest tool among them."]

["Do you think Asgard can stand at the top of the Nine Realms because of its kindness?"]

Accuser Ronan: Haha, this Loki is a bit interesting. At such a young age, he can actually see through the nature of the jungle.

Black Bolt: Although it is a bit cruel, it is indeed a fact! If you are weak, even your own planet No one can protect them.

Outside the light curtain, the Avengers felt the deepest feelings about this sentence.

If it weren't for this war, they wouldn't have known that the universe was so cruel.

I didn't expect that Loki, at such a young age, could think of this truth.

[At this time, Thor said nonchalantly:]

["It's enough to have you"]

[Loki looked down at his immature brother and suddenly said:]

["What if there is no me?"]

["Then I rely on Mjolnir!"Saul's eyes showed longing, and he giggled and said:]

["My father told me before that he would give me that weapon whe

n I grow up!"]

[Loki shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene, so he put his hand directly on the other person's face, and his tone became tough again:]

["On the second page, the first three runes, learn their functions and principles!"]

["Otherwise, you are not allowed to eat"]

[Thor was dissatisfied at first, but after hearing the three words, he immediately laughed out loud:]

["no problem!"]

["Hello brother, I know I feel sorry for you~ I will take you to the Kingdom of Light in a few days. I heard that the light elves there are very interesting."]

[He was so happy that he completely forgot how painful it was to be beaten before. ]

Natasha: I'm afraid this Loki didn't want Thor to learn three runes from the beginning.

Clint: Why do you say that?


Mage King: Indeed! After the beating, Sol was obviously much more honest, and his boredom was gone.

Tony: Look at Sol Le, he is really being manipulated!

After hearing these words, Thor outside the light curtain looked at the screen and couldn't help but tremble.

One thing to say.

If it weren't for the explanation in the chat room, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that this Loki was a bit scary, and it was better to be his stupid brother.

[As the eldest prince of the Asa clan, is Thor stupid?]

[Loki concluded that….This guy's brain probably doesn't need to be trained, it's just muscles.]

[Three Runes took Thor an entire afternoon to memorize.]

[As for understanding the principles and usage….]

[Loki didn't expect this, not even when his father told him about it.]

[Let Thor remember that this is all about training this guy]

[As the eldest prince of the Immortal Palace, it would be too embarrassing to not recognize a rune. ]

Outside the light curtain, the Avengers looked over again.

Thor touched his nose awkwardly.

I don't know what happened, but he didn't become the God of Thunder.

These mortals are so rude


[After dinner, Loki came to the end of the world alone]

[He sat on the edge of the continent, and the water of the waterfall flew down into the void.]

[But in fact, in his eyes, all the water was submerged into a hole in the World Tree]


[The World Tree, which does not appear in the mortal world, is extremely clear in his eyes]

[It is extremely huge, with dreamlike branches and leaves all over the starry sky in front of you. It is a miracle in the universe!]

[And here is just a small part of it]


[Loki isn't here just for the sights!]

[He raised his head and looked at it carefully for a few times, as if to imprint the miniature of World Tree into his heart, and then slowly closed his eyes.]

[The next second, he began to enter a state of enlightenment!]

[This is what he accidentally discovered one day]

[Meditating under the World Tree helps him understand the world]

[Of course, it's a bit illusory to say this.]

[The real benefit is that his mental power will increase with each meditation!]

[same moment]

[Loki, who had his eyes closed, didn't see it. The moment he entered deep meditation, the World Tree shook slightly.]

[The next second, wisps of seven-colored mist that could not be seen in the world appeared and slowly fell on Loki. ]