
32 Return

I was surprised by my grandfather's words and they made me feel bitterly sweet. I did not expect him to make me his heir so quickly and with so many witnesses, which eliminated disputes about the inheritance in the future ... but changing my name was out of the question... Although there were cases of adopting a stranger to the family coat of arms or changing the name, it was rather applied to the lower classes and poor nobility.

There were instances that a poor nobleman allowed a rich merchant to join his coat of arms, a nobleman gained money, and a merchant a title which he could not otherwise get, and thanks to this he could also buy land. It was unworthy behavior in the eyes of most nobles, but nobody likes being poor, especially when they don't have to.

The second aspect is respect, if someone renounces their name to take over the inheritance of a relative... someone like that did not have a good opinion.

Often, several generations spare no effort and blood to gain honor and recognition for their family and surname ... it was similar in my case, the Jazłowiecki family was wealthy, but did not belong to the magnates. However, my grandfather, he had the ducal title and was one of the richest people in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but he agreed to the wedding of his daughter with someone of theoretically inferior position.

I got up from my chair, people's eyes focused on me, and there was silence again. I looked at the faces of the gathered guests ... fuck... my money.

"I don't know what to say, I am not used to making speeches. The only speeches I gave were to my soldiers and due to the presence of women I will not be quoting them ... and now I would like to thank my grandfather for his trust and honor, but unfortunately I have to refuse to his condition. What kind of son would I be if I renounced my father's surname? I have to refuse." (MC)

It was something unreal, someone gave me money and I refused and it all took place in public ... I regretted what I said, but I was aware that it was the only reasonable option. Money can always be made, repairing reputation is much more difficult... people always prefer to remember other people's mistakes than successes.

The atmosphere at the party almost did not change, or I did not feel it, my grandfather also acted unchanged, as if he did not hear my words ... we will see what will happen next, but I will rather shorten my stay in Tarnów. Three hours later, the party is over, for today at least, some guests have arrived, some have left ... but tomorrow is another feast day and then another.

I was about to go to my room when one of my grandfather's servants informed me that he was waiting for me in the library ...

"Before you say anything, listen to me. The announcement that you are my main heir probably surprised you, you also refused very quickly. So I have another offer, you do not have to get rid of the name Jazłowiecki, but you have to change your surname to Jazłowiecki-Ostrogski. What do you think?" (Janusz Ostrogski)

It was a proposal that I could agree to, it was similar in history, my cousin Dominik inherited everything, he also took an additional part of the name... since there was Zasławski-Ostrogski, it can also be Jazłowiecki-Ostrogski.

When God closes one door, he opens another ... these doors once again led me to the treasury. Apparently God or the Gods want me to be rich and I can't go against their will.

Of course, I agreed to this proposal, now only an idiot would refuse, grandpa found a good solution ... we talked a while longer, and then I went to my room with a lighter heart, a calmer head and a heavier pocket ... I will have enough to pay off the debts of the King of Sweden that he incurred for the war, of course I will not do it, the more debts he has, the better ... but the awareness that I, not being the King, will be richer than many of them... just thinking about it give ma a erection ... gold and money is a powerful aphrodisiac.

I stayed in Tarnów longer than I had planned, at that time my grandfather introduced me to his business, told me about the property, estates, lands and income. He also arranged ius stapulae for Jazłowiec, but he refused me a letter of recommendation to Emperor Ferdinand, arguing that he did not want his grandson to die in the war of fools... Grandfather, although a Catholic himself, thought that the war between Protestants and Catholics was stupid and that Christians should fear the Ottoman Empire... Which was logical, but wars and religion don't always have something to do with logic.

It was officially announced that I became Janusz Ostrogski's heir, the documents and testamen were written down so that there would be no fight for the inheritance after my grandfather's death... and I realized that signing documents in the future will be a pain in the ass... My official and full title in the future is Prince Wilkomir Michał Jazłowiecki-Ostrogski of Abdank coat of arms. Even introducing myself to someone will require me to catch a second breath.

I left Tarnów on August 14, this time the way back was faster, because I had no reason to stop in Łańcut, I only found out that the brothers' fortune was taken over by their sister, Felicjana. I was not sure what this change would lead to, I only hoped that the property would not be purchased by the Lubomirski family.

I got to Jazłowiec after twelve days ... but I wasn't going to rest, now I had a few new possibilities. Immediately after arriving, I went to my office and wanted to call for Secretary Kowalski.

When I opened the door and saw Sveta washing the floor on her knees ... well Kowalski can wait. I walked over to her, lifted her dress up ...