
Comparing The Two Lokis, The God Of Story Is Shocking And Diverse!

The comparison character is Loki!In the original world, Loki was emotionally extreme and was not only exploited by Thanos, but also caused his mother to die from the invasion of dark elves because of a word of revenge!He was afraid of being alone, but lost himself. When he woke up, he died at the hands of Thanos!But the other Loki was different from the beginning!Not only did he know how to think about himself and understand the world at a young age.He is also extremely talented, not only can he control the Runes, but he can also awaken the power of ice!And he also created all magic and became the master of magic!till the end!Time becomes his throne!Order and chaos are his servants!The dream turns into a shadow behind you!The story of the Almighty Universe….written by Him! !

Big_Eve · Phim ảnh
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158 Chs

Chapter 14

[Awakening the Godhead….Loki couldn't help but look surprised]

[Isn't something like divine power awakened? If it exists, it exists, if it doesn't, it doesn't exist.]

[At this moment, he suddenly thought of the blue energy that had just disappeared into the flesh and blood.]

[In this way, that thing is a gift from the World Tree]

["So, the divinity of the gods is actually related to the World Tree?"]

[Loki asked curiously:]

[The complicated color in Odin's eyes flashed away:]

["related, but this is only one of them"]

["The specific reasons are very complicated, and you need to explore and understand them by yourself in the future."]

Outside the light screen, Odin understood why his other self didn't tell Loki everything.

The other person's life experience is just one of them.

The most important thing is that the origin of the Asa clan is not only related to the World Tree, but also to the ancient gods of the earth.

And the ancient gods….There are too many secrets involved, and they are even more terrifying.

Sometimes not knowing a secret means safety.

Just like those beings in the shadows, he suppressed this secret in his heart and never told anyone.

[Loki nodded]

[Knowing what the blue energy just now represented, he felt a lot more at ease.]

[Otherwise, thinking about it every day will only make your spirit more and more exhausted, and even affect your soul.]

[At this time Odin showed a smile and continued:]

["According to records, the gift from the World Tree will last until you reach adulthood. In other words, I have begun to look forward to what kind of divine power you will awaken."]

[Hearing this, Loki's eyes flashed with anticipation.]

[Because awakening the godhead is not just about gaining new power]

[Your own magical power will also be converted into higher-level divine power, and the effect of using magic will be more powerful.]

[Time starts to move forward!]

[Another hundred years passed in the blink of an eye]

[That night, Loki, who was meditating under the World Tree, suddenly sensed something and opened his eyes.]

[He looked down at his palms]

[Through the fair skin, the originally bright red flesh and blood inside seemed to have completely turned into ice blue.]

[It contains a coldness that seems to freeze everything.]

["The power of ice?…"]

[Loki muttered]

[But when he raised his head and looked up at the shadow of the World Tree, he didn't see a trace of red disappearing through the ice-blue blood vessels.]

[At this time, the shadow of the World Tree slowly dimmed.]

[Loki felt something]

[time has come]

[From today on, the World Tree should no longer drop gifts.]

[But he didn't feel any loss]

[Because he also had a premonition]

[Your own destiny is about to begin]

[Seven days later!]

[Asgard blooms with dazzling eternal glory in the universe!]

[The lands governed by the Nine Realms all offer their loyalty and treasures to witness the birth of the new god!]

[In the golden temple, under the spotlight!]

[Loki and Thor walked out from both sides of the hall, and stood in the center of

the temple with the totems of the Aesir clan engraved with the overwhelming cheers.]


[God King Odin stood up from his throne and told the history and glory of Asgard!]

[A few minutes later, Odin raised the Eternal Spear, and countless golden thunders began to roam over the God's Domain. The powerful power of Odin began to accumulate!!]

[The divine awakening ceremony is about to begin!]

[Sol looked excited. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.]

[But at this moment, he suddenly saw Loki walking out of the totem ring.]

["What are you doing Loki! ?"]

[Thor looked anxious, and as he spoke, he reached out to catch his brother.]

[Not only him, but the people of Asgard who were present at this moment, and the Lords of the Nine Realms who came to witness all showed puzzled looks.]

[The former looked worried]

[Among the latter, some lords were looking forward to something scandalous happening in their hearts.]

[They surrendered because of Asgard's force, loyalty is just a joke]

[Loki easily dodged Thor's outstretched hand, and his calm voice was extremely clear in the temple:]

["Stand back, Sol"]

["Don't worry, I just don't need this"]

[It was at this moment that a golden beam of light fell from the temple, completely engulfing Thor.]

[Loki just stood quietly aside. For a moment, there was a strong contrast with Thor who was half-kneeling on the ground in the beam of light and suffering great pain.]

[After dozens of breaths!]

[With a roar that seemed to break through everything, a thunder sounded in the sky!]

[In an instant, dense thunder and lightning broke out from Sol's body and soared into the sky!]

[At this time, the beam of Odin's divine power disappeared, and the vision on Thor disappeared. His hands, which were a little weak, were leaning on the ground, breathing heavily.]


[Sol's face showed excitement and joy]

[But he immediately thought of something, his smile faded, and he looked at Loki nervously.]

[not just him]

[At this moment, except for Odin, all the people of Asgard looked at Loki extremely nervously!]

[Although the other party is a new star that makes everyone prouder than Thor, he is considered to be the future glory of God's Domain.]

[But if you don't participate in the ritual awakening, the risk is too great]

[In the history of Asgard, there are Odin and several predecessors who have successfully]

[Definitely no more than five!]

[You can imagine how difficult it is!]

[Some of the lords of the nine realms have eyes full of worry, while others are waiting deep in their eyes for the Immortal Palace to make a fool of themselves.]

[That will definitely have an impact on Asgard's dominance!]

[Loki seemed indifferent to all this]

[He ignored the gazes around him]

[First he glanced at King Odin, then turned to look at the God Queen standing on the left side of the altar.]

[After showing a confident and affirmative smile to her mother,]

[Loki stepped forward into the air in front of him, stepping on the invisible steps.]

[The gears of fate begin to turn at this moment! ]